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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
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Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Master Warcraft
( can be paid with either or )
Cast this spell only before attackers are declared.
You choose which creatures attack this turn.
You choose which creatures block this turn and how those creatures block.
Crow_Umbra on Combat Superiority
2 days ago
Glad to chat about the suggestions and get a better understanding of your deck building goals. I wouldn't consider it sparring, as I don't see myself in any kind of opposition to you lol.
Your approach to this deck as combat support is interesting and unique. The Isshin decks that are most adjacent to this tend to run Goad and some of the symmetrical combat benefits you currently do, and maybe a few other control pieces like Caltrops or Lightmine Field. I think one of the inherent obstacles for playing "support" or Group Hug-adjacent strategies is that the rest of the table might be suspicious and expect you to pivot to benefiting the most at some point.
That last bit about "support" suspicions comes from my own experiences, and how my main play group tends to treat those types of strats when we play against them. The play pattern tends to be that everyone else races to benefit most, then turns off the symmetrical benefit to the rest of the table. Do you tend to play with a consistent group of friends or LGSs with randos? I think the consistency of your play group can be another big factor to how much you can politic and have your support be accepted. Offer the carrot first, then beat them with the stick if they don't want to eat.
I won't go through your card feedback line by line, but they all make sense as to why you do or don't like them. Slicer and the other Transformers are cards that I want to like more, but aesthetically also get bugged by. Hoping for some kind of Universes Within reprints at some point.
Xantcha, I get it, but she can also be gifted to whoever is the current table Arch Enemy. She can be a means for everyone else to take that player down a few notches while evening out the game a bit. How you use her doesn't have to villainous in that sense. "See everyone, I'm giving you all card draw and a means of hitting the actual table villain".
Emberwilde Captain is one of those pieces that I initially had in my Isshin deck, but quickly cut it. It deterred attacks for a bit. In the end, I think I wanted something more proactive in that slot.
Since you're already running Karazikar and Breena, I'd recommend giving Nelly Borca, Impulsive Accuser a look to round out that suite of "support". I run her as a commander, and she's a lot of fun in the command zone, often the first deck I'll play each session to get the juices flowing. Donated card draw tends to be a popular incentive in my more aggro-leaning play group. Possible swap with Sophina, since Clues can get mana intensive to draw from?
I'd recommend checking out Kambal, Profiteering Mayor, also to kind fit in the flavor you're going for as a "broker"/"mafioso". He is an awesome way to passively benefit from whatever token shenanigans are happening around the table.
Totally understandable with Hellrider and Hordechief. I wouldn't include them unless you pivot to having more token generation as your "Plan B" in case the combat support isn't working out.
In line with the Hellrider and Hordechief lines of reasoning for current exclusion, I'd think that all your Battalion creatures might be worth a reexamination if you aren't really planning on going wide with your current build.
Although Boros Battleshaper is likely on its way out, have you seen Master Warcraft? It's not a creature with a repeatable effect, but kinda has a similar effect for what you were going for.
Last recommendation I can think of is Batwing Brume. This is an old favorite of mine, and can be a fun interaction piece to hold up if someone turns their token horde at you.
I appreciate your detailed response. Happy to continue chatting about this if you're ever up for it.
Craeter on Bunny-Bushi
3 months ago
Nice I love Boros and the Bushido is perfect for it. Kudos on the story too! I see you put a good deal of effort into that, molding the story through the cards. I'm all about that and the old Kamigawa cards, that was one of the first sets I ever played in MtG and it makes me nostalgic everytime.
If you're looking to update the deck, you could consider some stuff like Fighter Class or Master Warcraft to force your opponent to block with something that will die to Bushi, rather than rely on them willingly blocking.
Embercleave is pretty nutty and could soup Bushi up big time, surprise double strike ain't nothing to shake a stick at.
Then there's the classic Umezawa's Jitte, build up some charge counters and you can buff Bushi at instant speed. Although the opponent will see it coming, they may not have a choice. And it's Betrayers of Kamigawa classic Samurai to boot.
Sejiri Shelter Flip is also pretty cool, these new dual face lands have got potential to really pad a list. Admittedly more useful in EDH, but I see some stuff in here that could be replaced by that to make some room. There's a few Boros dual face lands too that could be considered here for our boy Bushi. Legion Leadership Flip comes to mind.
Minas Tirith is becoming an auto include in almost all my White decks, it's just so good especially if aggro.
My deck Heroes of Redwall Abbey might give you some more ideas, most of these suggestions are pulled from there. Good luck brave Samurai Warrior!
jarncards on Instigate
1 year ago
Spectacular Showdown. Here is the best card in your deck. keep in mind the doublestrike will also cause Firkraag's second ability to trigger twice per hit your opponents get on each other. Avatar of Slaughter, Total War, and Disrupt Decorum are probably the other best ones for killing everything.
Each of these are also good considerations depending on how you build. Agitator Ant | Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer | Chaos Dragon | Goblin Spymaster | Sly Instigator | Goblin Diplomats | Grand Melee | Master Warcraft | Total War | War's Toll |
DreadKhan on BBEG Deck Ideas
1 year ago
Yeah, I find decks that have too many different pots on the stove can be prone to drawing 'the wrong half of the deck', I'll keep an eye out for synergies where some of the pieces are useless without the other parts in my Kresh list! Interesting, to me running 3 colours is (at this point) mostly a disadvantage unless you're playing really strong decks, 3 colours is way harder to get the fixing right (or perhaps I should say more expensive), and 2 colours is already extremely versatile, but I could see wanting 3 or more for your 'archenemy' deck in particular. It's too bad they didn't give us any weird 2 colour Backgrounds, I don't think having 3 colours worth of Background/Commander is really game breaking.
