Play the clap clap song mum! Lets dance!!
So on goes The Fratellis cd and i flick through the songs one at a time 'is this it?' NO! - 'is this it?' NO! - 'is this it?' NO! grrrr.... until finally we fing the clap clap song. God knows why its called the clap clap song. How many three year olds do you know whos favourite band is The Fratellis? Whatever happened to the wiggles.
The worst thing has to be that their dopey songs are now growing on me! They're fast beat, high energy songs and i can't help but think they'd be good for a cardio workout (not that i know what that is anymore) maybe a Body Attack class or something...Arghhhh! Bloody Tang + Atiria.
OK, now i listened to it again and i get it now. there's clapping in ...'the clap clap song'
This is 'ba da da da - da da'
akw's favourite The Fratellis lines.
- Bada ba da da da da da
- Chelsea chelsea i believe
- henrietta
akw's current youtube playlist
-Fares Karam - El Tanourah
-Jingle Burps - Hammy from Over the Hedge
-The Fratellis - Flathead
-beyonce - irreplaceable
-Hi-5 Dream On (magic)
-Hi-5 Inside my heart (inside)
-The Wiggles - Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
-the fratellis - everybody knows you cried last night
-cute kid singing Irreplaceable - Atiria 3 years
-Love Train Music Video
0000h, ok, So this link is to - check it out to get your blog out there directory
Friday, June 1, 2007
Everybody knows you cried last night
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Atiria singing Beyonce 'Irreplaceable' - haha
The kid is 3 today! 1st birthday present for the day? We youtubed her singing (squawking) and dancing to Irreplaceable by Beyonce. She looked so cute we couldn't resist it. Check it out. It is soooo funny.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Tang heard a crash and a bang tonite, he though i might've been wreaking a bit of havoc with the hammer in the scrapbook room but no, further investigation revealed this... Akw crashed out on the floor. She fell out of bed and didn't even wake up - that's got to be a first. She didn't even budge while the flash was goin crazy trying to get a shot of her in the dark or when i managed to pick her up and dum her back into bed. Sheez she is getting hugemungus! three in 2 months....unreal...
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Two shoes mummy
Lil miss Atiria helping daddy in the back yard. Not sure what she thinks shes doing, walking around with hose in hand dribbling water as she goes.