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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Celestial Ancient
Creature — Elemental
Whenever you play an enchantment spell, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control.
NV_1980 on
*Retired* Not Quite the Odyssey
3 years ago
Wow, this deck brings back memories. My wife used to play a deck she called 'Stopping Power!'; facing off against it was brutal. Some fun, budget additions I can think of (based on that deck):
- Underworld Dreams/Fate Unraveler: so useful against decks featuring blue.
- Rule of Law: stops a lot of combos dead in their tracks and slows down the game considerably (which is just fine for most Daxos decks).
- Martyr's Bond: expensive to cast at CMC6, but gives such nice protection.
- Celestial Ancient: almost as good as Cathars' Crusade in your deck.
- Grim Guardian: ouch!
Have fun brewing!
libraryjoy on
Karametra Budget Enchantments
3 years ago
I'd drop Aura Fracture. I like Eidolon of Countless Battles, although it doesn't count your non-aura enchantments. I'm a fan of Spawning Grounds, Plea for Guidance, and Archetype of Endurance.
Some options where mileage may vary: Ardenn, Intrepid Archaeologist, Heliod's Pilgrim, Hero of Iroas, Siona, Captain of the Pyleas, Transcendent Envoy, Silent Sentinel, Celestial Ancient
TheVectornaut on
Heaven's Song
3 years ago
Without the need to champion an elemental anymore, you probably also don't need some of the weaker elementals like Cloudkin Seer and Squall Drifter . I do think cutting the big guy was a good idea since he isn't that impactful, but it does feel a shame to not have something Thryx, the Sudden Storm is trying to help bring in. Windreader Sphinx was the first card that came to my mind as a big creature that works well in flying tribal. There's also Zetalpa, Primal Dawn if you just want something exceedingly big and dumb. Finally, Celestial Archon could be a decent beater that also triggers Archon of Sun's Grace . On the subject of the Archon, Riptide Chimera seems like it could be a great partner to guarantee at least one pegasus every turn. Plus, it also lets you start your sagas from the beginning instead of needing to sacrifice them while getting even more buffs off Celestial Ancient .
Deadpan_Serious on
Big, Bad Tuvasa - Budget Local League
4 years ago
since you said 'I love the concept of "one creature that wins" ' i take it you put all the friendly aura's on your commander? doesn't your commander get removed with something like Swords to Plowshares whenever an opponent can to cause all of those aura's to be put in your graveyard?
anyway, what about bestow creatures like
Kestia, the Cultivator
Eidolon of Countless Battles
? also
Steal Enchantment
can give you two enchantments for the price of one. and
Control Magic
is pretty good.
then there's Nexus Wardens , Yavimaya Enchantress , Celestial Ancient and definitely Sage's Reverie .
also multicolored aura's like Shield of the Oversoul , Shielding Plax , Favor of the Overbeing , Steel of the Godhead .
stellarnear on
4 years ago
Carte à rentrer :
All That Glitters uber buff pour deux
Ancestral Mask uber fort
Archon of Sun's Grace juste fort
Calix, Destiny's Hand swag + straight synergie
Celestial Ancient zone boost (ptet un peu faible)
Destiny Spinner bonnes state et bonne protec
Ethereal Armor fort
Gift of Paradise mana versatile
Heliod, God of the Sun reasons
Mesa Enchantress moteur de pioche fort
Mirrormade combo
New Horizons mana ramp
Oath of Teferi combo commander
Open the Vaults revive hard
Satyr Enchanter moteur de pioche fort
Season of Growth gros moteur de pioche
Setessan Champion moteur de pioche fort
Siona, Captain of the Pyleas wonderwoman in da place
Starfield Mystic combo direct
Starfield of Nyx peu partir en couille vite
Verduran Enchantress pioche (ptet un peu faible)
Eutropia the Twice-Favored bonne distrib de puissance je pense
Cartes sorties :
Boon Satyr trop basique
Cold-Eyed Selkie aucun interet
Daxos of Meletis je le vois pas marcher vraiment
Dictate of Kruphix bof
Dismantling Blow meh removal
Eel Umbra trop basic
Elderwood Scion interessant ptet en side
Empyrial Storm trop cher pour son effet
Epic Proportions un peu cher pour l'effet surprise prefere mettre du solide
Genesis Storm trop cher pour son effet
Ground Seal mouais
Loyal Drake mieux à mettre peu de synergie
Loyal Guardian combo pas
Loyal Unicorn interessant mais peu synergique
Myth Unbound interessant mais y a mieux à rentrer
Ravenous Slime interessant mais peu synergique
Reclamation Sage un peu faible pour un removal
Soul Snare y a mieux en removal
Spawning Grounds meh - overcost
Vow of Flight j'aime pas l'idée de le mettre en face (ptet en multi side)
Vow of Wildness j'aime pas l'idée de le mettre en face (ptet en multi side)
Vimozahr on
Tuvasa enchantments
4 years ago
Cuts that i would do:
More suggestion: Karmic Justice is also good for protection.
mcewanquad on
$5 Bird Counters
5 years ago
Love this deck, I made a version of it based on the list.
I have found Gleam of Authority underwhelming unless you have managed to get your Cloudfin Raptor up using Thrummingbird . Because most of the enchantments are cheap, if you don't know you have Celestial Ancient coming up it's hard to justify keeping stuff like Ordeal of Thassa and Favorable Winds in the hand to activate the triggered effect of Ancient later on. However usually if you get get some proliferation from Thrummingbird + Collective Effort , you have a viable bird army by T3 or T4.
In the 1-drop slot I swapped Faerie Seer for Healer's Hawk . I have been thinking of adding Sky Tether as basically a 1 mana Pacifism for removal. Blessed Spirits also rounds out the curve nicely and fits right in with the theme. I happened to have a Starfield Mystic which also dovetails nicely. I found Gird for Battle as a nice mana sink on T3 or T4 to get the proliferation / boosts for High Sentinels of Arashin if you have any "naked" creatures. To boost card draw, one could also add Winged Words and/or Curiosity / Curious Obsession which would get more enchantments in the hand. Invocation of Saint Traft is also a great combo with Cloudfin Raptor . Finally, Eidolon of Countless Battles can be a nice T4 bomb, boosting up one of your smaller flyers.
I know a lot of those changes make it a little less budget, but we're still talking like <$15 here.
Caerwyn on
Selesnya Enchantment
5 years ago
In the spirit of giving deckbuilding advice, and at the risk of sounding a bit obtuse, I don't think this deck is going to be competitive in Modern. Your only real protection is Sphere of Safety , which is too slow for Modern, and you will not realistically be able to benefit from either Celestial Ancient or Sigil of the Empty Throne , since you'll likely be tapped out after casting either, and will have to wait a whole turn before you can get any benefit. Finally, auras are just a bad strategy in a format with so much removal--your opponent can easily take out two of your cards using one of his or her own.
That said, Selesnya enchantments can be a fairly competitive deck, but it is an aggressive one, rather than a control one. The deck, often known as Bogles or Aura Hexproof, revolves around Slippery Bogle , Gladecover Scout , and Kor Spiritdancer to quickly drop low-cost hexproof creatures then start swinging with cheap enchantments like Rancor and other 1 mana auras (as well as Daybreak Coronet and maybe 1-2 copies of Spirit Mantle ).
However, if you want to keep with this plan, here are a few suggestions:
Add some ramp, like Llanowar Elves (or the less budget-friendly Birds of Paradise or Noble Hierarch ).
Add some more interaction, such as Path to Exile and maybe Naturalize in your sideboard.
Add a few of the creatures from Bogles, even if you do not want to commit 100% to that strategy.
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