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Soyuz 25A
Part of Almaz
Almaz 1
Almaz 1
Credit: Manufacturer Image
Mission to the Salyut 5 space station, cancelled when fuel reserves aboard the station were 70 kg below those required for the planned 14 day mission.

Launched: 1977 July. Number crew: 2 .

A Soyuz 25 mission to the Salyut 5 space station with the crew of Berezovoi and Lisun was to have followed Soyuz 24. However during the four months it took to prepare the Soyuz, Salyut 5 consumed higher than expected fuel in maintaining the station's orientation. As a result, in the opinion of Glushko (Chief Designer of the Soyuz), the fuel reserves were 70 kg below those required for the planned 14 day mission. He therefore refused to ready another Soyuz for the mission. The flight was cancelled over the objections of Chelomei. The spacecraft allocated for Soyuz-25 flew as Soyuz 30 to Glushko's civilian Salyut station.

People: Lisun, Preobrazhensky, Kozelsky, Berezovoi.

1977 July - .

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