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Ayara, First of Locthwain
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ayara, First of Locthwain

Legendary Creature — Elf Noble

Whenever Ayara, First of Locthwain or another black creature enters the battlefield under your control, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.

, Sacrifice another black creature: Draw a card.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Sorcerer of the Fang
Ayara, Furnace Queen
Krovikan Scoundrel
Skittering Horror
Dakmor Ghoul
Scarred Vinebreeder

plakjekaas on How Many Dual Lands do …

1 month ago

It's dependant on the spells you try to cast. If you need to cast Ayara, First of Locthwain and Linden, the Steadfast Queen in the same deck, you'll need a lot more than if your heaviest color requirement is Yahenni, Undying Partisan and Elite Spellbinder in the same deck.

Flarhoon13 on Erebos' Totally Devoted to Death

2 months ago

Dec 13, Erebos' Totally Devoted to Death 1-1 lost a game due to mana screw. Did cast Living Deathfoil but Kurtis had Tormod's Crypt to exile my yard.

Second game I hit ramp and curved out very well. Basal Thrull into Ayara, First of Locthwain, turn 4 sacrificed Basal Thrull for Worn Powerstone and Unstable Obelisk. Turn 5 cast Erebos and used 4 mana to draw 2 cards. Turn 6 made Massacre Wurmfoil which killed 8 Saprolings, 4 of which Mira, on Grothama, All-Devouring, made by attacking me with Shroofus Sproutsire, and 4 of which Jesse, on Brion Stoutarm *oversized* made by borrowing Shroofus Sproutsire and attacking me. I didn't mind too much, since Brion Stoutarm *oversized* hucked Shroofus at Mira. Anyway, I added a Royal Assassin to the board for more devotional black pips. Abhorrent Overlord made 9 Harpy tokens and Ayara drained my opponents for 10. Finally, Torment of Hailfire killed Mira and Abhorrent Overlord with his Harpies killed Jesse in combat.

Craeter on Sewer Rats

2 months ago

This is a neat take on the ratties, nicely done mate.

Since the win con is poison counters, one thing I would recommend is more ways to get Fear on the Rats to make them pseudo unblockable. Marrow Gnawer is ideal for sure, but Cover of Darkness can serve the same function and is only a 2 drop.

Maybe also include a couple staple Black tutors to help ensure these are pulled.

How about extra Draw? Phyrexian Arena & Ayara, First of Locthwain are usually auto includes in my mono black decks.

multimedia on Zombies.

3 months ago

I didn't see Ayara, First of Locthwain in your deck at first. Ayara + Soultrader + Gravecrawler is an all creature infinite wincon combo that Buried Alive can put into your graveyard and Victimize can reanimate Ayara + Soultrader, it doesn't matter if they ETB tapped.

TheForsakenOne on Omnath, locus of all

3 months ago

You need a lot more cards that trigger Omnath, ideally you want to be hitting it every single turn but with lands that's already not going to happen. You barely have 6 cards in the deck that he'll trigger on, and while he will still draw you a card each turn you want to be adding that free mana. If you want a more goodstuff commander I'd recommend switching to Kenrith, the Returned King as a card that has more general value.

You seem to have a lot of just bad cards in here, giving the impression that you built this out of the cards you have lying around. Everyone has to start there, I did the same when I was starting out, but a lot of these go straight to the cutting floor. Aegis Turtle, Campus Guide, Sanguine Syphoner, Gutless Plunderer, Scytheclaw Raptor, Stromkirk Bloodthief, Hoverstone Pilgrim, Misleading Motes, Pilfer, Navigation Orb, Prophetic Prism, Tithing Blade  Flip, and Clawing Torment are all on this list.

You also seem to have a weird sacrifice subtheme with Ravenous Amulet, Vampire Gourmand, Dreg Recycler, Ayara, First of Locthwain, Vein Ripper, and Liliana, Dreadhorde General. The problem with this is that you just don't have good token generators or sacrifice fodder to support this outside of Liliana, not to mention its complete disconnect from the Omnath theme. I'd cut them all except for Liliana and Vein ripper since those are just good cards by themselves.

