Finally as Covid 19 set in around us it was time to leave for home. Originally we had planned to spend some time in Italy and visit an old school friend in the north. With the rising numbers of Covid 19 and the increasing possibility of having to quarantine on our return to the UK we decided to spend a few days around Lake Garda and then head home via Germany thus avoiding quarantine!. We were disappointed at not going to visit my friend but for once decided to be sensible!
So, first stop on the journey home and we were back at San Marino. The campsite was pretty quite this time but we were able to do a good washing load and have a lovely meal in the camp site restaurant.
Dash cam San Marino to Lake Garda.
Next stop. Pescheria del Garda by the lake.
A few lovely days in the late sun exploring the old town, riding our bikes and admiring the views.
Dash cam Lake Garda to Nattersee in Austria.
Our next stop would be a run through Austria and a one night stop at Nattersee campsite. Restaurant closed due to Covid but otherwise a very pleasant stop in the very clean Austrian air.
Dash cam Nattersee to Waldpark.
Always fabulous views at Nattersee. We would have liked to take a trip into Innsbruck, maybe next time. the following morning a quick run over Fern Pass and we were in Germany!
Heading for Waldpark Camping, another familiar site for us. Clean and comfortable. This time the restaurant was open and we had a delightful meal.
A little walk around the friendly village they were preparing for Halloween!
Dash cam Waldpark to Lindlegrund
The following day still in Germany we headed for a new campsite Lindelgrund. By now Covid wise things were getting a little tense in Germany. With cases rising in the UK they were not too keen on Brits. We talked our way onto this site, they let us on as we were on our way home and had previously been in Greece. Nice people though a well kept campsite and we had some fabulous local wine!
A busy site we were tucked up under the trees.
Dash cam Lindlegrund to AAchen
We were soon heading for our final stop in Germany an aire in Aachan. Really nice place and well worth stopping. The facilities were excellent and we would have liked more time to explore.
Dash cam Aachan, Escalles and the tunnel.
Tomorrow our last one nighter in France, at Escalles and then heading for home. The site was almost deserted. The camp owner gave us the gate code so we could leave early. We had filled out all the relevant paperwork for our tunnel crossing, no one looked at it!! No mention of Covid!
Home for the next lockdown. Who knows when we will be let out again.