As usual there were plenty of birds waiting to be fed, they were out of luck this morning though.
The top end of the dam is overflowing with grasses and flowers, it's lovely to see and the butterflies and bugs clearly agree. We saw Meadow Brown, Small Tortoiseshell and Small Whites and lots of ladybirds.
Great Willowherb
This rather scruffy looking Magpie was hopping about by the boat house, i'm not sure why it's in such a state?
As we were walking I decided to take us through Nunroyd Park, somewhere I haven't been in years, but after reading posts over on The Quiet Walker I though it was about time I explored.
We walked through Kirk Lane park to get there, they are building an actual path between the two but as it was mid week and nobody was actually working on it i'm not sure sure when (if) it'll be finished?
There were a lot of Blackbirds in the Rowan trees and quite a few Goldfinch around but they weren't too happy to pose for a photo.
Amongst the thistles and flowers were more Goldfinch and a lot of butterflies, the Small Tortoiseshell was the only one I snapped photos of though.
The flowers here were beautiful as well, I need to make more of an effort with identifying them, I used to know lots as a child out walking with my Dad, but i'm sad to say names escape me now!
Edit, thanks to Amanda for help with the flowers!
Meadow Cranesbill
Himalayan Balsam
There were a lot of Damselflies around and several ducks too.
I was happy I made the effort not to bypass these places for a change.