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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Gi-Normous Lillies

And yes, where I come from gi-normous is a word!

I came across these lillies in the lake just down from my house. They are taking over the entire cove where they are growing. The leaves are as much 18-20 inches across on these things and they are growing out of the water as much as a couple of feet.

Had I been drinking I might have been tempted to try to walk on them. :~)


  1. Re-donk-u-lus,But sometimes enormous is not enough adjective for the splaining of the object being described!LOL

    I like the shades of green and the veins in the leaves. I believe there is a flower pod showing in upper center of pic. Would like to see the D300 at work when the Lilies are flowering.

    Be sure and leave camera on the bridge or shore,Then, GO FOR IT!! Better yet have wife take pictures!!

  2. Nice bright picture and commentary to go with.

    So I looked Gi-normous up on the internet... Shure-nuff it's officially a word!


    Pronunciation: \jī-ˈnȯr-məs\
    Function: adjective
    Etymology: gigantic + enormous
    Date: circa 1948

    similar to something that's uber big

    Larger than gigantic, more massive even than enormous, Jared before Subway (eat fresh!)

    southern United States dialaectal blend of giant and enournmous

    Bigger than enormous but not quite hugantic.

    Way bigger than big or ginmormous. like way way way way way way way way way way way way totally big


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