Dr. habil. Rudolf FERENC is the head of the Department of Software Engineering and an associate professor at the University of Szeged, Hungary. His research interests include static code analysis, metrics, quality assurance, design pattern and antipattern mining, and bug detection. He leads the Static Code Analysis group, which develops tools for analyzing the source code of various languages. These tools calculate code metrics, and detect coding issues and duplications.
He has more than 100 publications in these fields with over 2000 citations. He is leading several R&D projects, which are related to quality assessment, improvement and architecture reconstruction of software systems for major banks and software development companies in Hungary. He has been serving as Program Co-Chair and Program Committee member at the major conferences in this field (ICSE, ICSME, ESEC/FSE, SANER, CSMR, WCRE, ICPC, SCAM, FASE, etc.) since 2005.
Habilitated doctor in Computer Sciences, 2015
University of Szeged
PhD in Mathematics and Computer Sciences (summa cum laude), 2005
University of Szeged
MSc - Computer Programmer Mathematician, 1997
Attila József University, Szeged
BSc - Computer Programmer Mathematician, 1995
Attila József University, Szeged
Graduation Certificate, Programmer Mathematician Assistant, 1995
Óbecsei Gimnázium
I am a teaching instructor for the following courses: