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Showing posts with label Defiance Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Defiance Games. Show all posts

Friday, January 24, 2014

Defiance Games - Culprit or Scapegoat?

Defiance Games published a new comment on the Torn Armor situation:

Let us preface all this by saying that Defiance Games has had it's share of ups and downs and we've made a lot of mistakes along the way. It has definitely not been a pretty journey in the least and we are well aware of our reputation.

Over the last few months we have been regrouping and rebuilding to fix our past and bring new products to the market - helped along by a small, but successful Kickstarter in October.

That all said, we can't stand by and have our reputation further destroyed by statements that only tell a part of the story.

Alyssa Faden (or Natalya Faden) of Torn World has made a statement that basically says we are to blame for her Kickstarter failing. This is absolutely untrue. We don't believe she could afford to finish her Kickstarter with us or anyone.

The Torn Armor Kickstarter - see here:

Torn raised $67K in April 2013 primarily by including a large number of miniatures as stretch goals and a free shipping offer - similar to what the large companies like Mantic Games do – when they have $1M+ Kickstarters. The core game had 12 unique miniatures (39 total figures per set). They hired another company to sculpt these figures for them and provide manufacturable STL files.

This didn't happen. It was clear early on that the sculpts that were being produced were not manufacturable at all. A combination of undercuts, ultra-thin part areas, and other problems would mean anyone would be hard pressed to actually produce them. Alyssa then described these sculpts as "sketches" that could be used by other sculptors to create manufacturable models. Torn also hired a number of physical (i.e. non-digital putty/greenstuff) sculptors to make versions of these as well.

The sculpts from Alyssa's digital sculptors cost close to $20K from what she has told us. This doesn't include the additional sculptures ($300-400 or more each) done in putty.

At the same time, as Alyssa realized that nothing she had paid for from the digital sculptors was usable, she was receiving quotes from China factories to produce the miniatures. These were coming back 30% or so over what she had “estimated”. One quote we saw put the molding alone at $45K. (i.e. it didn't include the manufacturing of any miniatures – just the molds to do so – leaving $20K for sculpting, printing, shipping, etc). The project was absolutely doomed at this stage.

At this point she called us and wanted to know if we could help do this project for her. We pushed back as we already had a lot going on here and didn't want to complicate things. She kept coming back to us asking us to please quote on the project. Finally - and how we now regret this - we did.

Her plan was that she was going to have a new digital sculptor take the digital files and “fix” them to allow them to be molded. This sounded doable and we put in place a project to mold and produce 500 core box sets. Keep in mind there are 12 unique figures in this box set and 39 figures per box. It is not a huge project but something that should take a few weeks to produce after receiving usable files. (Our project also did not include any of the 20+ other sculptures – some of them quite large multi-part expensive pieces including a massive Mu warmachine thing in many separate parts – that were needed to satisfy the Kickstarter – go visit her Kickstarter page to see all the add-on sculpts that were part of this – our part was just the core box set. She planned on having us quote on the additional work for these figures after the first project. At the time we did not know there was probably zero budget for this available.)

We drew up a contract together and this was our responsibility list:

1. Create molds for plastic production from TW-supplied master sculptures
2. Produce plastic figures from DFG-created molds.

Torn were responsible for giving us workable 3D files – which she failed to mention in her post - which we would of course work with the sculptor to make sure we could use. And that is where it fell apart.

As this was happening, the conventional sculptors had finished their work. We were ready to start molding those and producing parts. We sent pictures of the ones we received to Alyssa who posted them up on her Kickstarter pages. Based on the feedback she received she decided that the physical sculpts weren't good enough. She instructed us not to produce them and wait for the digital files to be redone.

She brought in a sculptor who began to work on the files. Unfortunately, at the time we didn't know that the files were such a mess that he was basically just re-sculpting everything from scratch. Reportedly, he was being paid $100-200 each - a really low price for the amount of work he was doing. Unfortunately, as he began to deliver the files to us we saw that changes needed to be made. The technical fixes themselves were fine - but the way they were being laid out presented issues with undercuts and in some cases used way too many parts per figure.

For example - the Mu Slinger - a 20mm tall mouse person - was delivered in five separate parts: head, two arms, body, and tail. Alyssa's instructions were to have as little gluing for the end customer as possible. We went back with a list of changes and suggestions on how to repose the sculpts to get close to a single piece figure.

The sculptor refused to communicate with us. We were forced to play the telephone game through Alyssa. But even then that did not result in changes. Alyssa was pulling her hair out - we were pulling our hair out as well. We just wanted to get some manufacturable files, print them, make the molds and produce what we were hired to make.

