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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
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Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Chancellor of the Dross
Creature — Phyrexian Vampire
You may reveal this card from your opening hand. If you do, at the beginning of the first upkeep, each opponent loses 3 life, then you gain life equal to the life lost this way. Flying, lifelink
Cloudy2024 on
101% Mono Black Burn
1 month ago
hey Balaam__, such a cool deck! don't know if it would work but you could use Chancellor of the Dross both as an early game and late play.
Cloudy2024 on
Mono Black Devotion
1 month ago
nice! maybe look at using Chancellor of the Dross as its some early aggression and works with sorin.
legendofa on Beating a turn 0 win …
1 year ago
Beat 60x Chancellor of the Dross with 30x Nourishing Shoal and 30x Elvish Spirit Guide. In response to to the upkeep trigger, exile a card to cast Shoal, gain 2-4 life, and stock up on ESG until you can cast one. You can cut this to just the Shoals and a few mulligans if you don't mind the gameplay being 100% draw-go.
Beat the Shoal Spirit Guide combo with 60x Chancellor of the Forge. Start off with seven Goblins and attack hard and fast, outpacing their defenses and lifegain.
Beat CotForge with CotDross.
All of these will probably lose to Thoracle Combo.
Something like 15x Plains, 25x Force of Will, and 20x Angel's Grace would have a strong matchup against Thoracle. Counter the key cards, Grace in response to Thoracle, and wait a turn.
Kazierts on
Monoblack Burn [Budget/Casual/Jank]
2 years ago
wallisface, in regards to your thoughts:
Yes, Fruit of Tizerus isn't great, just as Shock isn't for . However, doesn't have many equivalents to Lightning Bolt.
Following on the topic of a Bolt equivalent, I considered Chancellor of the Dross, but it's a problematic card. It's really only useful on the first turn, becoming even worse on later turns, since its only utility would be Smallpox fodder.
Again I have to agree with your assessment, but just with Sword-Point Diplomacy. 3 mana is kinda slow for burn decks, but I also know one of the main problems with burn decks is they tend to run out of gas. Sword-Point Diplomacy can burn and provide card advantage. Sign in Blood on the other hand is a bit better, being 2 mana. Probably the better option would be Night's Whisper, but it's a bit out of budget.
Clawing Torment, as well as some cards like Sinister Possession and Contaminated Bond, can be pretty decent against more aggressive decks, but useless against more control decks. For this reason I opted to run card draw. I'll still consider you suggestion and add the Chancellor to the maybe, just to playtest and see how well it works.
The deck isn't meant to be aggro. I'm just dumb and wrote something in the descprition that isn't what I wanted to meant. I'll change it to aggressive.
Really appreciate the suggestions!
wallisface on
Monoblack Burn [Budget/Casual/Jank]
2 years ago
Some thoughts:
in the same way that Shock is too weak for burn to play, I suspect Fruit of Tizerus is too weak here… having a card only remove 2 life feels too low to be worth it.
if you’re trying to be aggro, both Sword-Point Diplomacy and Sign in Blood don’t feel appropriate. Both of these cards are slow and don’t apply any pressure to the opponent. Furthermore aggro decks shouldn’t have to worry about card draw as they’re aiming to close-out the game before that matters (and in general both these cards suck even if you’re wanting card draw).
as far as better options to replace the above, i’d suggest considering Chancellor of the Dross, and/or Clawing Torment. Torment just seems like it should rack up some good damage and keep your life total higher, while Chancellor feels a lot more risky (it’s not really castable and a dead draw), but could be good if you find it in your opening hand (immediate damage and an easy discard option when you smallpox)
YamishiTheWickedOne on
Sexy Vampires
3 years ago
So, on the subject of a monoblack land base...Let's see...
4-8 fetches. As long as it can fetch a basic swamp it's fine.
6 swamps
if you can fit them, 1 Cabal Coffers 1 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx.
Shizo, Death's Storehouse is ok if you can fit it.
total 23 lands is the sweet spot for your curve. Maybe 22 because Sorin can mitigate the costs of 4-5 mana vamps.
Speaking of Sorin, if you JUST want a really beefy vampire to drop with him the answer is Chancellor of the Dross. I really prefer Champion though.
