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Showing posts with label France. Show all posts
Showing posts with label France. Show all posts

Sunday, 25 June 2023


 Jasemine were a three-piece hardcore/screamo band from France that were active around 1994-1995. They shared members with other bands including Undone and Finger Print. Jasemine's output is incredibly small, with only four songs to their name, but those four songs have certainly left a lasting impact. They debuted with a demo in 1994, then released splits with Ivich and Elements of Need (both bands I'd also recommend) the following year. Jasemine contributed two songs to each of these splits, which were just re-recordings of the songs that had appeared on the demo. As far as emotional catharsis goes, Jasemine had that in spades. The vocals are screamed in such despair, with dynamic instrumentals that's as melancholic as it is raw and impactful. Highly recommended stuff, enjoy.

1. Silence
2. Heritage
3. Choix
4. Restriction

1. Ivich - H.I.V.
2. Jasemine - Restriction
3. Jasemine - Choix

1. Elements Of Need - On 7
2. Elements Of Need - Industry Falls
3. Elements Of Need - I Bet You Look Great In Silicon
4. Jasmine - Heritage
5. Jasmine - Silence

Note: Credited as "Jasmine" on this release

Tuesday, 27 July 2021


Ivich were a four-piece emo/hardcore band from Saint-Maurice, Val-de-Marne, France that were around from approximately 1992 to 1997. Their earlier material brought the fast-paced visceral energy of hardcore to its brink, with cathartic vocals and chaotic instrumentals. As they grew, their sound got darker, balancing quiet melodies with climatic, emotional outpourings more akin to the greatest screamo bands of their era. This is definitely evidenced on what could be their best release, La Vie Devant Soi, which came out on the legendary early screamo label Ebullition. Enjoy.

1. Lumière
2. Marie et moi
3. Solitude
4. Sales pensées
5. Masque
6. Les oeillets
7. J'veux pas
8. Dégoulinade
9. Danse macabre
10. Volcan
11. Revolver
12. J'aurai tant aimé
13. A quoi bon

1. Ivich
2. Damien
3. Icar
4. Un Ailleurs

1. Les Belles Images
2. L'autre
3. Malheur
4. Los Olvidados
5. Bonheurs Totalitaires
6. Il Etait Une Fois
7. Cicatrices
8. Une Soif De Mal
9. Du Sang Sur Les Mains

1. Ivich - H.I.V.
2. Jasemine - Restriction
3. Jasemine - Choix

1. Les Monstres
2. Ici Et Maintenant
3. Du Rire Aux Larmes
4. Les Voix Du Silence
5. C'est L'epoque Qui Veut Ca
6. Pourquoi Faut Il Que Les Homme

1. Ivich - Si J'etias Libre
2. Ivich - Volcan
3. E-150 - Todo Perdido
4. E-150 - Pro-Eleccion
5. E-150 - Locura De Guerra (Maximo Volumen)
6. E-150 - Vendran Lluvias Suaves

Saturday, 13 February 2021


Undone were a four-piece hardcore/screamo band from Mantes-la-Jolie, France that were around from 1993 to 1996. Along with bands like Anomie and Peu Être, Undone were one of the many incredible bands to come out of the French screamo scene in the mid-90s. This band in particular took a darker, hardcore-oriented root to their sound, with influences from bands like Downcast, Frail and Angel Hair being fairly apparent. They've got a solid slew of material here, so enjoy.

1. Intro Song
2. We Don't Fit In
3. Machines
4. No Common Points
5. We Got Vibed
6. But You Love Religion

1. Loud Silence At Home
2. Under Their Flag
3. New Sense
4. Truthful Lies

1. Out Of Me
2. My Nothingness
3. The Sleeping Beauty
4. Resignation
5. Untitled
6. Dark Future
7. Ashamed
8. Oppressed
9. Leave
10. Under Their Flag
11. Witness

1. Undone - Side A
2. Peu Être - Side B

1. I Would Do Much More
2. Our Silence Kills
3. I'm Happy You're Dead
4. The Other Side

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Mihai Edrisch

Mihai Edrisch were a four-piece screamo band from Lyon, France that were around from 2002 to 2006. They share members with Däitro and (more recently) Celeste. Sonically, they have a lot of commonalities with fellow French screamo bands, such as Amanda Woodward, Sed Non Satiata, and Däitro. They blend lead guitar melodies with dissonant chords, with hints of post-rock influence in the way their songs build, release, and explode. The vocals are incredible, with an insurmountable amount of teary-eyed passion. They only released two albums in their lifetime, both of which are beyond incredible (especially Un Jour Sans Lendemain). Enjoy.

