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Monday, December 31, 2007

I think we have Trolls

I admit it.
I'm not a night owl.
By the time I get Lauren to bed, I could follow right behind her.

I usually stay up a little longer, but by 10 PM, I "start to turn orange" as my husband so sweetly likes to tease me about turning into a pumpkin. But he does tend to be right behind me!

Of course this means that I am up early.

Now...I know that many of you notice the strange times that I post ie: 4 or 5 AM. (Because a few of you have mentioned it!) ;P

THAT is because I have woken up and can not get back to sleep. Ah, 40 is a wonderful age of new and exciting opportunities!

Let me tell you...if I make it to 4:30 AM, I'm thrilled! I can deal with that! I get up and spend some time alone with the Lord and with YOU, and it's a good start to the day.

Sure, I could get lots of "other things" around the house done, but I don't want to wake anyone. So it's my quiet time. :)

BUT, when I wake at 2 AM and can't get back to sleep, it's not such a good day.

I can remember years ago (when I had 3 little ones under the age of 5 years old and I could barely get up in the morning to spend 2 minutes with the Lord) sitting in Bible studies and listening to these very Godly women tell of how they had been up since 3 AM the previous evening spending time with the Father.

That is wonderful, but in their heaping of guilt on this young mom, they fail to mention that they could not have fallen asleep if they tried!

However, back to my story, my (teenage) children ARE night owls. They can stay up quite late and then sleep until lunchtime if I let them. Which means that I wake up to all kinds of messes and "evidence" that I must lecture them on cleaning up the next day. But, who really knows what goes on once Ma and Pa are sleeping!

THIS morning, I woke up to a strange aroma as I
walked down the stairs and this on my stove:

Yes. A Jack's Pizza on my cooking stone with the middle eaten out of it.

I think we have trolls.

On that note, I hope you all have a wonderful New Years Eve!

I probably won't see midnight tonight, but I will be up early to post my new header and the details of my new Praise and Coffee giveaway!

Blessings and Happy New Year,


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day 2007

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
We have been with family and friends for the past 4 days and just loving every minute.

I finally got my camera back so here's some pictures from today.

Lauren waiting patiently for the kids to get up so she can open presents.

This is her first year handing out the gifts- FORE!
(Yes, it IS hurling through the air across the room to her brother.)

Daddy got a mug with the kid's picture on it.

Lauren was thrilled to get her own pink motorcycle helmet and goggles,
she wore them most of the day.

AND a two wheel bike! Good thing she had that helmet.

She had to make sure I saw the smile,
so she lifted the helmet for me.

Making dinner.

My sons with their precious little 3 year old sister!

Now she's shy?!

Grandma gave Lauren her own apron.

Getting ready for dinner.

My hallway is now a race track.

A long day of partying makes a girl (and her Daddy) awfully tired!

Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!

PS: Another giveaway starting January 1st!!

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Power of Christmas ~ Green and Red

This will wrap up (no pun intended!) the series on The Power of Christmas and the signs and symbols of the season that point us to our Savior. If you want a free CD copy of this full message, email your home address to me.

The colors of Christmas, green and red, we see them everywhere! But they mean so much more than deck the halls to me!

The color green is so symbolic to us. It represents life, new life and growth.

Think about the green Christmas tree, it may have gone through years of hard winters and scorching summers, but it stays green.

A wonderful reminder to us that we WILL go through tough times, but God can sustain us and we will grow through these times if we put our roots deep into Him and His Word.
We can weather the storms and still remain “green.”

At the end of our drive we have a row of pine trees. The ones on the left get water from our underground sprinkling, the ones on the right do not. They are all green and growing, but the ones that get regular watering are much taller and more lush than the other side.
It is the same for us.
If we are regularly “watered” in God’s Word, we will thrive and not just survive!


The color red brings me to the blood of Jesus. Oh that precious blood! That blood changed it all for mankind.

1 John 1:7
7 But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.

That blood took away our sins and still does today.

Eph 2:13
13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.

Could there be any more beautiful words than that?!

We have been brought near to Him by the blood of Jesus.
By the most unselfish of actions in all of time!
He gave His life for you and I.
So that we could be brought near to our incredible, amazing Creator, God.

I went much deeper into the discussion about blood of Jesus at the church I spoke at and you can get a copy of that CD free by emailing me your home address.

But for today, let’s just think about and rejoice in the fact that the blood He shed brought us near to Him.

I pray that you receive the life that the blood of Jesus offers you.
If you’ve never done so, go to Him right now in prayer.
Ask Him to forgive you of your sins, and acknowledge that He is the Lord.
Thank Him that Jesus Christ is the son of God sent for you!

If you are a believer already, rejoice today!

Celebrate the Savior this Christmas and always!

When you see the colors of Christmas,
let them bring your heart to Him!
To His blood shed for you and the new life He offers!!!!!

Blessings and Merry Christmas to all of you.

Here is one of my favorite songs to enjoy on this most holy night.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Power of Christmas ~ Lights!

Continuing a series that I spoke at Eagles Nest Church. If you would like a free CD copy, email your home address to me.