For other miscellaneous cuts: Rest in Peace is probably unnecessary for the power level you're looking to play at, most of the time it's going to sit dead in your hand. You don't really have enough enter the battlefield effects for Blur to pull its weight. And you don't really seem to be putting out creature numbers necessary for Campaign of Vengeance to be worth the 5 mana. Invasion of Ravnica  Flip is a decent card but the flip cares about 2 color pairs which seems out of place in this deck.

And are you sure you want to keep the infinite combo? Your deck is very low power, while that wincon is something more akin to something higher up. People are going to see you pull off the infinite out of nowhere and then have the perception of your deck based off of that when it'll probably only do it once every dozen or so games. I heavily suggest cutting Marauding Blight-Priest to avoid this.

For what you should add:

Pick and choose from the and cycles, those are pretty consistent 3 color spells that trigger Omnath.

Other suggestions: Villainous Wealth lets you turn all that mana into free spells of your opponents deck. A wincon in of itself.

Rienne, Angel of Rebirth if you put in more multicolored legends then this is a godsend, letting you play them over and over.

Maelstrom Nexus triggers Omnath and is just a really good card for casting big things like you want to.

Kodama's Reach is a second cultivate, which you definitely want.

Mirror Room / Fractured Realm copies a creature or doubles the triggers of all your stuff, including your commander.

Conflux tutors you three cards which is just great and with all the mana you should have you can have a nasty turn with this.

Annie Joins Up is removal and doubles your commander trigger. Also triggers Omnath's draw.

Wargate lets you tutor out whatever Permanent you need directly onto the battlefield, and is a good X spell for all your mana. Also see Chord of Calling or Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer for creatures specifically.

Yurlok of Scorch Thrash is great for adding a ton of mana over several turns. Also triggers Omnath

Sphinx's Revelation to turn that mana into a ton of lifegain and card draw.

Victory Chimes nets you 4 mana a turn with Omnath.

Koma, World-Eater is just a big guy that creates a bunch of tokens and is hard to get rid of. Also triggers Omnath.

Faeburrow Elder is another bloom tender that's also a 5/5 for 3 if you have a decent board.

Aragorn, the Uniter loves you casting multicolored spells because he'll trigger multiple times for each.

Zacama, Primal Calamity can be devastating with the amount of mana you can store. You can cripple your opponents with a string of her abilities.

Muldrotha, the Gravetide is great for recursion to spend all that mana. You'll basically never run out of things to play.

From your Maybeboard: Kroxa and Kunoros should be fun, and Polukranos Reborn  Flip is just a decent creature that also triggers Omnath. Rebuild the City is decent mega ramp that also creates bodies. If you add enough 3 color stuff Meeting of the Five would be great for a massive turn (I would also suggest Threefold Signal if you hit that level). Everything else I don't think is worth adding, you seem to have ambitions for Battle synergy but most of those don't trigger Omnath, I think that would be better saved for another deck.

Tl;Dr: Add more stuff that triggers Omnath and cut out the bulk. Add more ramp and think long and hard about if you do really want that infinite in a deck that cannot match it's power level and the hate it will bring on you.

Craeter on Teenybones steels ur tings >:)

3 months ago

Rise of the Dark Realms, Virtue of Persistence, and Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni can steal creatures from opponent's graveyards. Not sure if they're useful here since they're high mana cost but thought I'd throw that out there. Okiba-Gang Shinobi also has double discard when it hits the opponent.

I also frikkin love Ayara, First of Locthwain in mono black decks, she's super good, along with Skullclamp if you've got sac fodder. Admittedly these are only really good if you're running lots of creatures tho.

ProgramIncomplete on The Mycotyrant

7 months ago

Sure thing!