Cavern of Souls is nice to have here just as mainboard blue hate, but it's not necessary. I run 2 because I own them irl.
Mortlocke on New hubs to be added
3 years ago
Hello legendofa,
I propose a new hub to be added: Phyrexian. During Modern Horizons 2, 225 creatures were retconned into having the Phyrexian creature subtype to join Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider . Additionally, there were a smattering of Enchantments, Artifacts and etc that ether have the Phyrexian subtype or create creature tokens that do. Thanks to this retcon I now have a deck that has a Phyrexian tribal theme. For your reference, below is a full list of spells that were affected by WotC's Phyrexian errata.
- Ascendant Evincar
- Atraxa, Praetors' Voice
- Belbe, Corrupted Observer
- Blackcleave Goblin
- Blade Splicer
- Blight Mamba
- Blighted Agent
- Blightsteel Colossus
- Blightwidow
- Blind Zealot
- Blinding Souleater
- Blistergrub
- Body Snatcher
- Bone Shredder
- Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer
- Brutalizer Exarch
- Carnifex Demon
- Cathedral Membrane
- Caustic Hound
- Chained Throatseeker
- Chancellor of the Annex
- Chancellor of the Dross
- Chancellor of the Forge
- Chancellor of the Spires
- Chancellor of the Tangle
- Commander Greven il-Vec
- Contagious Nim
- Core Prowler
- Corpse Cur
- Corrupted Harvester
- Crazed Skirge
- Cystbearer
- Darkslick Drake
- Death-Hood Cobra
- Dementia Bat
- Devouring Strossus
- Dross Hopper
- Dross Ripper
- Eastern Paladin
- Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
- Entomber Exarch
- Ertai, the Corrupted
- Etched Monstrosity
- Eviscerator
- Ezuri, Claw of Progress
- Fallen Ferromancer
- First-Sphere Gargantua
- Flameborn Viron
- Flensermite
- Flesh Reaver
- Flesh-Eater Imp
- Fume Spitter
- Furnace Scamp
- Gallowbraid
- Geth, Lord of the Vault
- Glissa, the Traitor
- Glissa's Courier
- Glistener Elf
- Gore Vassal
- Greven, Predator Captain
- Hand of the Praetors
- Hex Parasite
- Hollow Dogs
- Ichor Rats
- Ichorclaw Myr
- Ich-Tekik, Salvage Splicer
- Immolating Souleater
- Impaler Shrike
- Inquisitor Exarch
- Insatiable Souleater
- Invader Parasite
- Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur
- Keskit, the Flesh Sculptor
- Kiln Walker
- K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth
- Lost Leonin
- Loxodon Convert
- Marauding Knight
- Massacre Wurm
- Master Splicer
- Maul Splicer
- Moltensteel Dragon
- Morinfen
- Mortis Dogs
- Mycosynth Fiend
- Myr Sire
- Necrogen Scudder
- Necropede
- Nested Ghoul
- Oculus
- Ogre Menial
- Order of Yawgmoth
- Perilous Myr
- Pestilent Souleater
- Phyrexian Battleflies
- Phyrexian Bloodstock
- Phyrexian Broodlings
- Phyrexian Colossus
- Phyrexian Crusader
- Phyrexian Debaser
- Phyrexian Defiler
- Phyrexian Delver
- Phyrexian Denouncer
- Phyrexian Devourer
- Phyrexian Digester
- Phyrexian Dreadnought
- Phyrexian Driver
- Phyrexian Gargantua
- Phyrexian Ghoul
- Phyrexian Gremlins
- Phyrexian Hulk
- Phyrexian Hydra
- Phyrexian Infiltrator
- Phyrexian Ingester
- Phyrexian Ironfoot
- Phyrexian Juggernaut
- Phyrexian Marauder
- Phyrexian Metamorph
- Phyrexian Monitor
- Phyrexian Negator
- Phyrexian Obliterator
- Phyrexian Plaguelord
- Phyrexian Prowler
- Phyrexian Rager
- Phyrexian Reaper
- Phyrexian Revoker
- Phyrexian Scuta
- Phyrexian Slayer
- Phyrexian Snowcrusher
- Phyrexian Soulgorger
- Phyrexian Swarmlord
- Phyrexian Triniform
