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Keynote speakers

Prof. Pierre Frankhauser  

Professor Emeritus in Geography at the University of Franche-Comté / CNRS Research Institute THEMA (Besançon/France)

email: pierre <dot> frankhauser <at> univ-fcomte <dot> fr

A Multiscale Planning Concept for Sustainable Metropolitan Development



Pierre Frankhauser is Professor Emeritus in Geography (since September 2018) at the University of Franche-Comté/CNRS Research Institute THEMA (Besançon/France). He is interested in the analysis of the spatial organisation of urban fabrics and transport networks across scales based on a fractal approach. Various computerised analytical tools have been developed together with ThéMA researchers and engineers. He also works on the establishment of planning concepts for sustainable development on the scale of agglomerations again inspired by fractal geometry. This work attempts to find urban configurations that optimise accessibility to places frequented by residents with the aim of limiting the length of their journeys. In this context, the objective is to design computer tools to make this approach operational through the simulation of development scenarios.

Another area of research is the development of an interdisciplinary understanding of the decision-making processes involved in residential choice through surveys and theoretical reflection on how these processes are modelled.

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Prof. Giuseppe Liotta

Full Professor, Dept of Engineering, University of Perugia

email: giuseppe <dot> liotta <at> unipg <dot> it

Graph Drawing and Network Visualization
– An Overview –

Prof. Giuseppe Liotta


Giuseppe Liotta is a professor of computer science at the Department of Engineering of the University of Perugia, Italy. He received his PhD degree from ``Sapienza'', University of Rome. His post-doc appointment was at Brown University, US. He spent long-term research visits at McGill University, Canada, and at the University of Sydney, Australia and short-term visits in several research institutions worldwide. His research interests are mainly directed at the analysis and design of algorithms and systems that have applications in the fields of information visualization and visual analytics, computational geometry, network analysis, and graph drawing. On these topics, he edited special issues, wrote survey papers, book chapters, and published about 300 research papers. He regularly serves in scientific boards, program committees, and is the editor-in-chief of the journal Computer Science Review and of the Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications. During the years, Giuseppe has been the PI of several grants issued by public and private research sponsors and the co-founder of a spin-off company.

 Youtube Live Streaming:

Prof. Marcos Mandado Alonso

Dept. of Physical Chemistry, University of Vigo (Spain)

email: mandado <at> uvigo <dot> es


Understanding Non-Covalent Interactions in Biological Processes through QM/MM-EDA Dynamic Simulations

Marcos Mandado is a tenured lecturer at the Department of Physical Chemistry at the University of Vigo since 2012. His research is orientated towards computational chemistry, both applications and methodological developments. His research has focused in recent years on the analysis of electric response properties of molecules and molecular aggregates, the study of electron transport in molecular devices, such as conducting wires and rectifiers, and on the characterization and theoretical analysis of intermolecular interactions with QM and hybrid QM/MM methods. He has published over 100 articles in international scientific journals as well as several book chapters in the field of theoretical and computational chemistry.

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