We recommended Alyssa hire another sculptor to try to fix the files - someone we trusted and whose work we respected. That was in December – only a short time ago. He started to look at the files and manipulate them. He quickly realized – as the original “fix” sculptor had - that one of the problems was the original files themselves. He asked if we could receive the native ZBrush files to work from. Those would be layered ZTL files. If he had those, he could make changes quickly.

To be safe, we asked Alyssa to ask the original digital sculptors for a sample of the original files to make sure they worked. Unfortunately, that did not happen. Instead, Alyssa apparently gave those digital sculptors $1000 to send her all the files without looking at them first. (We found out at this point that she and the original sculpting company had had a falling out and weren't on speaking terms – we don't know the whole story.)

The new sculptor received the files and discovered that they were a mess. In his words: "the issue isn't the poses as much as how they decided to layout the layers gaps and spaces that are hard or impossible to patch up because they bound them together. You can cut a piece off there is nothing under it lol have to fill the blank and then smooth it and it looks like crap."

He spent a lot of time and got us the one hoplite pose finalized which Alyssa posted January 8th. We thought we were now going to be okay but the more the sculptor dug into them the worse the files were.

Alyssa told us that she could not afford to pay for additional sculpting. We HAD to make what we had work. Unfortunately, that was impossible given the files we had to work with. Unless someone were to completely re-sculpt these figures from scratch there was no way we could produce them.

Defiance Games is now a scapegoat for Torn's decision to shut down this project - a convenient and easy target because of our own well-documented problems. We don't deny them – we definitely have had them – but we feel they are being used now to cover up Torn's inability to fulfill their Kickstarter.

We signed on to make their figures but we were never given the files that would allow that to happen. We are still prepared to finish the project and we've budgeted the materials and man-hours to do it. We just need usable files and we would be thrilled to do the work and make this project a reality.

Instead we are being blamed for the project's failure and we've been asked to refund the payment. And in the big scheme of things it is fine that they are bailing on their project – that is their right - and want us to pay back money for a part of it that was never completed. But as a small company, we're just not in a position to do that immediately in a lump sum. Along with offering to complete the project if we're given files that can be turned into miniatures, we've also offered to work out a payment plan. We'd love to see Alyssa's project succeed, but we won't lay down and let Defiance be dragged through the mud for something that is - for once - not our fault.

We did not complete the project – because we did not receive files that could be turned into produceable miniatures. If we had these – this project would be done now. We now highly doubt it would have shipped given the financials...this was a severely underfunded Kickstarter and anyone can look at the sheer amount of figures, printing, and shipping and see that.

We know we don't have a great track record and we've been working to fix it. We know we did not complete the project. But we also want people to understand the other side of this story and why that is. This is a terrible situation for everyone involved and the result may be that both our companies go down because of it.
 Link: Defiance Games on facebook

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Torn World - Defiance Games Strikes Again

Torn World announced today that the Torn Armor Kickstarter cannot be fulfilled due to Defiance Games ripping them off their money:

It was at this time that Defiance stated that they would not produce any masters until they had finished a batch of models. They then informed us that the file format we had provided them, their choice, wasn’t going to work. This new format was already a replacement of the original format they said wouldn’t work, which again was their choice. Soon after this they started talking about “going back to the models from last October” It was at this time I knew we were going into a downward spiral of excuses and finger pointing.
Ironically their chief responsibility was the creation of a usable, printable, castable 3d miniature models. Early on, they informed me they were unable to work with my artist/modeler and they in turn chose the artist/modeler they wanted to work with. The file format wasn’t going to work!
Clearly we have a serious problem.
Last Friday I concluded that Defiance was completely unable to fulfill our needs and that I made a mistake in choosing them. Being noble and generous I would say that they truly felt like they could handle it, but the reality of the project – in addition to their own projects – was too much. There may well be other reasons.
I formally asked for our money back less the approved and agreed charges and after a weekend of badgering they told me on Monday that “We do not have the available cash on hand to return these funds at this time” and “We are gearing up here for our own releases to get new product to market and improve our cash flow.” 
Link: Announcement on Kickstarter
Link: Torn World

To be fair, I add Defiance Games' response:
An open letter to Alyssa Faden of Torn Armor.
Did you really have to take so little responsibility and say that WE failed? After a nice paragraph in which you say you should take the blame, you write a long text blaming us. Wrong.
Basically, your figures were not produced because the digital files you provided do not work. Yet you try to shift responsibility for that to Defiance. Defiance DID NOT create the digital files. It was never our responsibility to do that. You should admit that, but you do not.
This is your project -- the only person responsible for the fact that Defiance never received workable files is ultimately you, Alyssa. The buck stops with you when it comes to Torn.
After the original files proved unworkable, the vendor you hired to fix them did not provide results which could be manufactured (Did you really want us to try and make a 20 mm resin figure in 5 parts???). Nothing that happened at Defiance, the 'changing of the guard' or the 'turbulent times' changes that.
You claim to have patience. Well, you are now choosing (it is a choice on your part) to close your project. Ultimately, this might still be a fixable problem. We have suggested possible solutions. You have decided not to do that. That is your decision and your responsibility. Do not blame anyone else for it.
I am really disappointed in you.
John Morse
 Link: Defiance Games on facebook

