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- Dr. Rollen Edward Houser


Rollen Edward Houser

10619 Burdine, Houston, TX 77096
(713) 729-5918 (home)
(713) 525-3596 (office)
(713) 525-2125 (fax)


Undergraduate, University of Texas at Austin.
B.A. magna cum laude in Plan II (Liberal Arts Honors Program), Phi Beta Kappa, concentration in philosophy, May 1968.

Military service. Vietnam, July 1969-July 1970.

Graduate, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, University of Toronto.
M.A. in Medieval Studies, University of Toronto, 1973.
M.S.L. (Licentiate in Mediaeval Studies) magna cum laude, Pontifical Institute, 1976.
Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Toronto, December 1981.

M.S.L. Thesis Title: Transcendental Unity in Petrus de Trabibus, OFM, Text and Study.

Ph.D. Dissertation Title: Thomas Aquinas on Transcendental Unity: The Scholastic and Aristotelian Predecessors.

Languages (reading)

Classical: Latin; Greek; Arabic
Modern: German, French, Italian, Spanish

Teaching Experience

1974-76: Graduate Teaching Assistant, St. Michael's College, University of Toronto.

1976-81: Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Niagara University.

1981-87: Associate Professor of Philosophy, Niagara University.

1987-2002: Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of St. Thomas and Center for Thomistic Studies.

2002-present: Professor of Philosophy, University of St. Thomas and Center for Thomistic Studies

Academic Honors

Undergraduate: Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Eta Sigma, Junior Fellow of the College of Arts and Sciences, University of Texas, Austin.

Graduate: Pontifical Institute Fellowship (two years); University of Toronto Open Fellowship (two years).

Postgraduate: Summer Research Fellowship in Christian Philosophy, ACPA, 1983. Niagara University Research Council Grant, 1983. Invited auditor, colloquium on 'Philosophy and Mysticism to the Sixteenth Century', Dumbarton Oaks, 13-15 Nov 1983. Participant, NEH Summer Institute, 'Moral Thought of Thomas Aquinas', Notre Dame University, 17 Jun - 12 Jul 1985. Faculty Development Grant for research on Islamic philosophy, St. Thomas, 1988. Summer Institute on the Philosophy of Aquinas, Jacques Maritain Institute, Notre Dame, 16-30 July 1994; 20-28 July 1996; 13-21 July 2000; Editorial Board, The Bonaventure Texts in Translation Series, Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University, NY, elected 2001.

Courses Taught


PHILOSOPHY: Aristotelian Logic; Symbolic Logic; Introduction to Philosophy; Philosophy of the Human Person; Metaphysics; Ethics; Ancient Philosophy; Medieval Philosophy; Modern Philosophy; Epistemology; Aquinas: Summa of Theology; Aquinas: Intellectual Growth; Aquinas: Cardinal Virtues; Aristotle; Islam: Faith and Reason.

INTERDISCIPLINARY: Industrial Revolution, Origins and Responses, with G.R. Carpenter, History, Niagara; Man in the Middle Ages: Sinners to Saints, Popes to Peasants, with R. Nicol and M.C. Sommers, Niagara; Arguing Your Case (Rhetoric and Logic), with M.J. Tumulty, Niagara; The Tribe and the City (Hebrews and Greeks), with R. Yankow, P. Hahn, St. Thomas.


PHILOSOPHY: M.A. (Niagara): Aristotelian Scientific Method; Opuscula of St. Thomas; Aristotle's Physics.

PH.D. (Thomistic Center): Plato's Laws and Related Dialogues; Plato: Middle Dialogues (Protagoras, Gorgias, Republic; Plato's Phaedo and Aristotle's De anima; Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics; Aristotle's Metaphysics; Aristotle's Posterior Analytics; Metaphysics in the Aristotelian Tradition to Aquinas; Islamic Background to Aquinas; Existence of God in Medieval Neoplatonism; Philosophical Theology and the Existence of God: Albert, Bonaventure, Aquinas; The Cardinal Virtues: Aquinas, Albert, Philip the Chancellor.

