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Showing posts with label Award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Award. Show all posts

Nicole Richie's Grace Kelly Inspired Wedding Gown

 December 18, 2010

Hi lovelies,

Have you ever wish to wear Grace Kelly's gown on your big day? Well, it seems like most of the brides out there shared the same dream including Nicole Richie! Definitely she can't get enough of the beautiful gown as she wore 3 Grace Kelly inspired Marchesa Gowns on her wedding. The photos of the first gown have been circulated around the net (whilst most of us waiting eagerly to have a look on the other 2 gowns - nie sure kes jual exclusive rights to magazines.. tue yang lambat release gambar). 

Okay, at least we have a sneak peek on the second gown. I like the second one better.. sexy back gituh! :p Can't wait for the full story of  her wedding. Bleh cuci mate lagi.. hihi :D

Anyway, when i looked at Nicole's dress suddenly it reminds me of this dress.....


Yes, it's Rizman Ruzaini's wedding dress wore by Fazura (back on 2008). This dress is simply beautiful and stunning! No doubt that she looked like a princess!

And of course... while looking at the pictures above, i can't hold myself from looking at the original piece of this popular gown. So here's the wedding gown of Princess Grace Kelly. Definitely like a fairytale.. isn't it? :)

I've been "oohh---ahhh" over these beautiful gowns. *drooling tahap dewa okeh* :p 

Oh my, i have 48 days more? (and it's exactly 3 months after our E-day) nie yang start nak ketaq cam org parkinson nih... less than 50 days olredi? alamak aihhhh... byk lg lom settle.. grrr.... :-S

Back to work!

p/s: anyway, big thanks to Jaja from Si Gaun Putih sebab bagi Anugerah Blogger Harapan. Since dh penah buat entry on the same award.. so rasenye x buat dh second one sbb jawapannye same je. huhuhu

Have a great weekend ahead ye uols!



Another Award and Tagged Post

 December 5, 2010

Hello there,

Kali nie saye ade special entry bcoz of R-YuzSha. First of all, thank u so much for Award Blogger Harapan ni. Dunno what criteria needed for this award... and x sure whether i really deserve it or not.. pape pun, thanks again ye sha. hehe :)

I know this award have been circulating among bloggers since few weeks ago... and award nie initiated by The Chronicles of MemoriSeorangMuda: Reaching for the Stars. Tak sangka alih2 ade rezeki pulak dapat award nie.

Baiklah.. untuk terima award nie ade beberapa syarat yg perlu dipenuhi.. kena jawab soalan2 di bawah

1) Nape aku suke memoriseorangmuda?
First time visit blog memoriseorang muda ni adelah minggu lepas.. isi dia menarik esp tutorials yang ada. very useful :)

2) Reaksi selepas dapat award ini?
Happy.. and terharu of course

and lastly.. tag 15 blogger lain

Honestly... saye macam xde idea nk bg award nie specifically kat siape. Rasanya sume orang pun bleh jadi Blogger Harapan (maybe tuk jadi pemangkin uols tuk terus active blogging). So, dengan berbesar hati saya nak bagi kat SEMUA follower saya! Silelaa claim award nie ye, jgn segan jangan malu :) 

ohh.. ade satu lagi... sha tagged me tuk jawab few questions below.. so here i am doing the favor :)

Adakah anda rasa anda hot?
Hot? Mungkin tidak... tapi cute xpun manis tue adalah :p

Update wallpaper anda guna sekarang

Cerita pasal gambar ini
Sangat suke drama Personal Taste... Soh Ye Jin ngan Lee Min Ho sgt cute! kan? kan? hehehe :D

Lagu terakhir anda dengar
Bonamana by Super Junior (baru tahu yang tajuk lagu ni literally means --> beauty) *penat berjoget tadi.. hehehe* :p

Selain nama sendiri anda dipanggil dengan nama apa?
Achik, Ayu, Nuyu, Cikenit, Aya, Dodot, Nurul (name saye xde nurul pun.. huhu)

TAG lagi 5 orang

Siapa orang No.1 dengan anda?
my BFF since high school

Katakan sesuatu pada No.5
nak ikut dok kat jepunnn!! :)

No.3 ada hubungan dengan siapa?
ehemm.. dengan encik M. hehehe

Bagaimana pula dengan No.2?
currently single but not available :p

Kata-kata cinta pada orang No.4
laling.. miss u so much! x sabar nak jumpe :D

Berikan 4 fakta anda tahu tentang orang yang anda tag
1- all of them went to the same high school
2- sume penah makan nasi kawah :p
3- sume penah solat berjemaah same2
4- sume penah tengok movie same2 (more than 10 times! tul x?)

okay... tetibe saye rase rindu kat high school... huhuhu :(

Sekian saje entry kali nie

Take care



Just some notes....

