Hi families! I thought it would be nice if every once in a while I wrote a little feature on some of the awesome staff members that work with your kids everyday here in school. The first staff member I want to highlight is Mrs. Shea. She is an instructional coach here at school and her job is to work with teachers and students to make everyone's teaching and learning the best it can be. The Top Dogs absolutely love her to pieces and enjoy every second of her time in our room. Mrs. Shea and I are actually friends from about 7 years ago when I was a student teacher in Grand Forks at her school. Here are some questions I had her answer to help you get to know her a little better!
Anything else we should know about you?
My husband is Mr. Shea and some people know him as a principal in West Fargo. He worked at Cheney Middle School and now works at Independence Elementary. He inspired me to become a teacher. He is my best friend, too!
is your favorite part of your job?
a toss-up between the kids and the teachers I get to work with every day.
do you like to do when you’re not at school?
hobbies of mine are yoga and reading.
you have any kids? How old are they?
husband and I have two kids. Natalie,
our daughter, is 18 years old and a senior at WFHS. Nolan, our son, is 13 and
an eighth grader at Cheney Middle School.
your favorite food?
is your favorite color?
like them all, but I seem to have a lot of things that are purple. I even chose
it for my font color! J
you could have any superpower, what would it be?
positivity is my superpower!
was your favorite teacher and why?
second grade teacher was my ALL TIME Favorite, and I’ve had a lot of great
teachers. She really taught me to love reading and writing. A fun fact: I
sought her out and did my student teaching with her when I became a teacher!
do you like to do with your family?
time with my family is so much fun for me and I like anything we do, as long as
we are together! My family enjoys musical theater, games and shows on the Food
My husband is Mr. Shea and some people know him as a principal in West Fargo. He worked at Cheney Middle School and now works at Independence Elementary. He inspired me to become a teacher. He is my best friend, too!