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Friday, February 29, 2008

A New Menance

We have had something that concerns us recently brought to our attention. As you know, we cats have enjoyed thousands of years of successful human enslavement. They think we are their cute little house cats and pets, but we know better! We are their true masters and they are only our slaves. However, this pattern could be in peril as some of our larger "brothers" may be trying to worm their way into our good thing. We are serious! Just look at this pictures that were sent to our female slave - we mean Mommy!

Look at those glowing eyes!!! Is he trying to kill the resident master cat with his lasers?

Do you see him in this picture? We think he might have been casing the home for weaknesses!

Do you see how brazen he is, actually coming up onto a porch that probably already belongs to a resident master cat??

Here he is growling and perhaps challenging the resident cat! We cannot let this happen! We must be viligant and ever watchful. We put all of the effort and time into perfecting the enslavement, we cannot let our larger cousins usurp our territory. We must fight for what is rightfully ours!! Are you with us? Do you heed our battle cry?! MEOW!!!!!!

PS: No new news on LK but we will keep you updated as we get the updates. Thanks again for all of your love and support and please know that we appreciate all of you more than we can ever say!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday LK Update!!!

Yes, we have an update on LK today! Daddy talked to Uncle Dave last night and he said that LK is doing even better than he was the day before! He is eating very well and has lots more energy. His tummy is improving too and is getting more like normal. YAY!!! LK certaintly is a little fighter!! Right now Aunt Susan is back on shift (she works 5 days on/5 days off shifts at the animal ER just like a human ER doc) and is taking LK back and forth with her to work (she works 12+ hour days so LK is going with her so he can be fed and be watched over) so it may be harder for us to get updates, but we will do this best we can. Keep it up LK! You can do it!!

Mommy also wants us to say how amazed Aunt Susan and Uncle Dave are about all of the attention and love LK (and them too) have received from the blogging kitties. Mommy is linking them to everything and they were really touched by the badge that Kashin & Othello made for LK. We are told that upon seeing all of the posts from all over the world Aunt Susan exclaimed "LK's gone international!" Uncle Dave was so impressed that he wanted to do something for our blog too so he wrote a poem for LK! We are told it should be read to the same beat as the poem that Mike Myers recites in "So I Married an Ax Murderer."

"Sick Little Kitten"
(a poem)

Little kitten.
Fuzzy kitten.
Sick kitten.

What malice hangs over thee.
Sickness like a bird of prey descends upon thee.

Fight little kitten!

Blurry eyes wide, claws extended.
Look out!
Oh no!

Alas, Kitten survives THIS dance with death.

Purr little kitten...Purrrr.

So there you have it. Thank you, thank you so very much for all of your purrs and purryers. It seems to really be working and we know that we can keep it up and get LK through this completely so he can grow up to be an amazing mancat!! Thanks again everyone! We really appreciate it!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

PS: Did you see the picture in the sidebar that Kashim and Othello made for LK? It made our Mommy's eyes leak. So far we do not have an update on LK, but will let you guys know as soon as we get one. Right now we think no news is good news!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Another LK Update!!

Woohoo! Mommy just got an update from Aunt Susan and she says:

"LK is doing better. He is eating much better and is more active. Still has diarrhea, but overall I'm pleased. Have changed him to a different formula and started adding baby rice cereal to the formula. Feel free to post on the blog."

So YAY! Our purrs and purrayers are working!! WOOHOO!! Please keep it up guys!! We know that LK and even Aunt Susan and Uncle Dave (who were linked to this blog so Hi Aunt Susan and Uncle Dave if you are reading this!) really really appreciate it!!!

Thanks so much!!!! Cat bloggers are the best!!

LK Update - We Need Extra Purrs

We have an update on LK (AKA Little Kitty). Mommy talked to Aunt Susan last night and while LK is not any worse, he is also not much better. Aunt Susan is very worried that he is not eating as well or as much as she would like. She says that as long as he stays like this, she will hang in there with him and do everything that she can. However, she is feeling discouraged.