MASTER OF LIBERAL ARTS: Medieval Ways of Life.

Thesis Direction


Curtis A. Henritzy, The 'Categories' as a Work for Dialecticians, Niagara, 1984.

Thomas C. Magner, The Fulfillment of the Program of 'Aeterni Patris' in the Writings of Etienne Gilson, Niagara, 1984.

Paul Holloway, Plato's Critique of Rhetoric and the Transition from Orality in Ancient Greece: The 'Gorgias' and the 'Phaedrus' Revisited, Rice University, 1991.

Tom Williams, Aristotle's Theory of Prime Matter, Thomistic Center, 1994.

Jan Edmiston, Thomistic Center, in progress

Reader on numerous M.A. theses, Thomistic Center.


S. Austen Rockcastle, St. Thomas Aquinas on the Nature and Morality of Lying, Thomistic Center, 1993.

Reader, member of Ph.D. Committees, and member of Ph.D. Examination Boards, numerous times, Thomistic Center

Service (partial), Niagara University
Founder and director from 1978 to 1987 of the Niagara University Junior Fellows, described in the Niagara catalogue at the time as "an interdisciplinary honor society open by invitation only to superior junior and senior students. Founded for the purpose of giving students an opportunity to pursue academic interests which are not part of the normal curriculum, the organization's major activities include monthly dinner meetings during the school year at which student papers are presented and discussed, as well as providing for members the option of taking UST 399, an independent study course open only to Junior Fellows."

Service (partial), University of St Thomas

University Committees –
Faculty Development, 1989-91; Faculty Compensation, 1989-1995, Chair, 1994-1995, 1998-present; University Benefits Committee, ex officio 1994-1995; Master of Liberal Arts Committee, 1992-4; Tuition Exchange Oversight ad hoc, 1993-6; Academic Committee, Chair, 1999-present; Library, 1998-2001.

Center for Thomistic Studies –
Co-ordinator of M.A. and Ph.D. oral examinations, 1988-1992; co-ordinator of M.A. oral exams: 1998-present.

Organizer of sessions on Aquinas sponsored by the Center for Thomistic Studies at the annual International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, MI, June 1990-present.

Participant in the 1998 Program Review of the Center for Thomistic Studies.

Author of the primary draft of "Center for Thomistic Studies. Program Review. 1998," especially pp. 1-20 and the various statements of "goals."

Extra-University –
Catholic Diocese of Galveston-Houston: Social Concerns Commission, 1992-6.


A.A. Maurer csb, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 59 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M5s 2C4, Tel: 416.926.1300; FAX: 416.926.7276.

Jack Gallagher, former Director, Center for Thomistic Studies (1998-9), St. Agnes Church, 10826 62nd Ave., Edmonton, Alberta T6H 1N1.

Daniel McInerny, former Director, Center for Thomistic Studies (2000-2002), University of St. Thomas, 3800 Montrose, Houston, TX 77006.

J. Michael Miller, President, University of St. Thomas, 3800 Montrose, Houston, TX 77006.

Jerome Kramer, Dean, Arts and Sciences, University of St. Thomas, 3800 Montrose, Houston, TX 77006.

John Boyle, Theology, University of St. Thomas (MN), 2115 Summit Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105. Ph: 612.962.5302; FAX: 612.962.6110; Email:

Joseph Koterski sj, Philosophy, Fordham University, Bronx, NY 10458. Ph: 718.817.3291; Email:

Timothy B. Noone, School of Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. 20064. Ph: 202.319.5636. Email:

Kevin White, School of Philosophy, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064, Ph: 202.319.5636, FAX: 202. 319.4731.

S. Austen Rockcastle, Trinity School, E. 88th Street, Bloomington, MN 55425 Ph: 612. 854.0008.

Edward Lyons, Esq. Ave Maria Law School, 3475 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor, MI. Ph: 734.827.8040. Email:

1 July 2002

University of St. Thomas - Houston, Texas 77006
713.522.7911 -

Catholic, Classical, Cosmopolitan