These ribbon roses are made from pink satin ribbon, and rayon seam binding, the leaves are made from variegated ribbon.
The little jewel that is hanging down from the shoulder is part of an earring that I added a freshwater pink pearl and a crystal to. (see it in the first picture) I also added a semi precious stone to the base of the ribbons that are hanging down from the waist.
The little MOP button is so precious, I use vintage buttons where ever I can. The small lace medallion on the right bottom is vintage as well. The larger flower on the left is made from silk and hand dyed to look like a spring blossom.
I had such fun making the base, it is a vintage wooden thread spool, I don't know if you get thread on a wooden spool any more. I painted it and covered the center part with lining material
and made a ruffle of the same material to cover the base. The bow is recycled lace, and the rose is made from wired ribbon.
I had such fun making the base, it is a vintage wooden thread spool, I don't know if you get thread on a wooden spool any more. I painted it and covered the center part with lining material
and made a ruffle of the same material to cover the base. The bow is recycled lace, and the rose is made from wired ribbon.
I am offering this darling dress form for the modest price of $18.95 plus S.H of $4.50