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Feed the Clan

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Feed the Clan


You gain 5 life.

Ferocious — You gain 10 life instead if you control a creature with power 4 or greater.

plakjekaas on Lifegain-how much to be worth …

1 week ago

Oh yeah, I play Pauper regularly. Both Weather the Storm and Feed the Clan are the bane of my burn deck.

Gearhead93 on Green Ooze and Ham

7 months ago

Love a good ol' slime list. The Arbor Elf and Utopia Sprawl package seems like it could really accelerate the game plan. For the sideboard I would also recommend Weather the Storm over Feed the Clan and possibly adding in some number of Ancient Grudge for the affinity matchup.

Overall, really like the list. Might have to show this one around at FNM.

Scarecrew on Miss Revane's Worm Farm

1 year ago

rekkim you definitely could add Primal Command, it's very versatile. But I wonder what you'd take out... 12 bombs is already on the low side imo and you need all the good ramp you can get.

You got a very good point though, I playtested this against my friend's Gruul aggro deck Wrath of the clans, red/green aggro and I always lost because this deck was just a turn or two too slow to tip the scales. So a "way to keep yourself alive one more turn" would definitely help. Just since most of the time you would use only the first and the last choice of Primal Command, I believe something along the lines of Nourish or Feed the Clan or just a Fog effect would fit better mostly due to Primal Command's high mana cost. Also topdecking is alright since you should gut half the lands out of the library in the first 5 turns, so most of the time you topdeck something that keeps you going.

Honestly this is one of my older decks so I haven't put as much effort into it as I normally would with my newer decks. I recently just moved some cards around as I was playtesting it to make it flow better.

plakjekaas on Should Green's Lifegain Rely Upon …

2 years ago

Green is literally the color of life in MtG, I'm not sure why lifegain would need to be tied to a card type for the color. Every type has lifegain in green:

Nissa, Nature's Artisan

Arborback Stomper

The Great Henge

Glorious Sunrise

Feed the Clan

Hunters' Feast

Gingerbread Cabin

seshiro_of_the_orochi on X less to cast

3 years ago

Generally, this is a pretty great idea. It feels like you want to do many things, though.

Sproutback Trudge wants you to gain life. It combines nicely with Ghalta and Belt, as it's a pretty big creature. But then, there's Avatar of Might, which doesn't care about lifegain, but instead wants a big enemy boardstate. For that, you included Squirrel catapult, which again doesn't synergize with the rest of your deck And this seems to be one tangent too much for the deck to run smoothly. My suggestion is to drop these eight cards to add in some combination of Ezzaroot Channeler, Trudge Garden, Essence Warden and Feed the Clan.

As Tower of Eons and Natural Spring are terrible cards, you'd have 14 slots. As replacements, I'd go with four Essence Warden, four Ezzaroot Channeler, two Trudge Garden and four Feed the Clan.

If you want to play removal, maybe adding in some copies of Primal Might would be good. It is a useful fight spell that fits nicely into a turn where you want to cast Ghalta on top of destroying a creature.

abby315 on Weight of the Forest

3 years ago

Welcome to MTG! I'd start by getting down to a 60-card deck as you mention. Just increases the chances you draw your best cards. To get there you need to remove 9 cards, which should be non-lands IMO.

My suggestions:

  • 4x Feed the Clan (this is a good sideboard card but gaining life at the expense of a card is not where you want to be in most aggro decks)
  • 4x Harmonize (this is just not a great rate for 3 cards, there are better things to do)
  • 1x Llanowar Tribe

So that gets you down to 60 cards. I'd also make at least one further swap: to get more card draw back in there, I'd swap the remaining Llanowar Tribe for either 1x more Lifecrafter's Bestiary or Return of the Wildspeaker, which is a really neat modal spell that should net you a lot of cards with your big hydras, or it can close out the game.

There are also some upgrades you could make to the lands, if you'd like. I'd start by removing all the Radiant Fountains - again, gaining life isn't that important, and it's really bad to have a hand of 2x Radiant Fountain and a hand full of Llanowar Elves!

I'd swap them out for as many Lair of the Hydra you can afford. You could put in a few Treetop Village instead, but Hydra is better because it comes in untapped, eats up your extra mana, and is on theme!

Otherwise, looks like a fun and solid core for a deck. You've got a good manabase and ramp package, and you can just fill in the "top end" with cards that you like, as you've done. Have fun!

lagotripha on The Beasty Boys (Budget)

3 years ago

This is a classic casual list - If I was looking to win fnms with it, I'd go lower on the mana curve with some combination of 1 drops that can get 4 power, backed by 'power 4 matters' which has been printed quite a lot. In casual play there are a lot more options.

Colossal Majesty/Furious Rise/Garruk's Uprising/Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner are great at drawing cards. Crater's Claws is the best finisher for this kind of list if it ramps. Feed the Clan is incredible in the sideboard. Flamewake Phoenix is great if graveyards aren't being exiled. Bonders' Enclave is good, solid card-draw. Temur Battle Rage is a great 'gotcha'. Whisperer of the Wilds is a second Ilysian Caryatid, Winds of Qal Sisma is a fun 1-sided fog.

For pure budget, Ravenous Squirrel + Bloodhall Ooze + Swarm Shambler offers a solid creature package, which plays nice with stuff like Winding Constrictor. If you want flat creatures, Lambholt Pacifist  Flip, Skinshifter, Talara's Battalion or similar.

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