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Welcome to Industrial Engineering Hasanuddin University

Industrial engineering (IE) Hasanuddin University is concerned with designing and improving systems to make products or provide services. IE looks at the “big picture” of what makes organizations work best. Students in the Department of Industrial Engineering learn and research how to design, improve, and control systems of people, materials, information, equipment, energy, and capital to increase quality, safety, and profitability. Industrial engineers provide innovative solutions to the complex problems faced by virtually all enterprises operating in today’s global economy.

If you are interested in a professional engineering career focused on the “big picture” challenges faced by manufacturing and service enterprises, the Department of Industrial Engineering Hasanuddin University offers accredited bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering.

Industrial Engineering News

Latest News and Informations

Sharing Inspiration Internet and Marketing

Saturday, April 25, 2009 |

Industrial Engineering Hasanuddin University in cooperation with Indonesia Marketing Association (IMA) South Sulawesi and PT. Telkom (SPEEDY) conducted guess lecturers with theme Information Sharing and Internet Marketing.(April 23,2009) At this event speakers attended, among others, Mr. Widarto (PT. Telkom) and Mr. Yuhardin (
The purpose of this event are :
1. How to apply Job application via the internet
2. Work as marketing, How and What?
3. How to do business and doing promotions with the internet

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Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia menyelenggarakan the 11th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR) 2009 pada tanggal 3-6 Agustus 2009, bertempat di kampus Universitas Indonesia, Depok.
Panitia mengundang dosen, peneliti, mahasiswa, litbang, industri, pihak swasta dan pemerintah untuk berpartisipasi pada Conference ini dengan memasukkan Extended Abstract dengan maksimum 500 kata. Batas pemasukan abstrak adalah 15 April 2009. Info lengkap dapat diakses di website

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Pekerti untuk Naikkan Kompetensi Pedagogis

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 |

Universitas Hasanuddin (Unhas) selalu berusaha meningkatkan mutu tenaga pengajarnya, salah satu caranya adalah Pelatihan Metode Belajar Mengajar Mahasiswa (Pekerti), pekan lalu. Pekerti adalah program Pusat Kajian dan Pengembangan Aktivitas Instruksional Lembaga Kajian Pengembangan Pendidikan (PKPAI -LKPP) Unhas. Pelatihan digelar di ruang LPKAI-LKPP Unhas, lantai dasar perpustakaan Unhas.
Menurut Ketua PKPAI-LKPP Unhas, Mahmud Syam, pekerti adalah syarat wajib yang harus diikuti oleh semua dosen di Unhas, bahkan seluruh Indonesia. "Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk melatih kemampuan pedagogis para tenaga pengajar di Unhas. Mereka diberikan materi-materi di antaranya, bagaimana merancang bahan pembelajaran, hingga cara penyajiannya dikelas," ujarnya.
Pelatihan ini diikuti puluhan dosen muda perwakilan semua fakultas di Unhas. Kini Unhas tengah menerapkan metode pembelajaran dari teaching ke learning melalui program Student Center Learning (SCL).
"Dulu dosen merupakan sumber informasi segalanya, tapi sekarang mahasiswa yang dituntut untuk lebih aktif mencari informasi, dosen berfungsi untuk memfasilitasi. Tentunya metode ini juga ditunjang dengan fasilitas dari universitas, seperti hot spot," ujarnya. (Sumber : Tribun Online, 25 Maret 2009)

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Seminar Nasional Industrial Services 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009 |

Antisipasi Krisis Global dan Peningkatan Daya Saing.
Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa.

Diselenggarakan pada :
Tanggal 29 -30 April 2009
Pusdiklat PT. Krakatau Steel
Cilegon, Banten

Pembicara :
Keynote Speaker : Menteri Perindustrian RI (Dalam Konfirmasi)
Panel Speaker : 
a. Dr. Ir. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, MSIE
b. Fazwar Bujang (Dirut PT. Krakatau Steel)
c. Made Dana Tangkas
    (Deputy Director PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia)

Biaya Registrasi :
Paket A : Peserta Seminar Nasional
Mahasiswa S1 : Rp. 100.000,-
Mahasiswa S2 / S3 : Rp. 150.000,-
Akademisi : Rp. 150.000,-
Umum / Praktisi : Rp. 175.000,-

Paket B : Pemakalah Call For Paper = Rp. 250.000,-
(termasuk seminar, tidak termasuk proceeding)
Paket C : Peserta Seminar, Plant Visit, dan Wisata = Rp. 300.000,-
Paket D : Pemakalah Call For Paper, Plant Visit, dan Wisata = Rp. 400.000,-

Harga Proceeding : Rp. 100.000,-
Full Paper maksimal 10 halaman, kelebihan halaman dikenakan biaya Rp. 50.000,- untuk setiap halaman.
Pembayaran dengan transfer :
Bank Mandiri KCP Cilegon
155-00-0956638-4 a.n. Shanti Kirana Anggraeni
Email :
Contact Person :
Wahyu Susihono - 085881174369
Ratna Ekawati - 08128468157

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The first and the second OSCM conferences were successfully held in Bali in 2005 and in Bangkok in 2007. The two conferences had been able to draw participants from over 30 countries. As a result, we have been able to establish a pretty good link among operations and supply chain management scholars around the word. Aside from the conference, we have also published Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal.

As for the two previous conferences, the OSCM Malaysia 2009 is expected to draw participants from Asia Pacific regions as well as from the rest of the world. The increasing role of Asia and Pacific region in the global supply chain has made this conference a really interesting and important avenue for anyone looking for better understanding of operations and supply chain management.

This conference is to foster discussions and exchange of ideas about the developments of operations and supply chain management from researchers and practitioners. In addition to regular sessions, there will be a special session on managing OSCM research, which is dedicated for emerging scholars and doctoral students and teaching OSCM with cases.

The organizing committee is pleased to invite you to participate in this conference. The conference will be held at the modern AIMST campus in Bujang Valley, an exotic place in Malaysia and close to various tourist destinations.Call for papers is now available at: http://www.oscm- oscm2009

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