'Preparing for a fest' |
'Eating alone at last after seven years work practising' |
'Baking from my Grandma's recipe book!' |
'Making chocolates' |
'Making stuffed toys' |
'Preparing for a fest' |
'Eating alone at last after seven years work practising' |
'Baking from my Grandma's recipe book!' |
'Making chocolates' |
'Making stuffed toys' |
Thank you to Urban Judit for pointing me to the lovely video on this site, see the link below. A place where the children begin to feel alive again after long spells of illness.
There are English sub-titles, but as you read listen too to the voices of these Hungarian children as you can feel how much this “summer camp” means to them without understanding the language they speak.
They describe it as:
“Therapy for the soul.”
“Its truly amazing. It is rehabilitation into life, into genuine health.”
“This is the very essence of humanity, it is human to help each other.”
“It is great for your soul. It is uplifting.”
I am now open to further bookings of all kinds over the coming months.
A small deposit will secure.
Public presentations on adult work a speciality!
"Doing a Dina"
I am currently looking for families of young children anywhere in the world to take part in preliminary work to explore the possibilities of working conductively over the Internet through Skype, audio and/or webcam. This can be done in German, in English or in Hungarian, as required.
This is "exploratory work" of a kind not done before in Conductive Education, so fees at this point will be very reasonable indeed.
Interested families should contact me to discuss possibilities further, in the language of their choice and without obligation, at
If you don't already have a copy of Dina (and in my opinion every parent with a child under three with cerebral palsy should have read this) this is the only book to describe how to bring up a young child with cerebral palsy "conductively", you can get one by contacting me or the Library at the National Institute for Conductive Education:
I believe that it still has lots of copies at approx. £11.50 each.