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August 20, 2019

Goals.....get em' crushed!

Soooooooo.......some of us have already transitioned back to school (GASP!!!), and others have a few weeks of that summery greatness left (jealous...but I still love ya!).

It's Back to School with 47 of the Best Teacher Memes! | Team Jimmy Joe

I'm apart of the first group...the group that has begun to set their alarm clocks, do their hair, wear makeup and loose sleep at night because their brain WON'T TURN OFF!  Yep......that is me. all seriousness I love the back to school season!  Yes, I do love my summers,  but it makes me so happy seeing the excitement and big smiles students wear on their first day back to school. :) Oh...and the hugs kiddos give because they haven't seen you in two months---those are the best! :)

This year I took a few moments to jot down some professional and personal goals I have for the upcoming school year. is a perfect time to consider what you want to achieve and then commit to crushing them! :)

So here they all their glory!

Professionally I want to become a better educator of adults.  In my current position (learning support interventionist) I get the best of both worlds. I work with kids AND adults. :)  I plan to read professional books, work with my principal and colleagues to sharpen my skills of presenting and coaching. :)

Personally I want to lose a few pounds, be a better listener to my husband and spend time in the moment with my family!

My word for the year is growth....this year is all about growth for me (except weight...that needs to go down. ha!)

I'd love it if you linked up and shared your goals with me!  Afterall...there is strength (and motivation) in numbers! Just download the template below or by clicking here , fill out your goals and link back up!  It would be wonderful if you visited the person who has linked before you.  

No go set those goals and CRUSH EM'!

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