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Showing posts with label obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obama. Show all posts

Friday, May 11, 2018

Mr. Noscandal


I met a man Noscandal
And he'd dance for you
In Gucci shoes

With greying hair and starchy shirt
And sharp-pressed slacks
The IRS blues!

He would tell such lies
Tell such lies!
With a snarky little frown.

Mr. Noscandal...
Mr. Noscandal...

"Judge Awards $3.5 Million Settlement to Tea Party Groups for Obama IRS Targeting Scandal."

Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday, June 20, 2016

The Perfect Trumpian Nickname for Obama

Donald Trump is well-known for giving his political opponents derogatory nicknames: "Crooked" Hillary Clinton, "Lyin'" Ted Cruz, "Little" Marco Rubio, etc. Now President Obama is injecting himself into the campaign, so Trump needs to come up with a nickname for him. How does this sound?

Imam Obama, the Defender of Islam.

Monday, January 11, 2016

The Words Obama Won't Say

"Gun Control" joins the list of words that President Obama refuses to say.

Other examples include "Islamic Terrorism," "I'm sorry," and "My fault."

Monday, December 07, 2015

If This Ain't Worth a Blog Post...

...then nothing is:

I think this video should go viral.

I think we should rename O "President Otopu." O(bama)to(tal)pu(ssy).

update: Suspended by Fox News!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Headline of the Day

"Obama to announce slower Afghan withdrawal; White House says post-2016 plan intact."

Doesn't want to screw up Hillary's chance of winning the White House by letting ISIS into Afghanistan before the election.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Obama Might Be Crap At Running a Country...

...but he's an expert at stealing elections.

A new study by the American Enterprise Institute -- "Do Political Protests Matter? Evidence From The Tea Party Movement" -- finds that the movement boosted Republican turnout by three to six million votes in the 2010 election. This effect was blunted in the 2012 election, though, because growth in the movement stalled.

That slowdown happened, co-author and AEI economist Stan Veuger notes, at the same time that the IRS began coming down hard on these groups. He argues in a article that this most likely had a major impact in the 2012 election.

"The founders, members, and donors of new Tea Party groups found themselves incapable of exercising their constitutional rights, and the Tea Party's impact was muted in the 2012 election cycle," Veuger said.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I Wonder If His Golf Opponents Let Him Win... as not to incur a Presidential snit-fit?

"Obama’s rude snub of Netanyahu"

Unlike Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and British Prime Minister David Cameron, who, as heads of state of friendly countries are expected to do, offered personal congratulations to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his victory, President Obama has not.

First, an aide was dispatched to say the administration was giving Netanyahu “space” to form a government. (There is virtually no chance he won’t be able to, with a margin of victory this large.) Netanyahu’s main rival Isaac Herzog called Netanyahu to congratulate him and has told his followers they are going into opposition. But Obama still isn’t giving up.

Next, we heard Obama might call in a few days — exactly when is not clear. And besides, unlike other heads of state, Obama had his secretary of state make a call to congratulate Netanyahu, a deliberate insult. The press secretary did say they would be calling to complain that Netanyahu issued a warning that the Arab list was turning out big (it was) and his supporters better get to the polls. (Understand that, unlike most of its neighbors, Israel has a parliament that matters, allows Arab citizens to vote and even allows parties that call for the dismemberment of Israel.) Always time to criticize and snipe.

Frankly this is how poorly raised children behave. It's not how the President of the United States of America is supposed to behave.

To provide contrast, here's a story of a Republican politician reaching out to a Democrat politician:

"Capitol Hill Buzz: Reid Thanks Paul for Medical Advice."

WASHINGTON — Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid thanked likely Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul of Kentucky for dispensing "expert advice" on Reid's injured right eye.

"I really appreciate it very, very much," the Nevada Democrat said to Paul, a Republican senator and opthamologist who was taking his turn presiding over the chamber Wednesday.

"I want the people of Kentucky to know that, how thoughtful, considerate and kind you've been to me over these months," Reid told Paul.

Yet another reason why I'm supporting Rand Paul for President.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Think They Realize They Went Too Far?

Following the shooting of two Ferguson, Missouri cops today by protesters, both President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have commented publicly, expressing outrage about the shootings and calling for calm.

Sow the wind...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

So He's a Member of SPECTRE?

First you had Dr. No:

Now you have Dr. O:

That's Dr. O's flunky behind him, goes by "Rimjob."

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

From the President's Press Conference

At one point, when asked about his relations with Mitch McConnell, President Obama indicated that he'd like some Kentucky bourbon, and that he didn't know what McConnell's favorite drink was. Well, remember Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill? Does anyone not believe that Reagan knew what Tip's favorite drink was? If the President hasn't had McConnell and John Boehner on speed-dial on his phone and doesn't know their favorite foods and drinks, it's his own fault for being aloof and unwilling to work with political opponents. He can't do that, and yesterday's election was a sharp rebuke to that approach.

Not To Put Too Fine a Point On It, But...

...if all the liberal tears on Twitter last night could be collected, they'd be enough to end the drought in California.

If 2010 was a "shellacking," last night was an old-fashioned ass-whipping.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Headline of the Day

"Obama: Ebola 'SWAT teams' to respond to infections."

Just what we need, more militarized police to kick in people's doors and shoot their dogs. I can just picture it:

"Hey, that guy over there is sweating! He must have a fever! He's got ebola, SHOOT HIM!"

What's next, drone strikes on suspected ebola victims?

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Buckle Yourselves In...

...the ride is about to start.

I'm thinking of a couple of things happening in the next month: the outbreak will get bad enough that it will cause an election massacre of the Democrats, who will be held to blame for allowing the outbreak to begin; or a conspiracy theory will start that President Obama will try to postpone the election for fear of spreading Ebola.

Thursday, October 09, 2014

While On That Subject...

I'm Starting To Think...

...that Ebola 2014 will be the equivalent of the 2008 market crash that brought Barack Obama to power. Discuss.