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The Second Workshop on Software Engineering for Parallel Systems (SEPS) co-located with SPLASH 2015.

The increased complexity of parallel applications on modern parallel platforms (e.g. multicore/manycore, distributed or hybrid) requires more insight into development processes, and necessitates the use of advanced methods and techniques supporting developers in creating parallel applications or parallelizing and reengineering sequential legacy applications. We aim to advance the state of the art in different phases of parallel software development, covering software engineering aspects such as requirements engineering and software specification; design and implementation; program analysis, profiling and tuning; testing and debugging.


The goal of the workshop is to present a stimulating environment where topics relevant to parallel software engineering can be discussed by members of the SPLASH community and software and languages researchers. The intention of the workshop is to initiate collaborations focused on solving challenges introduced by ongoing research in the parallel programming field. Through Q&A sessions, presenters have the opportunity to receive feedback and opinions of other domain experts as well as to discuss obstacles and promising approaches in current research. Both authors and attendees can discover new ideas and directions to solve software engineering issues related to parallel programming.

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Tue 27 Oct

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08:30 - 10:00
Welcome and keynoteSEPS at Haselton 2
Chair(s): Ali Jannesari Technical University of Darmstadt
Day opening
Opening and Welcome

SEPS Invited Tallk: Hybrid Inference of Semantics for Software Adaptation

Call for Papers

Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Process models for parallel software development
  • Requirement engineering of parallel software
  • Design and build of parallel programs
  • Parallel design patterns
  • Parallel software architectures
  • Modeling techniques for parallel software
  • Parallel programming models and paradigms
  • Profiling and program analysis
  • Dynamic and static analysis
  • Refactoring and reengineering for parallelism
  • Performance tuning and auto-tuning
  • Energy-efficient parallel computing
  • Testing and debugging of parallel applications
  • Tools and environments for parallel software development
  • Case studies and experience reports


Papers submitted to SEPS 2015 must not have been published or simultaneously submitted anywhere else. Accepted papers will be published as formal proceedings in the ACM Digital Library. Contributions should be submitted electronically in PDF format via EasyChair, and must follow the SIGPLAN proceedings style, 10 point font.

The workshop welcomes two types of submissions:

  • Original, unpublished regular papers on current research (max.10 pages)
  • Industrial papers and tool presentations (short papers, max. 4 pages -- excluding references)

Download SEPS 2015 Call for Submissions as PDF document.