1. Les Enfants
2. La Pluie
3. Et Pourtant
4. L'un Sans L'autre
5. Les Mémoires
6. Conflit
7. A Demi Mots
8. Je L'appelai
9. Les Arbres

1. Intro
2. Naitre
3. Marcher
4. Vivre
5. Aimer
6. Souffrir
7. Interlude
8. Espérer
9. Oublier
10. Survivre
11. Mourir
12. Outro

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Amanda Woodward

Amanda Woodward were a five-piece screamo/post-hardcore band from Caen, France that formed in 2000 and broke up in 2007. They played an energetic brand of screamo that will build and break in the vein of City of Caterpillar, but with the sonic complexities of other French bands, such as Sed Non Satiata and Mihai Edrisch (both of whom Amanda Woodward were most likely influences on). Fans of European (or obviously more specifically, French) screamo know this band as an absolute classic, with their sole LP La Decadence De La Decadence being held as an absolute essential. Members of this band went on to form another incredible band, Aussitôt Mort. Enjoy.

1. Pleine De Grâce
2. Ecarté Du Lucre
3. La Malade Maquerelle

1. La Décadence De La Décadence
2. Binaire Et Lisible
3. "On" Est Un Con
4. Le Temps Du Deuil
5. Sous Le Feu Nourri
6. Dans Le Cas Où Les Flammes
7. Mise À Sac
8. Massacre À La Poinçonneuse

1. Amanda Woodward - A Fond De Cale
2. 1905 - Lingua Franca

1. A L'Assault
2. Sans Vie.Com
3. La Prospérité
4. On Les Aura Bien Plombé Les Yéyés
5. Amanda Woodward
6. Un Autre Con
7. Bomber Le Show-Bizz
8. Trop De Gens Qu'On Mal A Mon Crâne
9. Mange-Ton-Disque
10. Il Nous Reste les Caillaisses
11. La Perte
12. La Poussière Et La Cendre
13. L'air Du Temps
14. Ultramort

Note: Compilation of their first two EP's and one compilation track

1. Meurt La Soif
2. Un Peu D'Etoffe

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Dead Like Me

Dead Like Me are a four-piece hardcore band from Pau, France that formed in 2010. The band pulls from some incredible sources of influence, mainly metallic hardcore in the vein of the Relapse Records roster, most notably The Dillinger Escape Plan, in addition to bands like Coalesce and Converge, among others. The technical riffs, off-kilter rhythms, and brutally guttural vocals are all trademarks of this sound. They also incorporate hints of sludge metal to drag listeners through the mud of their bone-chilling chaos. A 6-song LP was released earlier this month, and I can't recommend it enough for fans of older hardcore with a modern edge. Enjoy.

1. Poussière, c'est tout.

1. Toi et le monde
2. Absolescence

1. Le fils du pire des prédateurs - Clair
2. Le fils du pire des prédateurs - Obscur
3. Chien de nuit

Note: Split with Gerda, Dead Like Me tracks only

1. Seulement des corps entassés
2. À vomir des doutes et des plaintes
3. Les cerbères d'un temple oublié
4. Refléter le vide et son contraire
5. Nos corps s'épuisent et se déchirent
6. À terre, amas de rêves

Friday, 29 September 2017


Celeste are a four-piece post-hardcore/black metal band from Lyon, France that formed in 2005 by formers members of screamo legends Mihai Edrisch. Since then, they've put out a handful of soul-crushing albums, droning and piercing through assaultive darkness. As of September 2017, they are back with their latest one, another incredible addition to their incredible discography. Sonically, they are rooted in hardcore aggression, but with some heavy black metal influence courtesy of the tremolo-picked guitars and blast beats, in addition to hints of sludge and post-metal influence. Enjoy.

1. Afin de tromper l'ennui 
2. Diluons nos souvenirs d'enfance
3. D'abysse en abysse
4. De notre aversion à notre perversion
5. Car quoi qu'il advienne, tout est à chier

1. On pendra les femmes et les enfants en premier
2. Au feu le savoir
3. Mais va vendre ton dédain
4. Abandonner tout espoir à vingt ans
5. Pour maintenir encore une fois la distance
6. A jamais dénudée
7. Tu regardes trop fort, tu penses trop fort, tu parles trop fort
8. Mais encore faut-il pouvoir renier tout un programme
9. De sévices en amitiés
10. Comme s'il suffisait de lever le doigt pour refaire

1. Que des yeux vides et séchés
2. Comme pour leurrer les regards et cette odeur de cadavre
3. Toucher ce vide béant attise ma fascination
4. La gorge ouverte et décharnée
5. Il y aura des femmes à remercier et de la chair à embrocher
6. Mais quel plaisir de voir cette tête d'enfant rougir et suer
7. Une insomnie avec qui tout le monde voudrait baiser
8. A défaut de te jeter sur ta progéniture
9. ...anesthésié vos membres dans une orgie d'enthousiasme

1. Ces belles de rêve aux verres embués
2. Les mains brisées comme leurs souvenirs
3. Il y a biens des porcs que ça ferait bander de t'étouffer
4. En troupeau des louves en trompe l'oeil des agneaux
5. (S)
6. Un miroir pur qui te rend misérable
7. De sorte que plus jamais un instant ne soit magique

