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Soyuz 26A
Part of Salyut
Spacesuit Orlan
Spacesuit Orlan
Orlan space suit as used on Salyut 7 and Mir space stations.
Credit: Zvezda
Planned mission to Salyut 6 that would make first docking with rear docking port and be the first crew to swap spacecraft and return in the spacecraft that ferried the Soyuz 25 crew. But Soyuz 25 failed to dock with Salyut 6.

Launched: 1977 Late. Number crew: 2 .

One result of the investigation of the failure of the mission was that all future crews would have to have at least one cosmonaut with previous space flight experience. Kolodin was replaced by Makarov, and Soyuz 26 as flown had quite a different profile. Kolodin never flew in space.

People: Lazarev, Kolodin, Makarov, Dzhanibekov. Projects: Salyut.

1977 November - .

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