As his egalitarian star has risen, Mr. Schultz has been railing against corporate America and ranting for passage of the job-destroying Employee Free Choice Act, including at an event this past Saturday. According to this doting blogger:
As you can probably imagine, The Employee Free Choice Act was a winner with the audience. Ed told us that currently 10% of U.S. labor is in a union. Passage of the Employee Free Choice Act could up that number to 40%, then, we could really see some change. The trade laws could be rewritten to protect manufacturing and stop the race to the bottom that is destroying our middle class. Instead of the U.S. continuing to descend to third world living standards it might become possible to improve third world working conditions instead.
As one of those rich talking heads, Mr. Schultz obviously has his money invested in a variety of areas, one of which is a construction company called E.A. Schultz Construction Company.
As Mr. Schultz constantly promotes the hallucinogenically-named Employee Free Choice Act, we cannot help but wonder if Mr. Schultz's workers are represented by a union and, if not, why not?
According to a quick google search, it appears that E.A. Schultz Construction Company is located in Fargo, North Dakota. In fact, here is the information from the Home Builders Association of America:
E.A. Schultz Construction, LLC
417 38th St. SW, Ste H,
Fargo, ND 58103
(701) 282-4963
If anyone would like to place a call, please e-mail us if you find out whether Ed Schultz lives by his own words, or if he's just another left-wing hypocrite.