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Showing posts with label Our Fine Friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Our Fine Friends. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

An Interview With Steve McLauchlan soon to be formerly of WWPD

Stole this from the interwebs. I didn't even
Get WWPD's permission to use it. Cause
For those of you who pay no attention to the online Flames community you’ve probably never heard of Steve McLauchlan, this also means you likely don’t exist. Steve is one of the founders of and its News From the Front Podcast. Now, he’s moving on to greener hobbit filled pastures, taking a position with Battlefront Miniatures, makers of our beloved Flames of War. Recently, I had a chance to digitally sit down with Steve and grill him on WWPD, his future with Battlefront and all sorts of other good things.

Throck: For those folks who are new to the site it seems like WWPD has always had a special relationship with Battlefront. Jointly hosting the Overlord campaign, free stuff for product reviews and regularly cross posting your podcast are just a few of the examples of that relationship. But, it wasn’t always so. How did WWPD’s relationship with Battlefront begin? How did it grow?

Steve: A fair question!  Honestly, it grew as WWPD grew.  Our industry is small.  It’s a total niche community, and the Battlefront employees work at Battlefront because they’re keenly interested in the product.  So our community grew with them along for the ride, because at the end of the day they want to go home and play with their toys too.  It soon became evident that it made sense for them to expand the relationship with WWPD!  
It really started when me, Sean, and Joe posted our first podcast.  It was novel, and the guys liked it.  Over time, the relationship really grew as a result of Joe Krone.  Smart guy, Joe.  He knew that it’d cost Battlefront peanuts to send us some models for review, but that our enthusiasm was about as good of advertising as one could get.  Smart investment.  We were happy with the arrangement because it generated content for our site that was worth looking at!
He looks nothing like that any more.
Way less hipster now.

T. Were there any bumps along the road?
S. Definitely!  But most of them resulted in Battlefront not really having a point of contact for us.  It was (and to a point still is- this will be part of my new job!) difficult to just establish a steady stream of review material- especially with enough lead time to not totally miss the boat.  None of their guys’ really had a dedicated mandate to do this, so it was whoever we could catch free at the moment.  In recent months, a much better system was worked out.  Kudos to the US warehouse guys who bore the brunt of the work there, and probably dreading getting emails from us!

More after the break!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Market Garden Madness!

Yesterday my friends at Eagle & Empire (now with facebook page!) in Alexandria, VA hosted a massive Operation Market Garden refight.

Sadly, I didn't get to play due to some other obligations. But I did get to drop by and take a peak, and some photos, of the action

It looked like everyone was having a blast, and got to put tons of toys on the table. Including an incredible 14 .88's!

That's huge. Some one is going to catch those full in the face! 

Here, have some pics!

It all started one sunny afternoon...

WAAAAY more after the break

Monday, September 3, 2012

NOVA Open Recap, Thursday

Wrong year, but I needed a logo....
(First a note: 10,000 page visits in 3 months! WEWT! My deepest thanks to everyone who has been reading and let's shoot 10,000 more by December! ~Throck)

Well hey all. So the next couple of posts are going to cover NOVA open, first here is going to be the pre Late War tourney stuff. Today is just going to be Thursday, because, it turns out I took a TON of pics, which is directly proportionate to how much much the weekend was.

And wow, was fun had. I got the chance to hand out and drink heavily with the illustrious Steven of WWPD fame, Scott our tourney organizer and owner of the Itty Bitty Soldiers Blog and Tom of WWPD and Building a Better Wargame. And I must tell you, shenanigans were had.

Let's just say that ain't just diet Coke. Also, props to Steven
on the MacGyver stir stick. 

First I give you a word: 
Vagilyons (vag-eye-lons)
That's for you Scott.

Nuff Said

Second, after the break, I give you Photo dump of an Early War game played by Tom and Steven with Steven playing the Russians out of Wargaming Monthly and Tom playing Polish Cavalry and Train!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Anyone else totally Jazzed about the WWPD Network?

The fine folks at WWPD have put up a new portal for all things WWPD related. I, for one, am excited to see where they go!

Here's a link to the WWPD Network

Looks pretty sweet right?