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Monday, March 16, 2009

TaG By Pn.ZetY..

Saya telah di-tag oleh pn. zety afza. drpd blog ku x di update2.. baiklah aku wt tag ni.. so, pe lagi meh kte wat..
Rules:Here’s a chance to see how well you really know your husband/boyfriend/lover.Cut, paste and fill in the answers, then shoot, you know what to do.The real challenge is to send it to your husband/boyfriend/lover to see how right you really are.
1. He’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
-Sports (811, 812 & 813) or movie (411, 412 or 413) & news (buletin utama).
2. You’re out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
-My hubby suke mkn salad time ye poyo je..(btul x syg??.. kui3) thousand island, of course!
3. What’s one food he doesn’t like?
-He is very flexsible person.. tolak batu ngn kayu je kot.. (kuang3)
4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
-For hot drink, Nescafe tarik, teh tarik, teh O or sumtime limau suam. for cold drink, teh o ais or watermellon juice..
5. Where did he go to high school?
-YPJ segamat.. ekekek.. (he really proud 2 b the studs of dis college)
6. What size shoes does he wear?
- 7.
7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
- shoes, shoes & shoes... (btul kan syg??)
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
- tuna & egg kot (slalu awk cite awk mkn sandwich je.. xde lak ckp flavour pe.. nggeee!)
9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
-msk lemak tempoyak ikan keli.. (mau ye jd cam kuman KU2 klu aku mnda ni hari2)
10. What is his favorite cereal?
-cococrunch + fresh milk (ni pun klu time ye poyo gak!!)
11. What would he never wear?
-bikini kot... kuang3
12. What is his favorite sports team?
-anything... jnji bkn MU!! (myb sbb MU power + glamour kot.. ekekekek!)
13. Who did he vote for?
-undi anda adalah rahsia..
14. Who is his best friend?
-YPJ(beb, bon, fizal, udey, joe & adoi) KERINCHI (bobo, mamat, bob, airol, bom & amir)
15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn’t do?
-nagging! kui3
16. What is his heritage?
-dunno.. perak de ke?
17. What is his favourite colour?
-white & black..
18. What is his habit?
-nk bau sume mnda!!
19. What is he proud of?
-married me?? he3.. himself la kot...
20. Lastly, do you think he will read this?
-of course!! nak gak ye baca!!
last but not least, i wanna tag:
1. cik fara
2. cik suraya haney
3. cik nana
4. pn. opie
5. pn. salfarina

Monday, March 9, 2009

TaG by OpiE

aku telah di tag oleh opie. lama xupload blog. pe salah nye layan mereka2 yg nk m'tag aku ni.. :)

The challenge is :
1) GO to your photos folder in your computer
2) GO to the 6th Folder of your photos
3) GO to the 6th photos in that folder
4) Put the picture on your blog & description of it.
5) Invite 6 friends to join the challenge
6) Link them in your blog & let them know they have been challenged

ok, setelah aku mengikut arahan2 yg di tetapkan.. inilah hasilnya.. hehe.. pic eddie dengan penuh skill b'main bola padang. x silap aku feb 2008 kt padang MPPJ. time ni perlawanan antara glomac berhad & glomac excel. keputusan akhir glomac berhad menang 2-0. glomac berhad 2 company eddie la.. :)

nasib baik menang. klu x, malu aku jd cheer leader.. kui3

aku nk tag kekawan gak:
1) salfarina
2) elly
3) aisyah zainal
4) nana
5) tata
6) cik sue