This will be the one stop place to see what everyone has done with their off board time.
The off board time order was determined by the order of elimination alternating between Battle 2A and 2B, with battle 2A getting the first slot.
*** Current Player *** by your player name indicates it is that players turn to purchase a mech. You can purchase a mech after everyone has had a chance, but it is first come first serve at that point.
Will move this marker down as players email me their choices. Watch this page as it will update all month long.
Repaired Hunchback HBK-5H
2) Fritzkrieg (Scott) - tiebreaker - lower fame than Kyle
Repaired Hunchback HBK-5P
Sold Hunchback HBK-5P
Bought Black Knight BL-12-KNT
3) Bad Wolf (Jeff)
Repaired Wyvern WVE-5N
Returned fallback mech Wolfhound WLF-2
4) Firebush (Kyle)
Repaired Blackjack BJ-3
Joined Tandrek Stables
Purchased Cool Hand Skill
Purchased Toughness Ability
Sold Wasp WSP-1A (award from Battle #1)
5) Crash'n'Burn (Gregg)
Repaired Jenner JR7-D
Sold Locust LCT-1V (Starting mech)
Purchased Cool Hand Skill
6) Truckasaurus (Dave)
Lost Hatchetman (But not given to Fab as it was not a headcap, but Fab didn't lose the Fame either)
CIP: Created new Mechwarrior - Cyril "Truckasaurus" Spencer
Given $4 million C-bills for new mech.
Bought Awesome AWS-9Q
Bought Ability: Weapon Specialist: Inner Sphere PPC...(Hmmmm...4 PPC's shooting at a base skill of 1)
7) Mayday (Mitch)
Repaired Thunderbolt TDR-7SE
Sold T-Bolt
Sold Enforcer
Bought Hatchetman HCT-6D
Purchased Cluster Expert (Direct fire) skill
Learned Melee Expert Skill
Repaired Vindicator VND-3L
Joined Tandrek Stables
Upgraded Vindicator VND-3L to VND-5L variant using "A rated" Stable
Added Sponsor: OSG Productions
Purchased Toughness Ability
Sold Snake SNK-1V (Award from Battle #1)
Sold Panther PNT-9R (Award from Battle 2B)
Purchased Improved Piloting (1) Ability
Added Sponsor: Shengli Arms
Repaired Hunchback HBK-4P
Sold Thunderbolt TDR-5S
Bought Ostroc OSR-2D
Brought in Barrymore Munitions as a Sponsor
Bought Toughness Skill
Purchased Cool Hand Ability
Bought Two Fame Points
Joined Zellbrigen Stable
Repaired Locust IIC
Sold Locust IIC
Sold Jenner IIC
Sold Fire Moth A
Purchased Vapor Eagle (Goshawk)
Purchased Dodge skill
11) Katana (Lee)
Bought Diamyo DMO-4K
12) Apollo (Larry)
Bought Hunchback HBK-4H
13) Prez (Josh)
Bought Kintaro KTO-19
Bought Dodge Skill
Purchased Speed Demon Skill
End Off Board Time for Battle #2, Start Battle #3 Preparations
(all players free to buy and sell on a first come first serve basis)