- Phyrexian Vatmother
- Phyrexian Walker
- Phyrexian War Beast
- Pierce Strider
- Pith Driller
- Plague Dogs
- Plague Engineer
- Plague Myr
- Plague Spitter
- Plague Stinger
- Plaguemaw Beast
- Porcelain Legionnaire
- Priest of Gix
- Priest of Urabrask
- Priest of Yawgmoth
- Priests of Norn
- Psychosis Crawler
- Putrefax
- Quilled Slagwurm
- Rackling
- Rathi Assassin
- Rathi Fiend
- Rathi Intimidator
- Ravenous Skirge
- Razor Swine
- Reaper of Sheoldred
- Rot Wolf
- Rotted Hystrix
- Rusted Slasher
- Sanguine Guard
- Sarcomite Myr
- Scourge Servant
- Selenia, Dark Angel
- Sensor Splicer
- Septic Rats
- Serum Raker
- Shattered Angel
- Sheoldred, Whispering One
- Shivan Zombie
- Shriek Raptor
- Skinrender
- Skirge Familiar
- Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon
- Skittering Horror
- Skittering Skirge
- Slag Fiend
- Slash Panther
- Sleeper Agent
- Slinking Skirge
- Soul of New Phyrexia
- Spellskite
- Spinebiter
- Spined Thopter
- Spineless Thug
- Spire Monitor
- Spiteful Bully
- Stronghold Assassin
- Suture Priest
- Tangle Angler
- Tangle Hulk
- Tel-Jilad Fallen
- Tethered Skirge
- Thrummingbird
- Thundering Tanadon
- Tine Shrike
- Tormentor Exarch
- Toxic Nim
- Trespassing Souleater
- Tsabo Tavoc
- Tsabo's Assassin
- Unworthy Dead
- Urabrask the Hidden
- Vault Skirge
- Vebulid
- Vector Asp
- Vedalken Anatomist
- Viral Drake
- Viridian Betrayers
- Viridian Corrupter
- Viridian Emissary
- Viseling
- Vital Splicer
- Volrath the Fallen
- Volrath, the Shapestealer
- Volrath's Shapeshifter
- Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger
- Western Paladin
- Whispering Specter
- Wing Splicer
- Wurmcoil Engine
- Xantcha, Sleeper Agent
- Yawgmoth Demon
- Blade Splicer
- Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer
- Chancellor of the Forge
- Ich-Tekik, Salvage Splicer
- Master Splicer
- Maul Splicer
- Myr Sire
- Nested Ghoul
- Phyrexian Swarmlord
- Phyrexian Triniform
- Sensor Splicer
- Vital Splicer
- Wing Splicer
- Wurmcoil Engine
- Batterbone
- Batterskull
- Bonehoard
- Conversion Chamber
- Flayer Husk
- Lashwrithe
- Mortarpod
- Necropouncer
- Nettlecyst
- Phyrexian Processor
- Phyrexian Totem
- Scytheclaw
- Shrine of Loyal Legions
- Sickleslicer
- Skinwing
- Strandwalker
- Trigon of Infestation
- Lurking Evil
- Lurking Skirge
- Parasitic Implant
- Carrion Call
- Grip of Phyresis
- Ezuri's Predation
- Phyrexian Rebirth
- Splicer's Skill
- Inkmoth Nexus
YamishiTheWickedOne on
3 years ago
It feels kind of unfocused still. idk if Anowon or Nirkana Revenant are the best Sorin -3 targets. If you want big vamps in monoblack to drop via Sorin, Champion of Dusk , Malakir Bloodwitch , Bloodlord of Vaasgoth and Chancellor of the Dross are probably better choices, and the really good vamps should be 4-ofs. At least up Ebon to 4. That card is seriously good. Also in place of Yahenni I'd add 2 Captivating Vampire , and add one Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx if you're going the monocolor route.
Neat trick you can pull off completely free is using Urborg to sit on your fetch lands and tap them for mana until you need to force a shuffle for Nocturnus or to revive Bloodghast.
Agadeem's Awakening is fine. I think it's a good card that can be a land in an emergency. I run 1 in my Pioneer vamps.
Oh and seriously try out Mutavault . It's good. Also Monoblack wants Castle Locthwain .
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