I'm about to sleep when I received a call 12 midnight last night from a close friend, I said hello worried why she called in odd hours of the night, few seconds of silence.... then she replied to me with a cry, she had a fight again with her husband....oh my I am quite surrounded with friends dealing with maritial issues which in some point had threatened their "I Do Promises" Sometimes I dwell into thinking that marriage is the end of romantic romance couple shared during the BFGF stage... a lot of culprits were identified but of course this is case to case basis... I just pick some based on my married friends experiences and my thoughts about them..
Individual differences. Different goals and dreams, sometimes they have the same but the strategy to achieve their goals and dreams are different...Normally women are dreamers they do have concrete and back-up plans plus tons of guts that they will achieve it. Men are commonly laid back either because they think they still have plenty of time or the guts they have is not as strong as women...plus normally they are easily contented comapare to women...
In-Laws. There should be one Queen in a Kingdom. I insist couples planning to get married should take note of this carefully..to preserve your relationship with your in-laws...start to live on your own from the start..don't test the water low probability that oil and water will get along...few might succeed with agents but millions probability failed...
In-Laws. There should be one Queen in a Kingdom. I insist couples planning to get married should take note of this carefully..to preserve your relationship with your in-laws...start to live on your own from the start..don't test the water low probability that oil and water will get along...few might succeed with agents but millions probability failed...
Financial. This should be clear from day one of marriage..expenses should be detailed out..who will safe keep the money and both should be aware of every little expenses you will have..
I pray and hope I would not go thru with all of these...coz honestly I do not know how to deal it with speacially on the last one...My friend once says that premonitions are given duirng the BFGF stage that should not be ignored if positive you should rejoice, if negative and you ignore it... it will hunt you once your married...
For my single friends...pray that you'll end up with someone you love and loves you back....someone who can laugh with you aloud :) Ensure that you are compatible in many ways (in all ways is not feasible..hehe)
For my married friends...stay happy, in-love and intimate!!! AJA!