I love this hand embroidered hoop from Sew Faithful
This London-themed cosmetic bag from JordaniSarreal is just the cutest thing!
What little girl's heart wouldn't go pitter-pat at the sight of PheePheeBowtique's little bow?
If you collect Olympic pins, this adorable apron from Foodphyte is just the thing
This necklace from Natalie is the perfect way to show some Olympic spirit
I love this London-themed bunting from SewSweetViolet. It's the perfect party decor.
Something about this print from HopSkipJumpPaper makes me happy
This onesie from Tees2TakeAway seriously cracks me up. I wish Kayleigh had one!
These patriotic cupcake toppers from Pics and Paper are so fun!
And I wouldn't be true to myself if I didn't share at least one crocheted item--how clever is this little Olympic Rings Cap?!? Made by Lina. I love it :)
Are you excited about opening ceremonies tonight? What's you're favorite Olympic even?
Share with us below!