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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tourism in Kuwait? Could it really Happen?

KUWAIT CITY, March 29, (KUNA): The government is seeking to boost the tourism sector in a bid to diversify the country’s revenue sources, Minister of Information and Minister of State for Youth Affairs Sheikh Salman Sabah Salem Al-Humoud Al-Sabah said on Tuesday. Speaking at a conference on tourism and development, Sheikh Salman said that “tourism has increasingly become one of the country’s top priorities.” He also added that the tourism sector in the country has been revamped to produce more growth in that sector.

Moreover, Sheikh Salman noted that the conference highlighted the need to diversify revenue sources, at a time where the prices of oil, which have long been the country’s meal ticket, are in decline. “Tourism is a viable option for increased development,” he said. Sheikh Salman also pointed to the lucrativeness of the tourism industry, saying that the sector has created jobs for youth all across the globe.

The government, during the next fi ve years, plans to build a number of new towns and cultural centers to further bolster tourism in the country, Sheikh Salman said. “These projects will have a tremendous impact on tourism development,” he noted. Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations have a lot of touristic potential, “which should be exploited through continued cooperation amongst GCC nations,” he added.

---They keep talking and talking with no action. Let's invite everyone to Kuwait to see the broken down Entertainment City or the really sad Martyr Museum. Let the tourists sit in traffic, they can see the real zoo on the highways.Let's show them that throwing trash out your car window is cool and using your car signals means the other person will definitely not let you over.

The only positive thing is the amount of empty hotel rooms they can choose from. We are a country of eating and moving as little as possible yet we want to invite others to see that for themselves? When tourists come to Kuwait they should be given suits or armor to try and protect them during their stay.

How about we start of by having the NCCAL put their website and IG accounts in both Arabic and English so that everyone can enjoy their shows? How about we save some of the old Kuwaiti houses and make them into bed and breakfast spots? How about they refurbish the Behbehani complex in Kuwait city into something more cultural? How about someone saving the old Al Shaya house beside the Emir's palace and turn it into something cultural? Look how long it took to update the Towers!
They should have done this years ago when there was money instead of waiting until the oil market to crash and then say "oh crap, what do we do now?"

The roads are embarrassing as well, pot holes and rocks flying will impress anyone visiting, right! The airport is the gateway to Kuwait and yet the new one is still in limbo! Even little Qatar has climbed it's way above Kuwait with it's tourism, now imagine that! I can envision a better Kuwait as everyone can but with all of the red tape and idea suppression it may never come true. When a building is drafted and decided upon the wasta and cut throat world of contract bidding will come up and we know all too well who will get it.

Good luck on the tourism thing, I will sit with my popcorn and watch it take place.

Monday, March 28, 2016

American arrested for Drugs

KUWAIT CITY, March 27: The Public Relations and Security Media Department at the Interior Ministry disclosed a team from the Criminal Investigation General Department arrested an American for possessing drugs for personal consumption and trading.

Acting on a tip-off, the security team was tasked to arrest the American who works in a private transportation company and lives in Egaila as he is said to be trading in drugs.

After taking the necessary legal action, the team arrested the accused in his flat during which he was found to be under the influence of drugs. When the team searched the flat, they discovered an undisclosed quantity of marijuana.

During the initial interrogation, the American admitted to possessing drugs and guided the team to the location of other drugs leading to the discovery of 28 medium packets containing one kilogram of drugs. The suspect and the confiscated drugs were handed over to the relevant security department for legal measures.

----Seriously? These ghetto drug dealers are getting out of control. They are giving Americans a bad name which will cause the police to start stopping us as well. If anyone reading this is a dealer stop before you go to jail and you really have no idea what jail is here.

You will be locked up with no appointed lawyer far away from the embassy which will not help you in any case. You will be locked away and no one will know where you are, no contact with family. No comfy jail surroundings like the states either. Be warned!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Commerce Minister of Kuwait fined for parking in handicapped Space

KUWAIT CITY, March 24: Traffic citations were issued to Minister of Commerce and Industry Yusuf Al-Ali and Undersecretary Khaled Al-Shimmali because their cars were parked in spaces allocated for the handicapped in a yet-to-be occupied building in Ishbiliya.

Although both officials denied having knowledge that their drivers parked the cars in those areas, the incident was widely circulated through the social media.

The minister disclosed he was shocked when he came out of the building as he saw traffic officers issuing a citation so he and other officials commended the traffic officers for doing their job.

He attributed the violation to the mistake of the employees assigned in the building as they allegedly instructed the drivers to use the parking spaces for the handicapped.

Meanwhile, Al-Shimmali sent a cable of appreciation to his counterpart in the Interior Ministry Lieutenant General Sulaiman Fahad Al-Fahad, thanking the traffic officers for performing their duties well without taking into consideration the status of the persons involved. He revealed the incident happened when he accompanied the minister to a building near Ishbiliya Cooperative Society.

-----Good Job! No Wasta given this time.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Social Media Vs. Real Life • Broke

This short film is totally true, I went through the same thing when I met some Kuwaiti bloggers at an event (link) I've since deleted them from IG and I don't visit their blogs anymore. Social media has made stars out of people who might look beautiful on the outside but inside they are rude and think they are better than everyone else, only money will put a smile on their face.

The fake hair, lips, eyelashes and rear end won't make up for your inhumane treatment of people who you deem inferior. I cringe when I see pictures of young girls so happy to be in their company. It will get worse before it gets any better.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Arabia Mall Egaila -Sultan Center Warehouse

Adding to the list of malls in Egaila is Arabia Mall which also empty of stores and the few that are open are not name brand. The coffee shops are doing well for now as people are enjoying the outside seating areas. 

 We looked for the Arcade/entertainment but it didn't exist, maybe at a later date everything will open up.
This of course is a great attraction for the mall
 In this area one has to lock up the rocks
 Or this will continue to happen

 Sultan Center Warehouse

These lovely golden camels, my friend thought I was at NBK

It is empty as of now and I doubt any name brands will be brought in, just like Baraiq mall which has Centerpoint as the only name brand retail store. I don't know how these shops stay in business. The Gate Mall has brought in upscale and known brands so I can't understand why they would open two more malls in the same block. No there are around ten different shopping areas with two more under construction in one block and zero planning for parking. It seems kind of extreme considering the economic downfall currently going on.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sama Mall- Lu & Lu Hypermarket Egaila

Since I needed boxes to move and didn't feel like driving to Qurain I decided to check out the new Lu & Lu Hypermarket located in Egaila Sama Mall. There are very few shops open and I don't think the main mall is open either.

It's a nice clean well lit Lu & Lu with nice areas for the butcher and bakers. I will be giving this one a try as it is much closer to my apartment.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Just Ladies Cafe & Restaurant

As I was exploring the new malls in Egaila I came across this cute little cafe on the third floor of Arabia Mall. I took a peak inside and I must say it was the cutest place I've seen in a long time. The decor had a country charm with sophistication. The furniture reminds of the the quirky (link) shop I found in Shuwaikh.

There isn't any music playing, only the sounds of chirping birds

Cute little rooms colorfully decorated

There is seating outside on the balcony that is covered in grass (astro turff)
It's cute, it's charming and colorful. I got the menu which is on an Ipad and that's when I saw the prices. It's not cheap as prices range from 2.500 KD for a drink up to almost 16 KD for a plate of prawns so make sure you come on pay day. You can follow them @justladies_kw or call 97232411

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Taste of Q8

The second year for the Taste of Q8 event, no invite for me this year which is perfectly fine as I know they needed the 3 KD I paid. My friends invited me so I couldn't say no even though I tried. The event lasted 3 days and you paid 3 KD for entrance fee to walk around an area with different food related booths. It kind of reminded me of Costco when they would give out free samples, I miss those days. 

Coca Cola was giving out free drinks and cocktails, Al Ameed coffee was giving turkish coffee making course along with a free gift. The prices of the food for sale was still retail even though my friend insisted the prices were cheaper. Last year (link) it was much bigger and held at Mishref fairgrounds while this year it was held at Marina Crescent. The parking was horrible and it was a mess trying to get out but it was something to do in Kuwait considering the country lacks any kind of entertainment.

 Coca Cola making cocktails with a smile
 The cutest little camper for a pie catering business

 Wicked sheeshas at the Bazaar chill area
 Jenny Morris
 Reza Mohamed
So there was a band of white guys playing guitar and singing some songs, my friend went and asked if he knew 'Sweet Home Alabama' he tried a few chords but didn't know it, turns out they were Canadian eh'....

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Crackdown in Mahboula

Last night I came home to find police all over my block in Mahboula, I hate when they do these surprise stops, this is the second time I almost ran over the cops not expecting to find them standing in the street. Oops, my bad! Once again they asked for my drivers license to find out my name, not because they wanted to see if I was legal.

Once again the conversation was about me being American and wearing hijab as if they have never seen an American wearing one before...eye roll....on my street I watched as they served the car of an Ethiopian guy. They had been there for almost an hour looking for something. They made him take off his shoes, lift his shirt up and checked everything in his car. In the end they took him away and left his car parked on the side of the road. I will be moving at the end of the month as the area is a slum and someone stole the cap off my wheel and it really doesn't feel safe.

The funny thing was when the police left and the doors of the building on the corner opened and about 200 Indian guys took off running.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Horrible accident on 40

A picture from the accident this morning that had highway 40 stopped from Ahmadi bridge this morning, there was another accident along with this one when a car hit a street sweeper from what my friend told me,

Another fight in Avenues or somewhere else in Kuwait

Another day at the Avenues or wherever it was according to's old as well but I still posted it.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Al Kharoof Restaurant

Coming Soon. Mahboula is definitely the perfect place for this restaurant.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Paramotor adventure in Kuwait

We were invited to fly with the guys of the Kuwait Air Sports Center in the desert and of course be the freaks we are we couldn't pass it up although I am scared of heights. I've seen the little flying buggies on the Amazing Race and I was like nope, never will I try that. Of course I had to be the first one to try because my friends 'love' me so much. 

We got there late because some females take forever to get ready. The team is being trained by Javier Lopez Malaguita @javiermalaguita and he is awesome and a little crazy. They wheeled out what looked like a big baby stroller with a giant kitchen fan attached to the back of it. Of course my friends volunteered me first (thanks ladies) so with my fear of heights I strapped on my helmet and strapped myself in hoping my shoes would not fly off  (a pair of flats because I had no real idea of what we were doing) and prayed I wouldn't cry like a big baby.

In reality it was awesome, I didn't record it because sometimes you just want to experience something alone and enjoy it. We soared above the chalets (now I know what they got going on, one had 3 pools combined) and over the ocean, there are no words to describe how relaxing it was to be away from everything and enjoy nature's beauty.

The view from number 2's flight

That would be Javi soaring through the air with his glowing shoes and doing tricks scaring us when he turned off the motor and was doing tricks, I couldn't watch.

Video from number 2's flight
There is a flight school in which the guys will train people and take them flying, their IG @kuwaitairsportscentre and their website link I don't know the prices but you can call 55902050 for more information.