I think if you're fine using those Assassins mostly as blockers then Marchesa is probably a good choice, there are plenty of Goad effects in Mardu to work with, as well as stuff like Brutal Hordechief and Master Warcraft, I think I've always wanted a deck that used stuff like that effectively. Oh, if you're using Goad, I'm not sure if you'd have enough mana to make it work in Mardu, but War Cadence might do some fun stuff with Goaded attackers.
carpecanum on Bright Palm's pep talks
1 year ago
Abzan Falconer or a couple of the other Outlast cards. Maybe Kalonian Hydra
Since you have to attack to activate the second ability you could use something that lets you attack with impunity. Bedlam, Vigor, Iroas, God of Victory, Master Warcraft, Cosmotronic Wave etc.
StopShot on Is my custom card legendary …
1 year ago
@legendofa, Hello! Thank you for your comment. I appreciate your feedback a lot!
The creature typing really isn't a big deal to me as I'm describing what the AI artwork generated. (My art input was just water-color fantasy wall/barricade with red hues, and I picked the one that was the most fitting with MTG art-style.) Reach was also picked over flying based off of card art and it didn't seem off with recent red creatures such as Tuktuk Rubblefort, Brimstone Trebuchet and Weaver of Lightning. As for why have reach or flying, Sentinel of the Eternal Watch the inspiration behind this would be able to lockdown a flier per combat if it needed to and so this card would share that similar capacity.
"Protection from you" and +0/+2 are both used as a means to make combat less messy. Being able to block regardless of player you're attacking could be obnoxious if I slap on a pump spell on my wall or if I use protection attachments to deny enemy removal effects and the +0/+2 counterracts what combat damage the commander deals, so the opponent needs not factor it into potential blocking power. It makes the behavior of an omnipresent wall more predictable and less oppressive. Plus, it's beneficial if the attacking creature survives combat as it will be weaker due to wither making it an easier target for the opposing player to get revenge on during that player's next turn and thus giving me another opportunity to block. (Hence why its name implies it manifests spite. You snipe an enemy's creature, your creature gets smaller making it easier to be sniped back.)
I ran into some spacing issues with the second ability, and what I came up with was able to fit, but I didn't know it would turn a triggered ability into something that's half static ability and half triggered. I'll have to fix that before showing it to the group.
Provoke was given to tempt my opponents into attacking each other and sniping one another's creatures while my wall reaps benefits off of their fueds. Say I'm player A and Player B's 4/4 is going to provoke Player C's 3/3 for example as a "free trade." Kind of like a mini Invasion Plans or Master Warcraft. The problem with provoke is it snowballs hard if you have the dominant boardstate of creatures over everyone else. If I give their biggest creature provoke it can beat anything it wants furthering their boardstate advantage, but if I give their weakest creature provoke their weakest creature plus their stronger creatures can turn sideways and the smaller creature would be able to force the enemy's best blocker to block the smaller creature instead of the bigger threats coming their way. Skulk makes it a lot less of a "win-more" effect in a number of ways by (1) stopping the weakest creature from forcing a block from best blocker in times of all-out assault (2) allows under-developed boardstates to snipe small/mid-sized creatures more safely from the over-developed boardstates as skulk prevents big creatures from double blocking with the weaker provoked creature that's forced to block. Besides, the intent was never meant for the chosen creature to provoke my wall, as the chosen creature would also have haste and given my wall has protection from haste, it would be an invalid provoke target. By giving an enemy's creature both haste and provoke I'm making it more favorable for the chosen creature to attack someone else and less favorable for it to attack me if that makes sense.
I do like your version of my card and I will probably tinker around with it if that's alright with you.
JoosetheMuice on It Get the People Going
2 years ago
The plan was to make this token themed correct? Assuming that's still the case, I would definitely like to see more producers and support. Some ideas"
Deep Forest Hermit - producer Tempt with Vengeance - producer Anointed Procession - support Ghired, Conclave Exile - producer Jetmir, Nexus of Revels - support Assemble the Legion - producer One Dozen Eyes - producer Rith, Liberated Primeval - producer
Aside from that I feel like Master Warcraft is a must here. Soltari Foot Soldier is a cool possibility to trigger Marisi and Soltari Champion could be kinda scary. Mother of Runes also seems really good here. Trample lands like Kessig Wolf Run and the rage pits could also be nice.
Rhadamanthus on How much power to control …
2 years ago
It does most of that but not everything. You just decide which creatures attack. The attacking player is the one who gets to decide who they attack. My playgroup misplayed this for a long time before we found out how it really worked.
The Gatherer entry for Master Warcraft includes the following rulings note to clarify what happens in a 2-player game when the defending player controls one or more planeswalkers, but the concept can be extended to the example of a game where there are multiple defending players.
4/1/2008 If the defending player controls a planeswalker, the person who cast Master Warcraft first chooses the complete group of creatures that are going to attack. Then, for each of those creatures, the active player chooses who or what it's going to attack.