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Blazing Sunsteel

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Blazing Sunsteel

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature gets +1/+0 for each opponent you have.

Whenever equipped creature is dealt damage, it deals that much damage to target creature, player or planeswalker.

Equip (: Attach this to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery. This enters the battlefield unattached and stays on the battlefield if the creature this card is attached to leaves the battlefield.)

Beebles on Help ME make the ULTIMATE damage deck

1 year ago

Nice! I had that obsession as well. I'm pretty happy with what I ended up with. I actually toned my list down over time to make it less powerful: removing some efficient tutors and things like Mana Crypt and Ancient Tomb. The decks can threaten wins pretty consistently between turns 7-9.

  • If you want to make it more powerful I'd focus on only the most powerful combo pieces and tutors (with all that draw you don't need all the pieces, just the best ones. In my testing cards like Fiendlash or Spitemare just weren't good enough), and use the remaining spots to power Akiri's draw engines and pack some more protection.
  • Another powerful interaction you could make use of are red's damage based board wipes that A) enable your combos (although not infinite, redirecting a blaspehmous act to a brash taunter with Gideon's Sacrifice is still likely to OTK a player) and B) are easily turned into one-sided board wipes. Think Akiri + Greaves + Blasphemous Act. Give all your own creatures indestructible and wipe the board of your opponents.
  • The way to abuse Reformer is with said damage-based board wipes, put a Pariah on it + indestructible, or by putting a Blazing Sunsteel on it, make it indestructible with Akiri and deal damage to it to gain infinite life. Blazing Sunsteel is also a 2-card combo with Brash Taunter btw.

Hope this helps!

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Stuffed! Turn 2 Stuffy Doll Win

1 year ago

Looking good! As this is tagged as legacy, the combo between Brash Taunter and Blazing Sunsteel could absolutely find a home in here, but either of the two would be a fine addition.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on I don't know what's going on, but it is

1 year ago

This is a very cool list, I really like the idea here. I also have some suggestions for you:

Syr Carah, the Bold could be additional card draw for you. Passionate Archaeologist will be a constant source of damage. Tavern Brawler and Outpost Siege draw additional cards.

You already have Blazing Sunsteel + Brash Taunter/Stuffy Doll, so that's an infinite combo you can use to win. Coalhauler Swine is another "masochist" creature. Chain of Plasma can turn your hand into fuel, and the empty hand is something you could utilize via Ghirapur Orrery. One final creature to include is Stormwild Capridor.

Spirits on

2 years ago

Hey Zorke,

I have a Budget Animar deck built around morph.

Couple questions, first is what is the goal of the deck? Briefly looking, seems to be a Tuned (Mid) 5 or 6 deck, is your goal to stay around that or looking to build towards an Optimed (High) 7 or 8? It really will change what the recommendations are in terms of Land Base / Ramp Efficiency / Combo / Mana-Curve.

The obvious missing card here is Ancestral Statue. With Animar, Soul of Elements at 4 counters, he can make an infinitely large general just by repeatedly bouncing Ancestral Statue with itself. It also contributes to the infinite ETB triggers for things like Beast Whisperer and Purphoros, God of the Forge as examples. You have some non-morph in there, so I'm not sure its a flavor exclude, but maybe a no-combo exclude?

Keep in mind too that although Animar, Soul of Elements discounts the casting cost to play the morph face down, however, he doesn't discount the morph cost to flip them back up, so you have to selective on the morphs you choose, otherwise you lose the ability to activate their morph abilities.

There are some noteable ramp creatures missings, Birds of Paradise for sure, flying/ramp/animar counter, checks lots of boxes. Solemn Simulacrum can be decent ramp, he sticks with a 5/6 theme a bit tougher to find space in a 7/8 if that is the goal. Peregrine Drake is another notable ramp createure.

Heraldic Banner is a bit strange, name by volume, or for a majority of the flyers? I'm not sure. Something like Ornithopter of Paradise feels better even without haste/riot.

Dunno why Stuffy Doll would be in here, he needs either a Blazing Sunsteel or Ill-Tempered Loner  Flip to elminate a single opponent, so no highly efficient. You dont really have a way to retarget him either, even with a Blazing Sunsteel would need more creatures like Icefeather Aven or Echo Tracer. Not recommending, just saying without more bounce he just wasting a spot.

Aether Hub just seems like a bad City of Brass or Mana Confluence. There a lots of lands that would improve your deck, commander lands like Rejuvenating Springs/Training Center or fetch lands like Misty Rainforest/Wooded Foothills.

Unless Tidespout Tyrant is a favorite or something, his CMC is ridiculous and shouldn't be in there, Animar, Soul of Elements can't pay the .

Keep Safe isn't a modular counterspell. Just a plain Counterspell would be better. Depending on power level, there are 0 mana counterspells, 1 mana counterspells, and good 2 mana counterspells. Also, don't forget you have your morphs with counterspells.

Shaleskin Plower is a good example of a heavy morph cost, for an ability you dont really need.

Gilded Lotus isn't reduced by the general counters, not sure why we would want it.

Have lots more ideas, just need a deck goal point of reference to give some better recommendations.

DeinoStinkus on Kyodai says hi

2 years ago

There are some interesting things you can do with its ETB ability and Guilty Conscience.

Namely, Boros Reckoner, Spitemare, Mogg Maniac, Truefire Captain, Blazing Sunsteel, and Spiteful Sliver all go infinite with Guilty Conscience and the indestructible ability.

NTakamura on Key equipment for red black …

2 years ago

I am making a Florian, Voldaren Scion Drain deck with a voltron sub theme. I decided to do this through equipments. So what are some good equipment for a voltron strategy. So far I have; Blackblade Reforged Blazing Sunsteel Champion's Helm Commander's Plate Embercleave Goldvein Pick Hammer of Nazahn Lizard Blades Loxodon Warhammer Prowler's Helm Ring of Xathrid Skeleton Key Sword of the Animist Umezawa's Jitte

Deck can be found here, Florian Draining Blade

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