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Macarons -my 3rd attempts

At last I managed to make macarons with "feet". Without "feet" my macarons will not be a successful one. After I bought "I Love Macarons" book, I study thoroughly on how to make a successful macarons especially the tips. This book really helpful and show us step by step process on how to make it. Finally i managed to make it. We must be patient when making macarons. I will try again to make different flavor.Thanks for the writer of this book.

Macarons oh Macarons

I bought this book form Popular Bookstore last weekend to learn more about macaron techniques and tips.  This book really helpful since it teach us the tips to make successful macaron for homemaker using ordinary equipment/utensils for preparing the ingredients. When we make macarons we might fail several times but don’t give up. This book teach us the secrets for mixing the paste, knowing the time for drying, mastering the characteristics of the oven, and more. I will try to make macarons until successful because I love to make this cute little pastry.