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Names Ph-Py

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Names with 20 or more awards and/or judges credits are in bold. Those with 5 or more award records include additional pages arranged chronologically (-C) and, for book and story titles, by title (-T), as indicated by links.
Phalen, David
Pham, Hoa
Phelan, Beth
Phelan, R. C.
Phelpstead, Carl
Phetteplace, Dominica
Phifer, Malcolm R.
Phifer, Michael C.
Philbrick, Rodman
Phillifent, John T.
Phillips, Alexander M.
Phillips, Craig
Phillips, Holly -C -T
Phillips, Ian
Phillips, Jacob
Phillips, Julie -C -T
Phillips, Justin
Phillips, Kendall R.
Phillips, Kyle
Phillips, Lawrence
Phillips, Lou Diamond
Phillips, Louis
Phillips, Mark
Phillips, Peter
Phillips, R. A. J.
Phillips, Rasheedah
Phillips, Robert S.
Phillips, Rog
Phillips, Sean
Phillips, Trina Marie
Phillpotts, Eden
Philmus, Robert M.
Philo, John
Phin, Vanessa Rose -C
Pho, Diana M. -C
Phoenix SF Society
Photos, Nico
Phounsiri, Krysada Panusith
Pi, Tony -C -T
Picacio, John -C -T
Picano, Felice
Picard, Barbara Leonie
Picard, Don
Picart, Caroline Joan
Picchi, Aimee
Piccirilli, Tom -C -T
Piccolo, Christian
Pichette, Marisca
Pick, Ken
Pickard, Nancy
Pickens, Alex
Pickens, Thomas
Pienaar, Ben
Pieper, Louise
Pierce, Alexandra -C -T
Pierce, David M.
Pierce, J. Calvin
Pierce, John J.
Pierce, John R.
Pierce, Meredith Ann
Pierce, Tamora -C -T
Piercy, Marge
Pierlot, Ciel
Pierre, Terese Mason -C -T
Pike, Christopher
Pilcerova, Martina
Pilkey, Dav
Pilkington, Ace G.
Pillai, Devi
Pillar, Amanda -C -T
Pimple, Dennis J.
Pinborough, Sarah -C -T
Pinckard, Miyuki Jane
Pinckard, Terri & Tom
Pinckard, Terri E.
Pinder, Eric
Piñeiro, Anabel Enríquez
Ping, Yang
Pinho, Juliana
Pini, Richard
Pini, Wendy -C -T
Pink, Patrick
Pinkney, Dorothy Cowles
Pinkwater, Daniel M.
Pinn, Paul E.
Pinsker, Sarah -C -T
Pinto, Ricardo
Piper, H. Beam -C -T
Piper, Hailey
Pippett, J. A.
Piran, Tsvi
Pires, Jesse
Pirie, Mark
Pirie, Steven
Pisano, Alessandra
Pisano, Alessandra Maria
Piserchia, Doris
Piskor, Ed
Pitarelli, Jeff
Pitkin, Joe
Pittar, Deryn
Pitts, J. A.
Pitts, Jim -C
Pitz, Robert
Pixar Studios
Piziks, Steven
Pizor, Faith K.
Plachta, Dannie
Pladek, B.
Planchat, Henry-luc
Plank, Tony
Plant, Bud
Plante, Brian -C -T
Plascencia, Salvador
Plath, Sylvia
Platonov, Andrei
Platt, Charles -C -T
Plauger, P. J. -C -T
Plested, Michell
Pletzers, Lee
Plieger, C. Maria
Ploog, Steve
Plourde, Capucine -C
Plumbridge, Martin
Plummer, Mark -C
Plumridge, Marianne -C -T
Plumridge, Marion
Plutchak, Beth
Podersoo, Rhett
Poe, Edgar Allan
Pogodin, Igor
Pohl, Carol
Pohl, Frederik -C -T
Pohl-Weary, Emily
Polack, Gillian -C -T
Polansky, Daniel
Polidori, John
Polikarpus, Viido
Polishchuk, Maksym
Polk, C. L. -C -T
Pollack, Alan
Pollack, Carrie
Pollack, Rachel -C -T
Pollard, Alan
Pollard, Tach
Pollitt, Karen
Pollock, Donald Ray
Pollock, Frank L.
