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Showing posts with label toesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toesday. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Toesday on the Porch

Today it was 74 degrees out
and only two days before Thanksgiving,
which also happens to be my 1st Blogoversary!
Of course I had to spend time out in my screened-in porch.
I was watching to see
if the chipmunks would come out from under the deck.
While watching you can see that I have very good toe positioning;
both front paws are aligned
so that my toes point directly in front of me.
Even when I turn to look at the birds eating from the bird feeders,
my toes continue to be aligned.
I believe that this photo also shows my tummy quite nicely!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hokey Pokey Toesday...

I put my right paw in to do the hokey pokey.
Anycat want to dance???
OK, now I'm going to go practice
Meowing Like a Pirate for tomorrow with
the Meowers from Missouri!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tummy Toesday

Oh, you caught me sleeping with my head down,
Sometimes I just need to really stretch out my tummy...
You also may notice how I point my hind toes
for leverage...
Wouldn't want to slip off the edge!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My Toes are pointing...

I was just hanging around the kitchen,
looking at my food bowls,
pointing out that they are empty...
see, I'm pointing... my toes...over at my empty food bowls... toes still pointing...

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tired Tummy Tuesday...

It's Tummy Tuesday time again!
I think it's also Tired Tuesday...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tummy Toesday

I love rolling around.
I always get good petting time when I roll around.
Who could resist this tummy?
Not to mention, those multi-colored toes?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tummy Toesday

I am so happy on the newspaper.
I do this almost every day.
After breakfast
my Food Lady always reads the newspaper.
After she reads a section,
she tosses it to the end of the couch.
That is so the "read already"
and the "unread" sections don't get mixed up.
I like to jump over her to the "read already" sections
and roll around.
It always gets her attention and she stops reading
and pets me and tells me how cute I am.
Sometimes she takes pictures of me
when I am especially cute...
like today!
That's what I do - I roll on my Food Lady's newspaper.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

My Toes were sleeping...

I was totally enjoying
(as usual)
my lovely screened-in porch.
The weather was wonderful,
only 83 degrees with low humidity.
I was the happiest cat ever!
Until my Food Lady found me...
Yes, you woke me up!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Toesday Today

Here I am out enjoying my porch. Yes, it's Tuesday and Toesday
so my Food Lady was out with the flashy thing!
You may notice my claws are all inside...
I was very relaxed on my porch!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Tummy Toesday

If you look closely,
you can see that there was some of my catnip
on my track ball mousie.
That catnip sure does give me good dreams!
And my track ball mousie makes a great pillow!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tummy Tuesday

Here I am enjoying myself on my favorite rug.
This is the family room rug which is right by the cabinet
with the Temptations in it.
My Food Lady gave me some of those Temptations
and I am now feeling quite blissful!
And, how 'bout that floofy tummy???

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Tuesday Toesday

Here I was leaning over the arm of the chair,
looking at China Cat when I fell asleep
with my toes sticking out.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tummy, Toes, Tongue and Feathers...

Oh, I had such fun this morning.
My Food Lady has two feather pens;
one has purple feathers and the other one
has green feathers.
She usually keeps them in the desk drawer,
but today she left the drawer open!!!
That's right - the purple feather pen was
practically calling to me to play with it.
What could I do???
Clearly there was only one thing to do...
Grab the feather pen and run to another room!
So, that is exactly what I did.
I fell down on the floor and twisted the pen around
to lick those purple feathers.
Then, I buried my face deep
into the purple feathers.
Actually, the purple feathers are kind of
tickley on my face and toes.
But the purple feathers are such fun to lick,
like I have my very own little purple birdie.
Oh, I love the yummy yummy tickley
purple feather pen.
I hope that the Food Lady doesn't hide
this great purple feather pen.
It really should be mine;
I certainly appreciate it more than she does!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Toesday Today

Here I am sleeping
all curled up and snuggly on my birthday.
My Food Lady is baking my cake and
I asked for tuna for dinner!
Who wouldn't?!?!?!
Since it's still morning
I didn't get my cake, party or presents yet
but when the Big Janitor gets home
I get to have my party tonight!
~~~~~ - <foo
So I will be able to share my birthday tomorrow...
On Valentine's Day!!!
Wow, two party days in a row for me!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Toes, Tummy and Treats!

I was just sitting here in the hallway.
I like to sit in the hallway
because then I can see the bedrooms,
the office where the computer is,
the family room and the kitchen.
All from one vantage point.
Life is good in the hallway!
See, I saw my Food Lady
and rolled all over the hallway.
That is always good for a tummy rub
and when I'm lucky, it becomes Treat Time for me!
I was So Lucky today!
Hooray for treats!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tired Tummy Toesday

OK - I had a very busy morning patrolling.
It was only 11 degrees out
and the wind was blowing and blowing -
I kept hearing strange noises outside.
So after lunch I became very tired.
I was pleased to see that the bed wasn't made yet
so I brought my rubber band toy with me to rest for a while.
But then my Food Lady found me there
and had to start with the flashy thing.
She thought I looked sweet with my head on the pillow
and my tummy looked cute and floofy.
First I tried ignoring her by cleaning my toes. Then, I tried ignoring her by washing my ear. But this was to no avail
as she kept on with that flashy thing.
I yawned really wide
to show her how I really was
too tired for any more photos!
I think that my huge yawn
proved my extreme tiredness!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Tummy Toesday

I have both of them here today. Tummy and Toes!
But as you can see I had quite an exhausting day - what with all of my patrolling of the house and checking out the porch, I'm beat!
A cat's work is never done!
Luckily, part of our job is always naptime!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

It's My First Toesday!

I've been trying very hard
to get some good pictures done of my toes.
But usually my toes move so fast
that the pictures are always blurry.
However, I trapped the camera strap and held on tightly
so it wouldn't get away from me.
Therefore that was how I finally have, in my opinion,
an excellent showing of my toes!
I'll have to remember this strategy.
