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MSR 2020
Mon 29 - Tue 30 June 2020
co-located with ICSE 2020

May 20th update: MSR 2020 will be held online on June 29-30, 2020. Scroll down for more information.

The Mining Software Repositories (MSR) conference is the premier conference for data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in software engineering. The goal of the conference is to improve software engineering practices by uncovering interesting and actionable information about software systems and projects using the vast amounts of software data such as source control systems, defect tracking systems, code review repositories, archived communications between project personnel, question-and-answer sites, CI build servers, and run-time telemetry. Mining this information can help to understand software development and evolution, software users, and runtime behavior; support the maintenance of software systems; improve software design/reuse; empirically validate novel ideas and techniques; support predictions about software development; and exploit this knowledge in planning future development.

The goal of this two-day international conference is to advance the science and practice of software engineering with data-driven techniques. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories will be held online on June 29 - 30, 2020.

Information about Virtual MSR 2020

MSR 2020 will take place online on Mon/Tues June 29 - 30th, roughly between 10:00 - 17:00 GMT.

Program Schedule

The full schedule for MSR is available here.

Some explanations about the schedule:

  • All “Technical Papers” sessions are Q&A/discussion of the papers assigned to that session. These include papers from the technical track, data track, and registered reports track. Please ignore the individual paper time slots. All papers will have pre-recorded presentations and we will include the links on the website. The online scheduled sessions will be used for questions to the authors and general discussion of all papers in that session. Please watch the presentations you are interested in before the session and come with lots of questions and discussion points!

  • There is a dedicated session for the challenge papers where the challenge chairs will introduce this year’s challenge first and will be followed by Q&A/discussion of this year’s challenge papers.

  • We also have 2 tutorial sessions. Again, the actual tutorial will be pre-recorded and available before the assigned slot. Please watch the tutorial and come to the assigned tutorial slot to ask your questions and discuss the content!

  • The plenary sessions are live (keynote, “opening”/“closing”, MIP talk, Foundational contribution talk). We will provide recordings afterwards.

  • The Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions are live, with a recording available afterwards. We will have three AMAs on SE4ML, ML4SE, and DevOps. The AMAs include prominent researchers and industry participants on these topics so come prepared with interesting questions and get ready for some active discussion!

  • Given our new registered reports track, there will also be an open-community session to discuss directions for future registered reports tracks.

  • We will be using Zoom and Slack. We will provide the details to registered participants a couple of days before the conference.

  • We scheduled things to maximize the number of available time zones across the world.

  • Here is a short video describing the setup we are using


We will be using ICSE’s registeration system. One author from each accepted paper must register at the author rate. Everyone else can register at the non-author rate.