1. Laissé pour compte comme un bâtard
2. Au pied d'une bicoque peu séduisante
3. Sans crainte de s'avouer un jour naufragée
4. (X)
5. Tes âmes soeurs immaculées
6. Dans ta salive, sur sa peau
7. D'errances en inimitiés
8. Cette silhouette paumée et délabrée qui sanglote et meurt
9. Empreinte d'érotisme
10. (Y)
11. Serrés comme son coeur lacéré
12. Outro

1. Cette chute brutale
2. Comme des amants en reflet
3. Tes amours noirs illusoires
4. Sombres sont tes déboires
5. À la gloire du néant
6. Sotte, sans devenir
7. (I)
8. Entre deux vagues
9. De l'ivresse au dégoût
10. Sans coeur et sans corps

Thursday, 24 November 2016


Totorro are a four-piece math rock/post-rock band from Rennes, France that formed in 2008. They play a very melodic blend of the aforementioned genres that often draws comparisons to bands like This Town Needs Guns or We Were Promised Jetpacks. This group of fantastic musicians has crafted some amazing music over the years that shows off both their technical and songwriting ability. Their most recent LP, Come To Mexico was released back in October and is an excellent addition to their discography. Also check out Home Alone for a great display of this band's prowess. Enjoy.

1. 1984
2. My Bob's Blue Eyes
3. Isang Tao
4. Totorro's Rising

1. John Baltor
2. Lavate Las Manos
3. The Stamped
4. The Yellow One

1. Home Alone
2. Chevalier Bulltoe
3. Tonton Alain Michel
4. Festivalbini
5. Motte-Rock
6. Osao San
7. Eric Colson
8. Tigers & Gorillas

1. Brocolissimo
2. Yaaaago
3. Trop Fort Jeje
4. Saveur Cheveux
5. Beverly Pills
6. Ouad & Khaled
7. Tomate Polisson
8. 100% Repos
9. Clara Mystere
10. Gerard Blast
11. Come To Mexico

Monday, 16 May 2016


Daïtro were a five-piece screamo/hardcore band form Lyon, France that formed in 2000 and sadly broke up in 2012. Without a doubt, Daïtro are one of the most noteworthy and influential bands in screamo history. They were the flawless blend of melodic passages and chaotic outbursts, which of course is a staple dynamic in the genre. All three full-lengths offer up something slightly different, in addition to making masterpieces. Their splits are all with some amazing bands, such as Raein, Ampere, AND Sed Non Satiata. Daïtro are simply one of the best screamo/hardcore bands of the 2000's, and both recommended and essential. Enjoy.

1. Codec
2. WTC
3. Redrum

1. Mon Corps
2. Mes Chiffres
3. Mon Insomnie
4. Les Slogans Uniforme
5. Des Cendres
6. Je Me Consume
7. Bonus Track 

5. Des Visages Et Des Muscles

1. Raein - Faithless
2. Raein - New Day Scenario
3. Raein - Blue Lines
4. Daïtro - Au Bout De Mes Lèvres
5. Daïtro - Un Bateau Ivre
6. Daïtro - A Chaque Fois

1. Raein - Part 1
2. Raein - Part 2
3. Lhasa - Mother Earth Father Sky
4. Lhasa - Fallen Grace
5. Lhasa - Bogged Horizon
6. Daïtro - Une Fois Encore Aka Redrum JR
7. Daïtro - Un Bateau Ivre
8. Daïtro - Le Bout De Mes Levres

5. Vivre Ici

1. Laisser Vivre Les Squelettes
2. Chaque Seconde
3. Les Orbites En Eveil
4. Nous Sommes D'ici
5. Comme Du Papier
6. Pourquoi Les Inconnus Restent-Ils Inconnus
7. Trois Murs Pour La Salle De Torture
8. Se Nover. S'oublier, Regarder Partir

1. Ampere - Escapism
2. Ampere - Diffident Dissonance
3. Daïtro - La Substance Et La Matiere

1. Daïtro - De L'eau Coule Sous Les Ponts
2. Daïtro - Place Tolozan
3. Daïtro - Nous Ne Participons Pas Tous à La Même Utopie
4. Daïtro - Un Fléau Pour Un Autre
5. Sed Non Satiata - Les Hommes Sans Visage
6. Sed Non Satiata - Mask
7. Sed Non Satiata - Interlude
8. Sed Non Satiata - Des Ruines

1. Des Plaies Ouvertes
2. Et Du Beton

1. Part I
2. Part II
3. Part III
4. Part IV
5. Part V
6. Part VI
7. Part VII
8. Part VIII
9. Part IX
10. Part X

1. De L'eau Coule Sous Les Ponts
2. Place Tolozan
3. Nous Ne Participons Pas Tous À La Mème Utopie
4. Un Flèau Pour Un Autre
5. La Substance Et La Matière
6. Des Plaies Ouvertes
7. Et Du Bèton