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Sunday, December 15, 2013



They are lukewarm...busy dancing and soaking because they are "content"! But God is not content because God has sooooo much more that he intended for them to inherit and experience. They settle for far less than God's best?? It is like being invited to a wonderful banquet...5 course meal... And they are content with the appetizers and the background music.... They have not even walked into the room where the real banquet table is set up and waiting for them!! What good is it to invite the world for "appetizers" when god intended or his children to attend his banquet. His word says: "I will set for you my banquet table right in the midst of your enemy". Yes, we are going to go through many valleys, storms and trials in this world. But, Jesus has already provided "victory" for us through it all. Yes,  faith in action....asking, believing and allowing God to move in his supernatural divine intervention and power in our lives.

Majority of pastors have the works mentality. Because Jesus sent us out into the world with his great commission. But, God wants them to be a good shepherd to his flock. Whatever a sheep needs is what a good shepherd does to care for it. That is why the church is in such a mess. No shepherd to watch over the flock and they are lead astray.

Jesus showed us what a good shepherd does. When Peter and the boys were fishing and caught nothing and were disappointed, exhausted and discouraged, Jesus was waiting for them on the shore. Jesus not only gave them "net breaking catch of fish".....Jesus already had a fire going and made them breakfast too!! When peter needed to pay his taxes, Jesus sent him a fish with coin in his mouth to pay not only Peter's taxes, but Jesus’ too....with plenty left over!! When Paul got out of prison where did he go? He went to the their home.  Yes, we are to pray for one another and stand in faith encouraging all the brethren with psalms, hymns, God word and stand alongside as we go through all the trials. The children of God need one another. God never intended for us to walk alone. God even gave Adam his companion in the garden of Eden because Adam did not want to walk alone.

It is the power of God's love for his beloved children that God "delights" in blessing us with every good and perfect gift. Yes, our God wants to give his beloved the "desires of his heart". Which by the way are far more exceedingly abundantly more that we could ever dare to ask, think or imagine. Yes, God has soooo many presents yet for us to open and enjoy!! And praise the Lord, His mercies are brand new each and every morning  


And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence. - Colossians 1:18

God’s Word says that Christ is the head and we the church are His body. So Christ and the church are one. Christ and you are one! You cannot say that God sees Christ the head perfect but His body imperfect. Or that Christ is accepted but His body not accepted. The measure of Jesus’ acceptance with God is the measure of your acceptance with God!

So it makes no sense to say that the head is well but the body sick, that the head is rich but the body poor, or that the head is at rest but the body full of stress. My friend, what Jesus is before God, you His body are. As He is, so are you in this world! (1 John 4:17)

Today, God wants you to lay claim on Christ being your head. Start believing that all His perfections, and the delight and joy that He brings to the Father’s heart, He has set to your account. And you will begin to realize that as Jesus is a sweet-smelling aroma to the Father, so are you!

The more you begin to see that you are one with Christ, the more you will realize that whatever you need right now, He is dispensing to you. If you are sick in your body, Christ your head imparts His health and healing to you. If you lack wisdom, Christ your head freely imparts His wisdom to you. If you have any lack, Christ your head gives you His exceeding riches.

Beloved, have this rich revelation that Christ and you are one. You can never be separated from Christ your head from whom comes all the supply for your body — all the power, wisdom, provision and health. So declare, “As He is, so am I in this world!”

Thought For The Day :
The measure of Jesus’ acceptance with God is the measure of your acceptance with God!

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