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The 2010 Social Networking Map

by Ethan Bloch on Aug 5, 2010

As a tribute to XKCD‘s ‘Map of Online Communities’, we have decided to re-create our own, updated version of this map. The numbers are taken to reflect many new developments in the social networking communities, including Facebook surpassing Myspace as the preeminent online community:

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  • sthomps

    Wow, that's awesome! Appreciate how much work that must have been!

  • Dan Martell

    Thx! It's definitely a labor of love. The hardest part is coming up with the ideas.

  • Andreas Beer

    where is posterous? de.wikipedia is larger than fr.wikipedia, but missing? any chance for piratebay/4chan user-estimates?

  • addi

    facebook 500 million members? damn…

  • Viktor

    Nice Map, like to have it in my Office :-)

  • Dan Martell

    If you want the high rez version – just email and well send it over.

  • Dan Martell

    Huge right? 500MM bananas.

  • Dan Martell

    Andreas, we went through 6-9 iterations trying to get everyone in there .. totally forgot about Posterous (our bad).

  • Robin Grant

    Errm – haven't you spelt Habbo wrong?

  • UmairP

    This is cool. Worth tagging friends in Facebook :)

  • Lfriedl

    And also, Strait [of Bing]. (Unless it's a pun I'm not getting.)

  • SaggySow

    Dude that makes very good sense to me man. Wow.

  • Dsfsd

    WHATS HABO? habbohotel lol?

  • Gfxht

    what you totally forgot to mention, is that the planet this is on is called 4chan

  • mark

    people stıll use facebook actually? this is like a joke.

  • Dd

    It's a very good work….. but where is CRAIG's LIST?

  • Sorenfrey

    And where is Just because it's not western….

  • Cosmin

    HABO is with to BBs HABBO :)

  • Tbrend


  • MAK @
  • MAK @
  • Dan Martell

    Thanks for adding!

  • Dan Martell

    Please do.

  • Dan Martell

    Never heard of them .. our bad.

  • Dan Martell


  • Dan Martell

    Social map .. Craig's list isn't social.

  • Dan Martell

    Fair enough :-)

  • Dan Martell

    Do it!

  • Randallhunt

    Google wave is cancled.

  • Njdboy


  • Cholito911

    and TO is with a W TWO :)

  • Nat Bourre

    Great map! Thanks for posting. I would love to see something like this but with only healthcare social networks. @NatBourre

  • Mr. Chris

    Shouldn't “Club Penguin” be an Island?

  • mutatron

    Kind of outdated without reddit in there. Try to keep up, people!

  • Okonic

    What? No 4chan?

  • Dhaopac

    Whatever happened to Xanga?

  • MAK @

    You are welcome Dan. Keep me in the loop. I bet those continents will be drifting there and there – it would be nice to see their evolution trend line.


  • Marcus M

    Shouldn't it be sinking island of Google Buzz? Also is eBay social networking?

  • IJAF

    You should add a mountain range to Livejournal called OhNoTheyDidnt. That's the reason a good bit of users use LJ.

  • Rich Menga

    QQ should have definitely been on this map (unless it's there and I missed it?) #1 social network in China. 80+ million users.

  • Cheong Hwa Moon

    where is cyworld? kk… kidding

  • Hessie Jones

    Hey can you guys print a full size poster of this? I'd love to send this out to a few of my clients. BTW, is Ning still relevant?

  • Vi


  • Martin Meyer-Gossner

    Nice one. BUT: If this is correct, then social bookmarking sites have nothing to do with the world of social networks. Can I really believe that? Or is this the wrong conclusion… ?

  • Shmuel

    It's more social than eBay, which *was* included. (I'd have left both out myself, but if you include the auction site, the community site that includes forums definitely ought to be there.)

  • Logan

    Only thing missing was Skyrock and QQ…

  • Dan Martell

    Rich, you're right .. QQ is a big one / our bad.

  • Dan Martell

    Hessie, email and well get you a highrez version for you. Ning is relevant, just not that much.

  • Kingsley Joseph

    Some non-western networks with sizable numbers: renren, QQ, tudou (video sharing), sulekha

  • LRico

    Awesome Map, found two sites that i had not heard of. Thanks for the update!

  • Adie

    This is very clever, good work guys!

  • Nou

    Windows Live isn'y going anywhere, retards. IM will always be here

  • Jason

    Since when is ripping off an xkcd comic from 2007 without giving proper credit “clever”? Pretty damned “lame” to me.