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Defiance Games - 28mm Hard Suit Preview

Defiance Games presents the 3D prints of the 28mm Hard Suit from their Kickstarter campaign:

The second picture is a close up of the blades - an optional attachment you can add to the open left arm of the core set
Link: Pictures on Kickstarter
Link: Defiance Games 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Defiance Games - Female Marine Preview

Defiance Games presents a first picture of the Alien War female Marines:

Link: Picture on Kickstarter
Link: Defiance Games

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Defiance Games - Kickstarter Update

Defiance Games reached a new stretchgoal for their 28mm Power Armor Hardsuits Kickstarter:

If we make over $22,000 with this project we will be releasing a UAMC FEMALE MARINE set. The FEMALE MARINE set will include 14 female marine figures. This includes a 12 woman squad and 2 hardbeam toting heavy weapons figures. All of these figures are in their concept stage currently and part of the goal for this one is to get us top grade sculpts! The lead time on these will be much longer than the hardsuits and the German mech. We would expect to get these figures released in 5-6 months but we will add a couple of months to properly ensure the quality of the product. Expect the delivery of the UAMC FEMALE MARINES around July/August 2014.
Each box set of the UAMC FEMALE MARINES will contain 14 figures. Our UAMC FEMALE MARINES will be made out of spin plastic.
Link: Campaign on Kickstarter

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Defiance Games - UAMC Hard Suit Kickstarter

Defiance Games launched a Kickstarter campaign for their UAMC Hard Suits with the German Walker as a stretchgoal:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter
Link: Defiance Games

Friday, September 6, 2013

Defiance Games - New Panzergrenadier Preview

Defiance Games published a new teaser of the upcoming re-mastered Germans for Alien War:

Link: Picture on facebook
Link: Defiance Games

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Defiance Games - New Panzergrenadier Design Preview

Defiance Games announced to replace their german Panzergrenadiers for Alien War:

After a lot of feedback and discussion internally we decided the time had come to redesign them to better fit our spincast process and the new spin plastic. We wanted them to better match the original artwork and live up to their Armor 4 rating in the ALIEN WAR rules system as well. Without further ado - here is the first sculpt in progress. We'll explain more about what's to come with these sets and show you as we move it all forward!
Link: Picture on facebook
Link: Defiance Games 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Defiance Games - New Containment Barriers

Defiance Games released a new terrain set, the Containment Barriers:

Link: Defiance Games

Monday, July 1, 2013

Defiance Games - Plastic Shipping Containers Pre-Order

Defiance Games now accepts pre-orders for their new container terrain:

The hard plastic shipping containers are ideal for terrain and objectives on your gaming table. Each set features TWO containers - with the choice to build three different options. One is a standard container, another is an enviro-unit/refrigerated container, and the third lets you have opening doors on both ends.
Link: Defiance Games 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Defiance Games - Imperial Chinese Release

The Imperial Chinese Militia has been released by Defiance Games:

Link: Defiance Games

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Defiance Games - More Imperial Chinese Militia Previews

Defiance Games published more pictures of the upcoming Imperial Chinese Militia for Alien War:


Link: Pictures on facebook
Link: Defiance Games

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Defiance Games - Imperial Chinese Army Previews

Defiance Games announced a new faction for Alien War, the Imperial Chinese:

These are just four of the possible poses of an incredibly customizable set of 20 figures. We'll be showing loads more - included painted ones - over the next few days as the guys spin out a ton of them! Going on sale and shipping out in a couple days!

African conscript of the Imperial Chinese Militia
Link: Pictures on facebook
Link: Defiance Games 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Defiance Games - JRAB Vehicle Release

The JRAB FAV - Jack Rabbit Fast Armored Vehicle - is now available from Defiance Games:

Link: Defiance Games

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Defiance Games - German Walker Scale Shot

Defiance Games published a size comparison of a pre-production version of their upcoming german walker:

Link: Picture on facebook
Link: Defiance Games

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Defiance Games - UAMC Hard Suit Preview

A 3D print preview of the UAMC Hard Suit has been published by Defiance Games:

Link: Pictures on facebook
Link: Defiance Games