This sounded promising, so I cracked it open on a recent much-warmer-than-average March afternoon:
Brand: Nesbitt's California Honey Lemonade Flavored Drink.
Origin: Waco, TX.
Purchase Place: Frattallones Ace Hardware, St. Paul, MN.
Sweetener: Cane Sugar.
Review: I had high hopes for this, and it was just a little worse than I had hoped. It was a little "heavy," and I had hoped it would be a little lighter than that. The lemonade flavor was good, but the honey seemed to weight it down more than I cared for. But I LOVE honey, so it's nothing against that. Also, it's not carbonated, so that's why it's a "flavored drink" - it's not a soda! Still, it was good and went down easy. Not as great as I hoped, but I still enjoyed it!
Score: 6 out of 10.