A very wet Robin.
A tatty Blue Tit, but I'm not sure what is the problem.
Coming down to the feeders, about four feet away.
Cock House Sparrow
Blackbird, down for drink.
Blackbird collecting food.
This was from the other side of the house, though a closed window. I had a quick dip in our exercise pool, trying to improve my leg muscles, came out, showered and sat at my desk. As I looked out of the window all the finches left the feeders in a panic, and the reason was staring me in the face. A handsome male Sparrowhawk.
Back to the armchair to watch a Wren collecting nesting material from round the pond.
Cock Chaffinch
Hen Chaffinch
Thsi Collared Dove is a short tailed version, perhaps having lost it to a local cat, or even the Sparrowhawk.
This is the full tailed version.
A smart Blue Tit.
Blue Tit and Goldfinch go head to head.