  • Jason

    …and before anyone says “It's right there.” the credit should be IN the file, not in the blog entry. People aren't going to copy and paste the blog entry; they'll post the file.

  • YG

    You really should display the credit to XKCD on the file, as people who see reposts of this image will not see your credits here.

  • ufomorme

    XKCD's is better. It shows “Online Communities” not just “Social Networking”. Having large PC game communities like World of Warcraft makes it more interesting. Ebay is not much of a social network. Oh and give credit to XKCD *IN* the actual image since it is a blatant ripoff.

  • tika

    “Tribute”? More like copy and try to make as your own. Except you replaced humor and wit with Captain Obvious lines. Lame.

    ufomorme is right… Try giving credit in the actual image.

  • rightsaiddave

    Yes, please give credit on the image. Your image is being reposted all over the interwebs with no indication that it's not just a tribute to, but in many ways identical to the original XKCD comic. Certainly you can't do anything about what other people post, but you can provide a credit in the image, and you should really ask XKCD author Randall Munroe how he'd like that credit to be worded.

  • mediaczar

    Agree w/ @tika, I'm afraid. But that it should spread around the net so fast despite being somewhat less inspiring than the 2007 original tells us something interesting about what's happening w/ digital culture and marketing.

    First of all; everyone now knows that a tribute/meme hopping is a good and easy way to get views. And Randall is king of this (in a very sophisticated way, I'd hasten to add.)

    Secondly — the speed and extent of curation for self-referential social media content has really taken off: and there's a huge matrix of social media knowledge workers who are keen to pass this material on.

    I'm reminded of Phil Gyford's infographic about infographics which has been picked up and spread — often by the very people it satirises.

  • Josh

    Hey Jason, I got a great link for you:

  • David Berkowitz

    Are you going to offer this as a poster? I have the original hanging on my wall and it'd be fun to have the before and after.

  • Jdcarbon

    You should acknowledge XKCD on the poster, not in the text here.. asswipes.

  • Josip

    Great infographic like always! However, where are all the social networks from the rest of the world. Most notably Qzone and Renren from China, VKontakte from Russia and the countless ones from places like Korea, Japan and the such.

    Qzone at under 390 mil users, Renren 120 mil users and VKontakte at just under 82 mil users are numbers not to shy away from.

    Even with that being said, great stuff like always! Keep it up!

  • ljane

    Yes. Like the ideas thought up by XKCD that you didn't credit in the image.

  • Elektron9
  • BlackCalvinist

    Additional point: imeem is now part of myspace. Not noted on the map. Good job on the reorient, Elektron9.

  • ethan

    Whoa! That's super cool.

  • ethan

    Proper credit to XKCD has been added to the image in addition to the blog post itself as was originally published. Sorry for missing this first-time-around. Appreciate all the constructive feedback.

  • ethan

    Done – thank you for pointing this out.

  • ethan

    Done. My bad on missing this first time around.

  • John

    Don't like this map. You've completely ignored China, WTF? A billion people, a fifth or more of the world… nah, they don't count.

    That's like And finally, shouldn't that be the 'Sinking Island of Google Buzz'.

    This is dumb #fail. Sorry dude, truth hurts.

  • John

    Sorry 'bout the bad grammar :)

  • Netpancho

    Windows Live is not going anywhere?…any take on how many users it currently has?

  • Netpancho

    should have said is not going away!

  • Lloyd Budd

    Love the map!

    WordPress's scale seems off. is currently much larger than Tumbler. estimates “over 25 million”.

  • tom howe

    YO! wheres my soundcloud?

  • T Wechy

    Great graphic – disappointing lack of :o (

  • green_complex

    Can I embed this on my blog

    I am also giving away Digg Alpha Invites and covering that story…

    Great Social Map BTW! I was thinking it was more JRR Tolkien myself…

  • Daniel McCarter

    Completely agree with the lack of Miio!

  • Dan Martell

    No prob .. as long as we get attribution. Glad you liked it.

  • Dan Martell

    David, how's it going? Great to see you in the comments. I just talked to Ethan and he's thinking about it .. will keep you posted. Maybe something special we offer our customers :-) .

  • Dan Martell

    We've added the attribution / our bad .. should've done this in the first place.