I love Christmas lights! As you can see by my Christmas tree (see previous post). As I put my tree up I layer tons of lights on every branch. They are so beautiful to me!
Lights, candles… I love them all.

Apparently the Lord does too!
He refers to Himself as THE light.

John 12:46
I have come into the world as a light,
so that no one who believes in me
should stay in darkness.

Have you ever known darkness? I have. I have walked through times in my life that were so dark it took every ounce of faith I had to reach out to the Lord.
Times of pain, heartache and loneliness.

John 8:12
When Jesus spoke again to the people,
He said,"I am the light of the world.
Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life."

It was in those times of darkness that I found Him to be Hope to me. He was light to my darkness.

Life can break your heart. God can heal it.

Picture a gymnasium. All the lights are turned out, it’s pitch black. Then in the middle of the room someone lights a tiny match. Even though the darkness is much greater…it can not hold back the light.
Light always dispels the darkness!

When we open our hearts to God, we let His light shine on us and no darkness can overtake His light. Hope will spring forth out of the darkest times if we look to Him.

He is life, He is joy, He is hope, He IS light!

One of my favorite verses:
Rom 15:13
13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

When you see all the Christmas lights this season, think about Him, He is the true Light of Life!!!

If you would like a free CD copy of this message, email your home address to me!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Merry Christmas From My House!

As part of Boomama’s Tour of Homes, here's mine:

First let me apologize, my camera was left at a friends house by the daughter and I had to use another one, sorry about the blurriness and poor quality- makes me crazy! But I had a deadline.

Welcome to my home,
so glad you're finally here for coffee!

Twelve hours after this, I had a half foot of snow on the walk! :)

As we sit and sip our coffee with Nestle's French Vanilla Cream (or hot cocoa if you prefer), you would see this on top of my cupboards, one of my favorite things-my violin (that I did not play but picked up at an estate sale!)

Please help yourself to a cookie- I promise they taste better than the picture looks!!! I had to pull these out of the freezer where they are hidden so the family doesn't eat them all in one day!
(Recipe at the end of post).

This is made from a few of last years Christmas cards:

This is our family room (note the wild 3 year old in the second picture!) :)

This is from the dining room, looking into the living room, catching the dog sleeping on the couch! "Get down from there Macy!" (Who am I fooling- she's there all the time!)

And the tree!

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

Thank you Boomama for hosting this!

Sugar Cookie Recipe:

Cream together:
1 cup butter & 2 cups sugar

2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
Add to above.

1/2 tsp salt
4 tsp baking powder
3 1/2 cups flour
Mix all together and refridgerate for 2 hours.

Roll out and cut into shapes.
Bakc at 350* for 8-10 minutes.

Cool, top with icing and sprinkles.

1 box powdered sugar
2-3 Tbls. melted butter
1 tsp ALMOND flavoring
Dash of salt
A little milk til you get the right texture.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Merry Christmas from the White House

I found this in my mailbox yesterday:

OK! Maybe it wasn't in MY mailbox! :-P

But it IS a very beautiful card this year.
Instead of the usual holiday and season's greetings, the President and Mrs. Bush chose a powerful verse out of Nehemiah:

Nehemiah 9:6
You alone are the LORD.
You made the heavens,
even the highest heavens,
and all their starry host,
the earth and all that is on it,
the seas and all that is in them.
You give life to everything,
and the multitudes of heaven worship you.

Isn't that cool?!

Then their greeting says:

" May the joy of all creation
fill your heart this blessed season

Good stuff!

When I do get mine, I'll post it (don't hold your breath)!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Power of Christmas ~ Snow!

Isaiah 1:18
"Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as
white as snow;

Snow is a beautiful reminder of the forgiveness of sins that our loving God offers us.
Maybe you haven’t felt pure for a very long time…you can.
When you receive the forgiveness that Jesus offers you
- your sins are forgiven & you are washed white as snow!

What about the Snowflakes…

As a child I had learned that no two snowflakes are alike. But I don’t think that I really grasped how amazing that is until I think about it now.
It’s not hard to believe that no two are alike in my hand or even in my yard, but when I think about all the snow in my neighborhood and all the snow in this country and all the snow in the world!

There are no two alike?!

That is simply amazing.

That is simply our God!

Snowflakes may have similar qualities, but they are all uniquely different.
Just like you and I!
We are created in the image of God.

No 2 snowflakes are alike… no 2 of us are alike.

WHY not???
Because- YOU were created on purpose….you are no accident!


Psalms 139:13-14
13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

Eph 2:10
10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

YOU are far more important than snow!
But when we see snow – it points us to our awesome Creator.

Because we all have a unique purpose, it is important that we also remember not to compare ourselves to others.

You were not created to fulfill their purpose

you were created to fulfill your purpose.

If we start comparing ourselves with others, we are sure to miss all
that God has for us!

You are precious to God!
It was/is important to God that you were unique!
He “had a hand” in creating you – just the way He did!

He is crazy about you and I!

That should never fill us with pride when we truly understand the majesty and glory of our God and WHY He loves us so much.

Let me share a quote with you about God’s love from the book, “Pierced By the Word” by John Piper.