We think LK just needs some more encouragement and purrs from the Blogosphere. Aunt Susan too. We know you guys have been purring and purraying lots and lots, but we need even more purrs and purrayers if we can get them! Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts for the good wishes and purrs you have given LK so far. We know that all of the blogosphere will hang in there for LK and we just hope that LK hangs in there with us!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

We Need Your Help!!!!

Kitties, we need the help of the blogosphere!! This weekend Mommy met someone very special that we would like to introduce you to. Here he is.
Right now he is being called Little Kitty. He is almost 3 weeks old and is the last surviving member of a litter of 4. No one is really sure what happened to his mother - he and his siblings were turned in at a local shelter without a Mommy and sadly the shelter had to send them to Aunt Susan's clinic for euthanasia. Two were immediately helped to the Bridge because they were so tiny and sick. The third sibling stayed with Little Kitty for a while, but then left for the Bridge too. Little Kitty is the only one left, but he is not alone. Aunt Susan and Uncle Dave are doing their best to help him live.
They are feeding him every few hours with a syringe and kitten milk and making sure that he stays warm and gets plenty of sleep. He is getting lots of attention because as you can see everyone wants to cuddle and hold him. However, Little Kitty is still not out of the woods. He has an upset tummy and Aunt Susan had to test him for coccidia, which thankfully showed a negative result. However, he had to have IV fluids twice yesterday and is on medication. They are doing everything they can for him but we need the Cat Blogosphere to send their special purrs and purrayers for him. We want this little guy to live!If we can get him through, Aunt Susan will try to find him a nice forever home. Mommy says she and Daddy have discussed adopting him if no one else does, but before he can go anywhere he has to get better and grow big. We know that the Blogosphere can do wonderful things, and we need your help right now. Please keep Little Kitty in your thoughts. Aunt Susan said if he can make it through this week, his outlook is wonderfully good! Thaks for your help. We will definately keep everyone updated!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

For this week's Thursday Thirteen, we have decided to tell you 13 things that you may not know about the members of our family!
1. Around our neighborhood, you often see members of Captain Jack's family. In fact, one day Mommy and Daddy were going out and were about half a mile from our house, when they saw what they thought was Captain Jack run across the road. Mommy jumped out of the car and tried to catch "Jack" only to find out that it was his twin who was apparently feral. We often leave cat food out for his family, in case they get hungry when they come by and say hello.

2. For a short time, when Daddy was waiting on our house to close, he and Samwise lived with Aunt Susan and Uncle Dave. Samwise still considers their home to be his as well and even has a special spot that is all his - it's on the back of the couch on top of a huge stuffed animal alligator. That alligator is called "Sammy's Gator" and he is the only furry allowed up there.

3. Dante thinks that Beaux should always live outside. When Mommy is trying to make Beaux go out (and he doesn't want to) she has watched Dante chase after Beaux whapping like crazy to run him out. Sammy Meezer would be so proud!

4. Beaux is very easy to teach tricks to. He has been taught to sit on command, to stay on command even when there is food in front of him, and he can catch treats and toys in the air. Mommy and Daddy are working on teaching "Lay Down" and want to teach him to play frisbee.

5. We have showed you some pictures of how well Daddy can cook and of the wonderful food he makes. Daddy actually learned to cook so well when he was in the Marine Corps. They even taught him how to make roses out of lemons, limes, and tomato skin and he can make Birds of Paradise out of apples.

6. Our Mommy has an obsession with Alice in Wonderland. She has multiple copies of the books, pictures, figurines, purses, clothes, etc. Our guest room is completely dedicated to her Alice collection. She is just slightly less obsessed with The Lord of the Rings.

7. Captain Jack is very demanding. He will meow and meow until he gets his way. He demands treats, food, water in his fountain, and to be let outside on the porch every day from the moment Mommy or Daddy come home from day hunting.

8. Samwise has been with Mommy and Daddy the longest so he gets some special privledges. He is always allowed to sleep on the bed with them and they often take him along when they go to visit friends and family.

9. Dante loves Daddy best. Mommy will pick him up to snuggle him but if Dad walks up Dante will just about throw himself out of Mommy's arms and into Daddy's. Thankkfully Daddy has always caught him.