When I decided to build this deck I really wanted to lean into the descend theme so I challenged myself to run as few non-permanent spells as possible. I think my initial list had like 1 or 2. Overtime, I ended up adding more since I realized I needed efficient self mill payoff cards like Reanimate and Overwhelming Remorse or else the deck was a little too clunky. Currently I'm running 9 but I'm looking for oppurtunites to cut some without losing power or efficiency.

But still, even though it isn't "pure permanents" I still tried my best to cover all of the deck's bases with permanent spells. We have permanents that can remove threats like Chupacabra Echo and Reclamation Sage; permanents that can draw cards like Skullclamp and Izoni, Thousand-Eyed; permanents that can ramp us like Sakura-Tribe Elder and Aftermath Analyst; permanents that mill like Mesmeric Orb and Ripples of Undeath; permanents that can bring stuff back from the grave like Journey to Eternity  Flip and Animate Dead; we even have The Meathook Massacre and Invasion of Fiora  Flip as our boardwipes.

One really nice upside to having everything our deck wants to do on permanent spells is that it makes cards like Malevolent Rumble and Cache Grab really consistent at grabbing something useful. And I recently added Revival Experiment which seems like a really nice payoff for going all in on permanents.

Anyway, the basic idea of this deck is self-milling and using my commander's ability to swarm the board with tokens. Usually we want to spend the first couple turns setting up, hopefully getting a repeatable mill effect on the battlefield like Mesmeric Orb or by pairing one of our dredge cards with a discard outlet like Matzalantli, the Great Door  Flip or Geier Reach Sanitarium. Once we've got our mill engine set up, then we can cast our commander. We want to make sure he triggers his end step ability the turn he enters so we can start getting our tokens online.

The tokens really are the core pillar of the deck. They can be sacrificed for value with cards like Skullclamp and Wight of the Reliquary; we can turn them into mana dorks with Insidious Roots; they can gain us a ton of life off of Essence Warden and Ayara, First of Locthwain; and they can present lethal by giving our Craterhoof Behemoth an army to buff. We also have the ability to drain the table to death with the aforementioned Ayara or Mirkwood Bats if we manage to mill enough cards. And of course, since they pump our commander, we can also win with commander damage.

Since we're milling so much the deck also has a reanimator subtheme. Reanimate and Animate Dead can bring back wincon creatures like Craterhoof and Ayara. Squirming Emergence can reanimate any permanent so it's an awesome way to put planeswalkers into play or snag an engine piece or even wipe the board with Invasion of Fiora  Flip. Similarly, Rise of the Witch-king let's us bring back any permanent while also forcing our opponents to sack a creature which is nice.

A new card that I'm actually testing right now is Chthonian Nightmare. The fact that it's a repeatable reanimate effect for only 2 mana seems really strong. And even if you don't "charge it up" by repeatedly reanimating creatures that cost less than 3, roughly 75% of the creatures in my deck are 3 or less anyway and among those are some really impactful targets like Eternal Witness, Reclamation Sage, Six, and Accursed Marauder just to name a few. Very excited to see how it performs!

Alongside the reanimator subtheme we have an aristocrats subtheme. As mentioned earlier the tokens make great fodder for stuff like Skullcamp and Wight. And we have creatures that either sack themselves, like Sakura-Tribe Elder and Aftermath Analyst, or want to be sacrificed, like World Shaper. All that sacrificing can net us additional value off of Liliana, Dreadhorde General or Mirkwood Bats since he triggers on token sacrifice as well. We also have Disciple of Freyalise  Flip, a great reanimation target that can draw us a ton of cards by sacrificing our creatures that grow in size as our graveyard does like Splinterfright and Souls of the Lost.

So yeah, that's the deck. It can be a bit slow and the lack of instant speed interaction is definitely a drawback but overall I like it a lot and it can have some explosive turns. You just have to be careful not to mill yourself out which is why I added in Kozilek, Butcher of Truth. He's a bit random so I might replace him with Elixir of Immortality. We'll see.

P.S. Apologies for the long winded reply, hopefully it was insightful.

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