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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
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Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
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Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Arachnus Spinner
Creature — Spider
Tap an untapped Spider you control: Search your graveyard and/or library for a card named Arachnus Web and put it onto the battlefield attached to target creature. If you search your library this way, shuffle it.
seshiro_of_the_orochi on Custom Card Design: Weaving Aurachnid
1 year ago
legendofa: That's right. It would propably feel right at home in a Precon, good catch. The general idea was to have a second copy of Arachnus Spinner with a broader set of cards it could find. Originally, I intended to just get any Aura into play, but that seemed too damn broken. Restricting it to MV3 felt too on the nose in regards to Arachnus Web. But giving the restriction of only giving enchantments to other opposing creatures felt just correct flavourwise. This is how it ended up like this. Oh, and it's an enchantment creature for Ishkanah, Grafwidow.
seshiro_of_the_orochi on Custom Card Design: Weaving Aurachnid
1 year ago
Let me ask you a question: What would Arachnus Spinner look like if it could not only go for Arachnus Web, but could search any aura to drop onto the board. Here you have my answer:
Thoughts on the design? I'm aware it's pretty powerful, but then again, it's an MV6 card, so the powerlevel should be fine, maybe even a little weak.
MysteryMuffinCat on
Eight-Legged Freaks
2 years ago
Naturally, I'd considered adding Arachnus Spinner and Arachnus Web, but the problem is what the deck gets out of that card combo vs freeing up 2 slots for potentially better situational cards for counters/removal or really any other cards that cater to the commander, given she is the primary source of spiders. I understand delirium is important, but there are cheaper CMC alternatives and delirium is not hard to activate.
Genderfluidia on
Ultimate Spider Tribal(WIP)
2 years ago
Very cool! What do you think of Arachnus Spinner (and Arachnus Web of course)?
wallisface on
3 years ago
Some thoughts:
your mana curve is very high for Modern, and you have almost no ramp to compensate. I’d suggest lowering your curve - the deck at the moment is going to play very slowly/clumsily. I’d suggest playing no more than 4 cards costing cmc4-or-greater (you currently have 11, which is pretty unwieldy)
the only way you’ll get to use Whisperer of the Wilds ferocious ability is by having Arachnus Spinner in play, or playing Overrun… both cards are already at the top of your curve, so by that stage you won’t need the mana. I think if you want ramp, go for the 1cmc mana dorks, they’ll provide better value/tempo.
there’s almost no synergy or reason to be forcing yourself to run spiders as a tribe, as they don’t really help each other in the slightest. It feels like you’re letting the “tribalness” get in the way of deck-building.
seshiro_of_the_orochi on If you're building Chishiro, include …
3 years ago
Ghitu Firebreathing because redundancy?
Also, Gatherer of Graces + Rancor
Or Gatherer of Graces + Arachnus Web + Arachnus Spinner + Bramble Elemental + Maskwood Nexus for infinite tokens. This is above and beyond, but as you already started the ridiculousness.
seshiro_of_the_orochi on
Eight-Legged Freaks
3 years ago
Spider-player here. Maybe try Arachnus Spinner and Arachnus Web ? It's a very versatile removal spell and can be useful if you for some reason need an enchantment in your graveyard forv delirium. Also, maybe try Temur Sabertooth to bounce Ishkanah for additional triggers.
vasarto77 on Arasta the spider queen?
5 years ago
Arasta of the Endless Web This card I noticed in the spoilers for the new set. I kinda liked the idea of spiders and tried to at one point back when Arachnus Spinner was standard to make a standard spider deck that failed miserably. But, with commander I think it might be possible to make a great deck from this. At least something fun and casual at the very least.
Is there any way to make good use of her ability at all since it relies solely on what your opponent might do or do you guys think that this legendary creature might be a dud? I can't exactly force an opponent to cast instant or sorcery spells and I cannot possibly fathom a way to make this infinite in any possible way.