  • John Terence Kelley

    1st; Where's Wikia in the Wiki continent (and yes de is larger than fr Wiki)
    2nd; no gaming communities? e.g Blizzard's community sites as a whole etc.
    3rd; where's the social aggregators like fark and slashdot? displaying them as bridges would be good
    4th; not enough non-English communities? i.e. Google/YouTube/Facebook clones in China, Japan e.g. NicoNicoDouga, QQ just to feature a couple of large examples
    5th; Image/Art sharing/hosting sites? No DEVIANTART?
    6th; If you're mentioning Farmville, make it Zynga-land in Facebook; Farmville+Mafia Wars+their other properties are nearly as ubiquitous as FB itself (50m++ unique users overall IIRC).
    7th; no CHANs? (regardless of number) Anonymous is NOT amused. VERY MUCH NOT AMUSED.

  • Marcellarazlplaz

    That's even better! i would tottally love a poster of either this version. I hope they make a poster version.
    Though i suppose a new one would have to be made after a year or so of social media and information highways popularity fluctuates.

  • Gaewah

    Why not contain Tencent QQ from China?

  • Gaewah

    aha~most above Social Networks in China are all jokes, are they exist?

  • guest

    o_O Where is Steam?

  • Silvia Wains

    Hi I wanted to discover with you
    it is great!

  • Guest

    Maybe I missed it, but I don't see mixi on here. The Japanese based site has over 30 million users, and is unique in it's exclusivity to users based in Japan.

  • lifestyle 4u

    very interesting!

  • condiminds

    Outstanding!! really loved it though I do not agree with some names as the “rising island of buzz”.. I think that's more like the “want-to-be-rising island of buzz” … buy I may be wrong! The quality of the illustration is exceptional!
    Congratulations! I may reblog it, soon!
    Kindest Regards!
    Lucila Campos (

  • Alex

    Why did you take Digg off again? :(

  • OldMan

    Excellent work…but needs

  • Monique Terrell

    Love this graphic, one the best I've seen!

  • Evniki K. Voyatzis

    Where's reddit?

  • FDW

    This is nice and all but it needs to be filled out more.

  • The Porcupine’s Quill

    [...] I just had to share this hilarious pic: The 2010 Map of Social Networking. Enjoy! This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the [...]

  • dimitar

    why LJ is absent?

  • Boo

    Nice update to the 2007 map. And you got a link from today’s xkcd (

  • Anonymous

    Windows Live is Xbox Live, and vice-versa. If you have a Windows Live account, any games played via Games for Windows will give achievements for Gamerscore. If that account also happens to be the one you play Xbox 360 games on, then they’re added to that account’s tally as well. So long as there are people playing the Xbox 360, Windows Live is alive and kicking, so to speak.

    As for how many users… beats me.

  • Renee

    Where is Second Life?

  • docmomma

  • Dukeofmilford

    i think i speak for everyone real internets where is /b/?
    or is fear or retribution?

  • AlphaMuGamma

    the only thing the map is missing is “The Banished Coalition of That Guy with the Glasses” just northwest of Youtube!!!

    also, where is skype??? i think thats more of a computer program, but it’s still social networking like AIM, which is on the map.

  • Xzillerationer

    Google looks suspiciously like Russia…

  • xkcd fan

    This looks like a rip-off of the xkcd comic >.<

  • ethan

    It was inspired by xkcd, see the credit blurb in the graphic. He then made an updated version of his graphic and plugged us: love all around!!


  • Guest

    I love the Google information gathering outposts :)

  • jennifer nisa sanjaya

    whoaa ,, this is very funny and good ,, nha ha ha :D

  • Jarryd

    my name is jarryd and im lonely

  • ethan

    The 2010 Social Networking Map in beautiful high resolution is now available as a poster…. just in time for Christmas ;-)

  • ethan

    Hooray! You can now buy a super high resolution poster of The Social Networking Map:

  • ethan
  • ethan
  • ethan
  • Didieraymond

    Nice map, great idea…

  • in3am

    nice map

  • in3am

    nice funny map

  • Rajan

    PEER 1 Hosting just released an infographic depicting a Map of the Internet based on data from CAIDA. The image depicts a graph of 19,869 autonomous system nodes, joined by 44,344 connections. Anyone can download a free hires PDF and desktop wallpaper.

  • Mysoft101

    Great Post! But Where Is 2011 Map?

  • buy essays online

    haha… cool map!! 

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  • CrunchNow ✔

    Woah twitter is getting pretty big it’s self,Never heard of habbo before tho

  • Tom Light

    I am sure the world is a different place this year. would love to see the changes in maps

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