 November 30, 2010

Hi lovelies,

First of all, i wanna thank Cik Syahira for the Beautiful Blogger Award! This is my 2nd award... huhu.. tenkiu sgt2 ye (saye tau blog saye nie boring.. tp xper, akan diusahakan utk spice up lil bit more). Since i dh folo syarat2 penerimaan award spt yang termaktub kat my previous entry (Step 1 & 2 done);

FYI - syarat2 penerimaannye adelah.....

1) Thanks the person who give you this award
2) Link that person at your blogroll
3) Spread to 15 blogger which you think awesome

so now i have to list down another 15 blogs who deserve to receive this award too.. fuhh.. jenuh jugak nak buat list nie sebab sume pon best2... rase mcm nak bagi kat sume je.. tp cam impossible plak sbb byk gak blog listed kt sidebar nie (and diri ini takler plak ade byk followers.. kang diaorg x alert plak kan). so kali nie saye listkan jugak another 15 bloggers yg saye rase layak. If ade rezeki nnti leh bg award lagi kat org lain. hehe. Anyway, harap sape2 yg termasuk dlm list nie sudilaa terima award ni ye :D

and the award goes to:
  • MizzAmy (The Pink Dress Diary)
  • Mrs.Hana (Fairy's Garden)
  • Nizabeba (Journey of My Life)
  • Hana Yoriee (the so called BRIDE and GROOM to be)
  • Lisa (Let's Get Married)
  • Zara (My Ever After) 
  • ElyaElmo (Tentang Elmo) - we shared same layout.. tp i've edited mine ;)
  • Jazzeyra (Story teller)
  • Renee (Renee Meow's Wedding Journey)
  • Rilla (Tying the Knot) - same layout juge..  tp header u xde gmbr girl :)
  • Lala (Hanya Kisah Kita Nak Kawen)
  • Q (Another Step)
  • R-YuzSha (My Journey Begins..)
  • Rose (Dan bila kau lafazkan cinta itu untukku)
  • Eyanne (TanggalFebruaryTwentyeleven)

oh ye... ade satu lagi cerite....

Remember THIS post? Well, since i'm not used telling people about my personal life (which i think very personal, kalau takat citer pi makan2, pi travel tue xde masalah sgt kot) so i decided to edit the post and make it shorter... part2 personal tue kite kasi potong aja lah ye.. hehe. anyway thanks to those yang sudi membaca entry tue sampai habis (i know entry tue giler2 panjang.. huhu). Appreciate it so much! xoxo :)

That's all for now.

Have a nice day!



Beautiful Blogger Award

 October 21, 2010

Hi there,

First of all i wanna thank Ms. Iffah for this award (nie 1st award saye dpt) huhu.. tergezut pun ade gak sbb i dh few times put this blog on hiatus due to workloads and other commitments. So byk mende yang tak sempat nk share kat blog nie.. Jadinye blog nie xler meriah mcm blog org lain. Tapi takpe... akan usaha lebih sket lepas nie tuk lebih rajin blogging ye. Anyway, thanks again dear :)

Syarat-syarat award ni

1) Thanks the person who give you this award- done
2) Link that person at your blogroll- done
3) Spread to 15 blogger which you think awesome

Since my purpose of blogging bkn semata2 sbb nak cerita hal B2B.. so cerita psl my preparation nie just selit2 je and i do not have any intention nk buat special blog khas for wedding stories. Anyway, tak dinafikan through blogwalking to other B2B blogs laa i earned new friendship which i value most and i've got people yang tak jemu2 dan x kedekut nak share the topics i loved to read (about wedding of course). I know that i'm new to the whole blogging  world connection since before this i blogged for my personal satisfaction only. Tapi xperlaa.. lepas nie meh kite kumpul kawan ramai2 lg ye. Selamat berkenalan sume! :D

I don't know the rules whether the award is restricted to B2B blogger only.. tapi utk langkah selamat, saye bagi kat B2B and ex-B2B laa ye. banyak blog yang best.. tp nie antara yg menarik perhatian. So, here's the list (not following order pun.. sbb sumenye pun best)

Anyway, sudi2laa terima award ini ye :)

4) Tell 7 things about yourself

  • I'm a purple freak :)
  • I love traveling. If only duit berkepuk2 and cuti keje bertimbun kan? definitely dah buat trip around the world :p
  • I love fine dining but my fiance tak bape suke. So tiap kali dating kena osom nak makan kat mane. Slalunye dialaa yg menang sbb kes nak jimat. hahaha
  • Kalau on long distance trip, i prefer to drive rather than being the passenger. Nanti mulalaa pening ke, ngantuk ke.. serba x kena jadinye
  • I am asthmatic since i was 2 yrs old
  • Suke tgk org main tennis... but everytime try nk main, sure failed! rasenye main squasy lagi senang
  • Prefer KDrama drpd sinetron or drama2 lain. Penah buat marathon back to back sehari je tuk habiskan one drama (about 16 episodes). lepas tue mmg ghupe cam zombielaa jawabnye :p

So itu ajelaa yg dpt dikongsikan.. xde ape pun yg menarik about me.. huhu

Till then,



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