Pollock, Tom
Polowin, Joel
Polutanovich, Greg
Polydoros, Aden
Polzin, Carsten
Pomplun, Tom
Pon, Cindy
Ponder, Alicia
Poniatowski, Nick
Poole, Colin
Poole, Kristine
Poole, Mark
Poole, W. Scott
Poor, Kim -C
Poore, Michael
Poore, Steven
Pope, Elizabeth
Pope, Gustavus W.
Pope, Kerig
Pope, Thomas
Popham, Geoff
Popkes, Steven -C -T
Popkin, Louise
Popovich, Steven V.
Porges, Arthur
Porteous, Robert
Porter, Andrew I. -C
Porter, Chana
Porter, Gary R.
Porter, Sarah
Porush, David
Posner, Richard
Post, Jacques
Post, Jonathan V.
Post, R. K.
Posteraro, Sue
Postic, Nick
Potter, Alexander
Potter, Beatrix
Potter, J. K. -C -T
Potter, Martin H.
Potts, Andy
Potts, Anna Caro
Potts, Stephen
Potts, Stephen W.
Poulson, Christine
Pounds, Derek
Pournelle, Jerry -C -T
Pourteau, Chris
Pousson, Martin
Povey, Jennifer R.
Powell, Eric
Powell, Gareth L. -C -T
Powell, James
Powell, James R.
Powell, Leia
Powell, William Campbell
Power, Derek
Power, Dermot
Power, Eve
Power, Kit
Power, Rory
Power, Susan
Powers (II), Richard
Powers, Anthony
Powers, Richard -C -T
Powers, Tim -C -T
Powers, William T.
Powys, John Cowper
Powys, T. F.
Poyarkov, Sergey V.
Poyer, D. C.
Poyer, Joe
Poyner, Ken
Poyser, Victoria -C
Pracht, Adam
Prado, Holly
Pramanik, Dev
Prasad, Vina Jie-Min -C -T
Pratchett, Terry -C -T
Pratt, David
Pratt, Fletcher
Pratt, George
Pratt, Tim -C -T
Preiss, Byron -C -T
Preissler, Luisa
Prell, Lettie
Prelutsky, Jack
Prentiss, Norman
Prepolec, Charles
Prescott, David Alan
Prescott, Steve
Presslie, Robert
Preston, Douglas
Preston, Grant
Preston, William
Preuss, Alexander
Preuss, Paul -C -T
Preussler, Otfried
Prevost, A. E.
Prevost, Claude-michel
Preyer, Victor
Price, Caycee
Price, D. M.
Price, E. Hoffmann -C -T
Price, George W.
Price, Robert M.
Price, Roger
Price, Victoria
Price, Vincent
Pride, Marilyn -C -T
Priest, Cherie -C -T
Priest, Christopher -C -T
Priest, Elizabeth
Priest, Ryan
Priestley, J. B.
Prieto, Frank R., Jr.
Prill, David
Prime, A. A.
Primer, Callan
Pringle, David -C -T
Prins, Theor
Prior, Natalie Jane
Pristypa, Anatoly
Pritchard, Melissa
Probert, John Llewellyn
Probert, Tim
Proce, Vincent
Proctor, Charlotte
Pronzini, Bill
Prospere, Susan
Prothero, Tiffany
Protosevich, Mark
Proulx, Fred
Proulx, Joanne
Prouty, Royce
Proyas, Alex
Prucher, Jeff
Pryor, Michael -C -T
Ptacek, Kathryn
Puckey, Don -C
Pueyo, H.
Pugmire, William H.
Pulley, Natasha -C -T
Pullman, Philip -C -T
Pulver, Joseph S., Sr.
Pumilia, Joe
Pumilia, Joseph F.
Punchatz, Don Ivan
Punzalan, Pam
Purdie, Jet
Purdom, Tom -C -T
Purdue, Dan
Purdy, Ken W.
Purtill, Richard
Putney, M. J.
Putney, Mary Jo
Pynchon, Thomas -C -T
Pyper, Andrew
Pyun, Hye-young
Copyright 2012 - 2024 by Mark R. Kelly and the Locus Science Fiction Foundation. All rights reserved.
This page last updated Friday 22 Mar 2024 at 14:00 PT