“For many years I have sought to understand how the God-centerdness of God
relates to His love for sinners like us. Most people do not immediately see
God’s passion for the glory of God as an act of love. One reason for this is
that we have absorbed the world’s defnintion of love. It says: You are loved
when you are made much of.

The main problem with this definition of
love is that when you try to apply it to God’s love for us, it distorts
reality. God’s love for us in not mainly His making much of us, but
His giving us the ability to enjoy making much of Him forever. In other
words, God's love for us keeps God at the center.”

I LOVE that!

No matter how you look at it, it all comes back to HIM!
That is so powerful!!!

As wonderfully made as we are- it’s still all about being made in HIS image!

When you see the snow…think about:
*He washes us white as snow
*We are all uniquely created for His purposes
*It’s all about Him!

I will continue this series online, but if you would like to hear the message that I shared in it’s entirety, email me your home address and I will send you a copy of the CD (no charge).

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Power of Christmas ~ The Star

The Power of Christmas
Part 1

This time of the year can be so tiring and overwhelming. I spent several hours yesterday out braving the crowds to get the bulk of my shopping done (I also indulged in my favorite, a caramel/ vanilla latte… so it was a good day!). But now I have a laundry room full of boxes and bags that need to be wrapped.

Instead of letting this season takes it’s toll on me, I want to make an effort to find my Savior in this Christmas season. No matter how hard the forces of evil try to take away the power of Christmas they can’t mute how God, our Amazing Creator will reveal Himself to those who are looking!

So I am going to look at some of the symbols of Christmas that speak such a life-giving and hope filled story to us!

The first one is a star.
We see gold and silver stars all over at this time of year, but there was a star that represented such JOY…

Matt 2:9-11
9 After meeting with King Herod the wise men went their way.
Once again the star appeared to them,
guiding them to Bethlehem.
It went ahead of them and stopped
over the place where the child was.
10 When they saw the star, they were filled with joy!

Why were they filled with such joy?

These men had studied and knew that there would be a King born.
They had followed the star from the East and put their lives aside to find this new King.
I believe that when they saw that star over Bethlehem, there hearts leaped because they knew…


Just take in that moment with them…I’ll just bet they gasped as they realized that all that they’d hoped for…was true.

The King had come!
And they were filled with joy!

Christmas can be a very sad and lonely time for some. My heart goes out to the many hurting hearts this season.
It can bring on depression…..but NOT if you have a heart that is filled with joy because you realize, maybe for the very first time….

It’s TRUE.
He DID come.
He came for me.

These men saw the star and all their hopes and dreams were fulfilled, and in the same way, when we come to that place of understanding what THIS (this season) is really all about…..we can be filled with joy!

When we GET that….when we really, really GET THAT… depression CAN’T rule in our hearts…because we have HOPE!

10 When they saw the star, they were filled with joy

Next time you see a star- remember their joy and let it fill YOU with joy!

Psalms 105:3
Glory in His Holy Name;
let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice.

I will continue this series online, but if you would like to hear the message that I shared in it’s entirety, email me your home address and I will send you a copy of the CD (no charge).

Monday, December 10, 2007

And the December Winners are...

The winner of the December
Praise and Coffee Giveaway is:

Rhonda at
The Heart of a Mother

The pen and notepad set winners are:

Gail at Seed Stories

Holly at Crown Laid Down

Marla at Life With 4 J's

Congratulations Girls and Merry Christmas!!

Email me your home addresses and I will get your gift out to you!!

(It's on my profile)

Thanks to everyone who entered, I've had a great time meeting new friends!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Power of Christmas!

I spoke to the precious ladies of Eagle's Nest Church yesterday and had a blast!

These ladies know how to have a good time and they blessed my socks off!
I spoke on "The Power of Christmas" and I will be sharing parts of that message with you this week.

If any of you would like a copy of the CD
just email me your address
and I'll send one out to you!

To the Ladies from Eagle's Nest: welcome to the blog, and please email me some of your pictures, my camera was acting up so I don't have very many good ones.

My email can be found in my profile.
Thanks again for being so welcoming to me!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

You have to check this out!

Do you remember the November contest when I gave away Godiva Coffee and our precious Lisa from The Preacher’s Wife won?

Check out THIS POST that she just wrote at CWO.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Christmas Giveaway!

Merry Christmas
from Praise and Coffee!!!

Here's what I'm giving away:
Mercy Me's latest CD, "All That Is Within Me!"

One half pound of Starbucks Coffee beans, Christmas Blend!
(I will give cocoa to non-coffee drinkers if you prefer :)

And a few consolation gifts will be these lovely pen and pencil sets!
Here are the guidelines for this free giveaway:

1. Post a comment to THIS post.
2. Make sure there is a link to your blog or email
so I can contact you if you win
3. One entry per person please!
4. Feel free to advertise on your blog if you like!

To add a button to your blog
that will link to this post,
the code is on my sidebar!
Drawing will be on Monday, December 10th!

I am praying for all of you who enter, that you will know all the joy that only Jesus can give this season and always!

Remember, this IS the season for giving and FORgiving.

December 10, 8:00 AM posting closed.

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