I will be back next week with more pages from this book, plus I'll show you a new coloring devotional book I just got in the mail. It is perfect for winter.
Have A Great Day! Amy
Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!
Have A Great Day! Amy
Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!
I love this verse and the image I found on the Internet. Jesus is the shepherd who watches over and cares for his sheep...you and I! The word says "each day He carries us in His arms!" Isn't that incredible? When you wake up in the morning, expecting a bad day because of some reason or another, remind yourself of this verse. Jesus is carrying you! Give the load to Him!
To make this page I painted the margin with green craft paint then using a mixture of stumps and my own handwriting I wrote the verse. The image was found on the Internet. I simply printed it and colored it in.
Have A Great Day! Amy
Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!
For my next page, I mediated on the story of how David still lost his child, even though he was repentant. Just because God forgives us, doesn't mean there still won't be consequences of our sin. For example, people who abuse food, drugs, or alcohol can have affects on their body that will last the rest of their lives, and/or relationships affected by sinful behavior may never be again what they once were.
Another part of this passage was how David still worshipped the Lord, even though his prayer to save his son went unanswered. That is a difficult, yet important thing to do, for it shows we put our trust in Him and His will.
I further illustrated this story by using a verse from Ephesians. David's other son, Absalom was furious with his brother's treatment of his sister and he was provoked to anger because his father did nothing about it.
I absolutely love it when I can use paint in my Bible. Here I created a sunrise using craft paint then I stamped and hand wrote a verse over it.
I painted the background using craft paint. Then I wrote some notes on the history of the threshing floor to help me understand the story.
Have A Great Day! Amy
Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!
Here God Himself answers Job by asking him if he is as strong as Him and referring to His voice as thunderous; so I illustrated a stormy night with acrylic paints. I hand wrote most of the sentiment but added a few alphabet stickers for emphasis.
Here I used an image of a lighthouse to illustrate the word "light". I simply cut it out, colored it in, and glued it to the page. I hand painted the background using paint and used a combination of stickers, stamps, and my own hand writing for the verse.
Today the Holy Bible is our light, God's truth, that guides our daily lives.
I love this verse. It means so much to me right now when I observe all the injustice going on in the world. I am comforted that heaven is just, and that someday soon Jesus will set up His kingdom here on earth and He will rein and finally everything will be set right.
In my "Enduring Hope" Bible Journaling kit from "Illustrated Faith" I received so many pretty photo cards of flowers. I've been using them as backgrounds for my pages if the margin in my Bible is wide enough. Thankfully, the Psalms has nice wide margins so I was able to use a lot of them in there.
Nature, especially beautiful flowers, represent "praise" to me. Tulips are one of my favorite flowers. I love how they open up in the sunshine, as if they are praising God, arms outstretched.
I decided to invest in several new alphabet stamps since I have given up on my calligraphy skills. Hobby Lobby had some on clearance, so I was able to pick up quite a few sets. This page is mostly alphabet stamps with just a little bit of my own hand-writing. The stamps really make your page prettier if you are not a good calligrapher.
To make this page I added some floral ephemera to the top of the page, and then even though the word "peace" is not directly in this verse, I added it to my page (again using ephemera) because this is a verse that can give me "peace". As I wrote in the margins "I can have peace during these troubled times because He will take care of me if I call on Him".
For this page I highlighted lots of words in different ways but the most creative way was to take a white gel pen over the word "Broken" and make it look like the word was broken. I also added some hearts to represent the condition of the heart God desires.
I love the way this page turned out. I simply painted a background, then added an image that I printed off the Internet, colored in, and cut out. Once again I used a combination of stamps for the sentiment. I added a "He Restores My Soul" stamped image to cover up a boo-boo, but don't worry, it lifts up so I can still read the scripture underneath.
This "king" image was once again printed off the Internet, colored in, and cut out. I used stamps and my own handwriting for the sentiment.
There were some extra "kingly" images included with the image of the king above, so I used them to illustrate this verse.
Have A Great Day! Amy
Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!