10. Beaux is very quick and fast. Once we had a mousie in the house though the mousie was never anywhere that us kitties could get to. One night the mousie was outside and Beaux caught him. We never saw that mousie again though it did run off so we do not think Beaux killed it but just scared it off.

11. Daddy's father was in the military when Daddy was growing up so he has lived in lots of places - Oklahoma, Georgia, Florida, Virginia, Alabama, Washington D.C and Okinawa, Japan. When Daddy got older and joined the Marines he was stationed at the Marine Corps base in Quantico.

12. Mommy works for the state government and often has to attend hearings and things at the state Capitol, especially during this time of year when the legislature is in session. She said last night that if she has to read many more bills she may go mad. Does that mean that she will yell a lot, cause she does that when she gets mad sometimes.....

13. Beacuse Mommy has been so busy at work lately, she has not had time to have our normal photo sessions. She was looking at some old picture and found this one that made her laugh:

She says it looks like Jack passed out in a Nip coma. He really wasn't passed out....we don't think.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuxie Puppy Tuesday

Hi everyone, Samwise here! Jack and Dante let me take over today because Sushi, who lives with Tiger Lily tagged me for my very first ever meme! I am so excited!! Here we go!

Here are the rules: you have to post who tagged you and link back to them and then to the kitties at PetsPics, who created the meme. Then you have to tag 3 other kitties, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animal.What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew you wouldn't get caught, get in trouble, or suffer any consequences?

1. I would take over the computer and play Daddy's World of Warcraft all day and night just like he does. It looks like fun and I watch him play all the time from my special spot under the computer desk.
2. I would take the window glass out of the window so that I could smell the fresh air when I window hunt and so maybe a bird would fly in that I could play with too (you can see how close the bird feeders are too our window in this picture)!! I think the kitties would like this too. 3. I would eat all of the nummy human food that my Daddy cooks (yes, Daddy cooked the food in the pic below for dinner one night) and not have to share with anyone. I would eat off of my own plate and everything! Oh and guess what kitties - do you know what one of my favorite foods is? FISH! See? I told you I am a cat trapped in a woofie body!!

Finally, I have to show you what Momo gave to my kitty brothers! I think its a wonderful award and I am very proud to be the brother of two such fine kitties!

Have a great week everyone! Thanks for reading my post!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Mancat Monday - Brothers Suck!

Sometimes. having a brother is just no fun. Sometimes I wish I was an only cat! Let me show you a prime example of why having Captain Jack as a brother is no fun!

For Valentine's Day, my beautiful Pearl sent me the most wonderful card and present. I was so excited! I mean, just look at it!
Isnt it a great feather toy? I love it! Unforunately though, I was not the only one interested in it!
Yep, there's my so-called brother staring at my present that was sent to me by my girl, the beautiful Pearl!
Oh how I love this toy! It was the bestest Valentine's Day present that any kitty could ever ask for and I was so glad it was mine!
My first mistake was getting on the floor with it. Look at that jerk of a brother of mine, sneaking up behind me.

Yep - he stole my perfect toy!!! I was just so in shock that I couldn't help just staring at him. Okay I thought - I can share. After all, its a great toy, what kitty would not want to play with it?!
That pirate fink STOLE it! This is him, walking off with my present from my one and only!! How could he?!

This was a picture that Mommy took as we were getting ready to battle for MY TOY. See that arrogant swagger of Jack's? Wanna know why?

Yep! He stole my toy and then tried to hide with it in the bath tub, thinking that he would not get caught! But hah! Mommy caught him and made him give it back!!!

So I have a annoucement to make! I am selling One Pirate Brother ManCat. Free or Best Offer. I'll throw in our big tub of cat nip if you just take him away!!! Any takers?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!

To all of the kitties in the blogosphere, Happy Valentine's Day! Make sure the beans give you lots of extra treats and love today!

To our sweet, wonderful, beautiful, amazing ladies - Miss Boo and Pearl - we offer you these humble gifts as a token of our undying love and affection and the esteem in which we hold you:
These roses are only half as beautiful as you!

These chocolates could never be as sweet as you!

