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Showing posts with label orchidee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orchidee. Show all posts

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Memoria Crispin Rosales 'Volcano Queen'

 If you want a large purple Cattleya flower you cannot go wrong with the hybrid Rlc.  Memoria Crispin Rosales.  There are a number of clones of this hybrid available to the public.  I used to have the clone 'Hawaii'.  My plant usually produced two flowers but sometimes it would produce a single humongous flower on the inflorescence.  In my experience very susceptible to white fly and mealy bugs.  I had to be watchful because sometimes white fly would proliferate unnoticed under the dried sheaths of the youngest bulbs.

Myrmecocattleya Marissa's Aurora, (Cattleya Martin Wolfe × Myrmecophila tibicinis)

This cross between Myrmecophila tibicinis and Cattleya Martin Wolfe is 50% tibicinis, 25% Catt. schilleriana and the other 25% is from 9 other species of Cattleya.  Its most notable trait is the rich color of the flowers.


Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Stelis perpusilliflora Cogn. in I.Urban 1909 in El Yunque National Forest

 This orchid was photographed in El Yunque National forest.  The flowers are tiny and remain cupped when they open.  The inflorescence is horizontal with the flowers pointing downwards or to the side.  I had to bend the inflorescence upwards to get a view of the inside of the flowers.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Dendrobium stratiotes Rchb. f. 1886


In my experience, this Dendrobium does well and its easy to grow in Puerto Rico.  Once the canes have reached mature size, they will produce long lasting flowers.  The canes can vary in size depending on the genetics of the plant and the care it receives.   Sadly, I lost it because I became too complacent about its care.  The thing is, once the cane reaches the side of the pot, its a must to repot it taking care to damage the roots as little as possible.   Neglecting repotting can cause the loss of the plant once the roots that are in the pot die. 

Friday, October 18, 2024

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Nakornchaisiri Delight

 Rhyncholaeliocattleya Nakornchaisiri Delight photographed at the Mayaguez Orchid society show in the Mayaguez Mall. 

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Bulbophyllum forrestii Seidenf. 1973

 Native of China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and India.  

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Cattleya Jairak Cosmos


Acampe rigida, a large plant with small colorful flowers.

 Acampe rigida is a large plant that produces inflorescences with small flowers that are shorter than the leaves.  The flowers are quite colorful.  A few people locally grow this plant, most prefer the large flowered Vandas.  

Friday, October 11, 2024

Cattleya Monte Elegante 'Hsin Pu'

 I photographed this orchid at this month meeting of the PR orchid judging center.  The plant was tall, had immaculate pseudobulbs and the inflorescence was held high over the foliage.  The head of flowers was quite eye catching, it was slightly fragrant.  The flowers were in perfect condition. 

Rlc. Waianae Starburst 'Volcano Queen"


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Bulbophyllum mastersianum x Bulbophyllum surigaense

 Bulbophyllum mastersianum x Bulbophyllum surigaense 

Renanstylis Susan Lim 'Howdy Doody'

 This is a cross of Renanthera phillippinense and Rhynchostylis gigantea alba.   

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Renanthera bella J.J. Wood 1981

 This species is native of Borneo.  This species was once rare, now it can be obtained at reasonable prices.  It is small sized compared with species like coccinea and storiei.  Like all Renantheras it needs exposure to strong light to bloom and frequent watering and fertilizing. 

Bulbophyllum stellatum Ames 1912


Bulbophyllum stellatum Ames 1912, is a species that is from the Philippines.  Its a small plant with small flowers on an umbellate inflorescence.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Rlc. Regal Red 'Paradise' x Laelia undulata 'Waldor'

 A cross of a Rhyncholaeliocattleya with a Laelia of the group formerly classified as Schomburkia.   The hybrid has a lovely color that this photo doesn't really capture well.  The flower doesn't resemble much either parent.  Rlc. Regal Red is a round red flower, and Laelia undulata produces a head of small wavy flowers on a long inflorescence.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Rhynchodendrum Cabalgata en Verde x Brassavola cucullata

 This hybrid is a cross of Rhynchodendrum Cabalgata en Verde (Epidendrum ciliare x Rhyncholaelia digbyana) and Brassavola cucullata.  It has a fimbriate lip that shows mainly the influence of Epi. ciliare and B. cucullata.  

A cross of Lc. Lory Ann 'Paradise' x Myrmecophila lyonsii

 This cross of Lc. Lory Ann 'Paradise' and Myrmecophila lyonsii is a large plant that produces a head of lilac colored flowers.  The flowers have different orientations but that is due to the fact that the Myr. lyonsii parent has non resupinate flowers.


Sunday, October 6, 2024

Myrmecocattleya Rio's Little Treasure (Myrmecophila albopurpurea x Cattleya violacea)

 This cross of Myrmecophyla albopurpurea and Cattleya violacea is beautiful and apparently easier to grow than either species.  The flowers are larger than the Myrmecophila parent but smaller than the Cattleya.   Cattleya violacea is notoriously tricky to cultivate and many times it can grow well and bloom for a time only to start to go downhill and die.  My experience with Myr. albopurpurea is that it has failed to thrive and eventually died.   This plant doesn't seem to be as delicate as the parents.  

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Dendrobium culture: Observations on the color of the mature canes in some Dendrobium species when exposed to strong light

Many Dendrobium need high light to bloom at their best, but the way they respond to it varies depending on the species.  My Den. nobile blooms with larger flowers with richer color when the canes are getting so much sun that they take a yellowish tint.   On the other hand, the Dendrobium primulinum from Laos produces larger flowers when the canes are exposed to full sun and turn purple.    Den anosmum doesn’t change color too much even when exposed to full sun, perhaps the canes are just a bit lighter green color.  I haven’t noticed a color change in the canes of Den devonianum, but the flowers of my plant which is exposed to full sun for hours in the morning show very pale color in the sepals and petals, so pale that it can make one think the flowers are not of devonianum unless one looks closely.  My newly acquired plant of Dendrobium ceraula shows a deep purple tint on the side of the cane that receives the sun and green on the side that is under the shade of the leaves.  In my experience Dendrobium cucullatum becomes yellowish and stunted if exposed to too much sun.