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Tuesday, April 29

color palette inspiration

Breaking an inspiring image down to a handful of core colors
is an an amazingly fun and eye-opening exercise.
I have always searched for inspiring color combinations
in humble, everyday places,
but this takes it to a whole new level.
(Do you want to try it? This is a helpful tutorial.)

Thursday, April 24

three all-natural scents for your home

I tend to get terrible headaches
if I use scented candles or other melted wax products in my home,
so I avoid them like the plague.

Usually this works just fine
because between doing a bunch of baking and cooking
and keeping things relatively clean,
my house generally smells okay.

when plumbing problems (sewage in the basement--ick)
and a little one with the flu coincide,
your house's scent definitely needs a little help.

I rose to the challenge
and created three delightful, all natural scents for my home
using ingredients that I already had in my pantry and fridge.
You'll find the recipes below.

Citrus Herb

combine in a small pot or slow cooker:
peel from 2/3 lemon
5 whole cloves
1 small sprig of fresh rosemary
1 1/2-2 cups of water

Warm over very low heat until your house smells better
or the water evaporates.

Apple Spice

combine in a small pot or slow cooker:
2 slices of apple
5 whole cloves
3 slices of fresh ginger
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 1/2-2 cups of water
Warm over very low heat until your house smells better
or the water evaporates.

Tropical Delight

combine in a small pot or slow cooker:
1 fresh pineapple core
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 1/2-2 cups of water
Warm over very low heat until your house smells better
or the water evaporates.
(By the end of the day
this one smelled like pineapple upside down cake!)

~Crock Pot doesn't know I exist, I'm just sharing links to what worked for me.
~Obviously you should always use caution when using heat-producing appliances, especially if you are leaving them on for long periods of time. Don't leave your house scents unattended!
~The scents produced by these recipes are not as strong as commercial scents. They are nuanced and subtle and work best in small areas.
~I wouldn't use these ingredients for more than a day or two. Since they are natural and fresh, they'll be prone to mold growth and decay if left indefinitely.

Wednesday, April 23

april happy mail--sent

I've been extremely fortunate
to find myself in a supportive, generous group
of artists who swap art and art related "happy mail."
Here are (most of) the things I sent out in April.

Color themed ATC's.

Color themed happy mail.

A little birthday surprise.

Tree themed mail for a fellow tree aficionado.

Happy mail is the perfect name for it.
I don't know what makes me happiest:
making or choosing and packaging pretties for others,
seeing their joy when they receive it,
or getting thrillingly pretty mail
in the middle of the bills and junk that usually fill my mailbox.

Thursday, April 17

blueprint art

My husband works at a hospital.
Last year he invested countless hours
into making sure that their move into a new facility
went as smoothly as possible.
Somehow he managed to score the new building's blueprints
as a souvenir.
Last month he gave them to me
and commissioned me to make art for his office
using the blueprint paper.
I was delighted!
I used watercolors, acrylics, and ink to make two options for him
--two options that actually ended up making a pretty cool set.
He's pleased, and I am too.

Tuesday, April 15


gallimaufry: noun
a confused jumble or medley of things

I don't usually make backgrounds
without having a solid plan of what the final piece will be,
but sometimes they're the only soothing thing to do.

doodles on one of the above watercolor backgrounds

These are the best blueberry pancakes ever
and are definitely worth the extra TLC required to make them.

Tumble bunnies (free printable!)
made a delightfully fun and easy weekend project
to make with the kids.

I guess I'm on a pancake kick.
These are wonderfully homey and rustic pancakes
made with almond flour and oatmeal.
I got the recipe from the spring 2014 issue of Where Women Cook,
a beautiful magazine gifted to me by my lovely aunt-in-law.

Tonight my evening relaxation looks like this:
tea (good earth sweet chai of mine)
and reading (Journal It! and Where Women Cook).