Posted: August 10, 2018
Achilles tendon rupture is a type of injury affecting the rear part of the lower leg and usually common in people playing recreational sports, but it can also happen to anyone. Generally, overstretching of the Achilles tendon can result to complete or partially rupture. If the Achilles tendon ruptures, a popping sound can be heard,

Posted: December 6, 2017
An armpit rash is also known as pruritus and causes discomfort and irritation. It causes itching in the armpits and redness of the affected area. Types Atopic dermatitis or eczema usually develops in the folds of the body such as the back of knees, inside the elbows and in the armpits. It is red, itchy

Posted: December 6, 2017
Rubella is a mild and contagious viral infection due to rubella virus. Generally, it is characterized by rashes on the skin and enlargement of the lymph nodes. Rubella is common in children ages 5-9, but young people and not immunized adults can be vulnerable to rubella. The illness is dangerous during pregnancy which can result