You have our hearts forever. So we ask you - Will You Be Mine?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tuxie Twos-day

Guess what?! It is Samwise's first Tuxie Tuesday since he was made an honorary member of the Tuxedo Gang Hideout! To celebrate, we're doing a Tuxie Twos-day, featuring Captain Jack and Samwise both! In this weeks episode, you will see the two Tuxies showing off things that they love to do. Since it is his first Tuxie Day, we will start with Samwise!
In this picture, taken just last night, Sam was doing two things he loves to do: laying on the big bed with Mommy and watching the Westminster dog show. Mommy said that if she could have entered Samwise he would win, but they won't let him enter because he is not a pure bred (snobs!). Samwise says that they won't let him enter because they know he would cream the competition!Now we think most kitties can identify with this favorite activity of Jack's - Nipping Out! Mommy says that we have to tell you the truth- Jack did not get all of this nip. Mommy had the container out to put some nip in the boogie mat and Jack tried to claim the container. We think Jack could turn into a Nipaholic if we are not careful so he only gets smaller amounts.

Now this is one of our very favorite activities - hunting through the window together! Sometimes its nice having brothers, even when they are from different species!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Mancat Monday

Sometimes, when the Mommy bean is sick, a mancat must play with girly items (such as chapstick and a ponytail holder and silly socks) in order to entertain her while she recovers.

That mancat shall never admit that chapstick is actually really fun to bat around!!

The good news is that our Mommy is finally feeling better! We made sure she stayed in bed most of the weekend and we made Daddy cook her good meals and bring her good drinks to help her to feel better. We want to thank everyone for their get well wishes for our Mommy as well as their birthday wishes. Mommy says that yes, being sick on your birthday is no fun but that spending the entire weekend in bed with us kitties and Samwise (and Beaux even though we made sure he didn't put another hole in Samwise's head) was quite nice. She also says that after today hopefully her day hunting will be caught up enough to help us visit our friends. She didn't go day hunting but two days last week so she has lots of hunting to get done. Sigh. We wish she would just stay home with us all the time!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Piratey Update

Hi everyone! We know we have not been posting a lot lately, or visiting friends this week, but our Mommy is sick again! She went to the V-E-T yesterday and still feels terrible. Hopefully now that she has more meds, she will feel better soon and we can get back to visiting everyone.

We wanted to give you all an update on Samwise too. Samwise is feeling lots better and Aunt Susan says he is healing nicely. He actually got to go and visit his girlfriend Storm on Tuesday for Aunt Susan and Uncle Dave's Mardi Gras party. They had lots of fun together. Mommy wishes she had pictures of them but Daddy forgot the camera and she stayed home in bed with us. Samwise wants to thank everyone who has sent him good thoughts and purrs. We think that is why he felt better so soon. You guys are great and we are very thankful for you!! Thanks again!!

And oh no, we almost forgot! Today is our Mommy's birthday!!! She's 32 today - really old for a cat!

Happy Birthday Mommy!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tuxie Tuesday

I call this photo "Tuxies Rule, Gingers Drool," or "The Nip is all Mine!!"

For more Tuxedo Tusday, go by the Tuxedo Gang Hideout! I am an official reporter there - see my cool new badge below (thanks Kashim and Othello!) - and Samwise was just elected an honorary member! Woohoo!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Guarding Friends on Friday

As we said yesterday, we've been guarding Samwise from Beaux ever since Beaux hurt Sam and gave him a head boo-boo a few days ago. Yesterday, since Samwise is feeling better, we decided to take guard duty in turns. Dante teleyported over to Pearl's house and while he was gone Daddy (who was home sick yesterday) managed to catch these pictures.It is a bit overexposed because we were laying on what Mommy calls the "antique cat bed" - it's an antique hope chest covered with blankets (including our favorite blanket) that we kitties just love to lie on - in the sunny window (do you see our new vertical blinds?). Also, Daddy did not want to get too close and scare one of of us off.
As you can see Captain Jack is alert and on guard while Samwise naps and heals next to him.

Again, we just wanted to thank everyone who has sent Samwise purrs and purryers and good wishes. He is definately on the mend and is very grateful for all of you. We hope you all have a great weekend!!