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Showing posts with label Constellation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Constellation. Show all posts

Friday, December 20, 2013

Source Vent for Rima Prinz I

Source vent for Rima Prinz I
Newly released LROC Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of Rima Prinz I where it meets source crater Vera (~2 km in diameter). Field of view approximately 7 km across [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
H. Meyer
LROC News System

The Rimae Prinz Region displays a diverse array of features including sinuous rilles, massifs, and flooded craters. Today's Featured Image focuses on a Rima Prinz I, a sinuous rille just north of Prinz crater that originates from a cobra head-shaped depression named Vera.

This distinctive depression is probably the source for the mare materials extruded in Rima Prinz I. This particular rille likely formed during the emplacement of the mare that filled the crater Prinz and flowed around the rim of Prinz for approximately 25 km before taking a sharp turn to the north, perhaps occupying an existing topographic low.

Vera (Source Vent for Rima Prinz I)
In mid to late 2011, LRO was maneuvered in such a way to allow heretofore unprecedented extreme close-ups of the lunar surface, some from within 20 km. The Vera vent crater (26.48°N, 316.34°E) was among these well-positioned areas. This 1880 meter-wide field of view was cropped from a mosaic of both left and right camera frames of LROC NAC observation M168488930LR, orbit 9964, August 20, 2011; 43.79° angle of incidence, resolution 41 centimeters per pixel from 25.43 km [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
The rille then extended for another ~50 km before grading out into Oceanus Procellarum. In Today's Featured Image, it is easy to see Vera's step-like appearance. The higher step represents a an early eruption event that partially filled the vent and froze, creating the flat "ponded" surface. Later another eruption occurred and the center of the original pond collapsed as a new smaller vent opened.

Rima Prinz I, Prinz (ROI)
Vera and Rima Prinz I, apparently spill over the north rim and wall of mare-filled Prinz crater, in a 14 km-wide field of view from LROC NAC mosaic M104805368LR, spacecraft orbit 602, August 13, 2009; resolution 1.47 meters per pixel from 147 km [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
LROC Wide Angle Camera (WAC) context image of the Rima Prinz region, highlighting the highly reflective rays of nearby Aristarchus crater, and showing local features in relation to Prinz (46.13 km, 28.49°N, 315.86°E). Red rectangle denotes area in a newly released NAC DTM, from which the LROC Featured Image released December 19, 2013 was taken, and the yellow box outlines the topography in that Featured Image [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
In the WAC context image above, we can see the concentration of sinuous rilles in the Rimae Prinz Region, these features are indicative of volcanic activity in this region. The rilles were formed over several episodes of volcanic activity, as evidenced by their varying states of degradation and stratigraphic relationships within and between the rilles, including cross-cutting relationships. For example, Rima Prinz I likely formed from at least two episodes of volcanic activity, because a small sinuous channel is carved from within the interior of the larger channel. The smaller inner channel extends much farther than the larger outer channel, a phenomenon also seen in Vallis Schröteri. As Rima Prinz I is connected to Vera, Vallis Schröteri's rilles are also connected to a source depression.

Explore the newly released NAC DTM, HERE.

Related Posts:
Partially flooded crater rim near Rimae Prinz (August 15, 2013)
An observation post on the rim of Posidonius (July 19, 2013)
A Truncated Rille (May 30, 2013)
Meanders in Posidonius (February 5, 2013)
Old Man River (Of Lava) (July 5, 2011)
Rilles as far as the eye can see at Prinz (December 3, 2010)
Rimae Posidonius (December 1, 2010)
Rimae Prinz - Constellation Region of Interest (April 16, 2010)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

On the edge of Lichtenberg

An oblique view of Lichtenberg crater (31.854°N, 292.284°E). LROC Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) M1108660598RL, a 9526x15400 mosaic, captures a side-glance view (spacecraft and camera slewed -53.22° off nadir) of the geologically anomalous Lichtenberg crater, on the northwestern side of Oceanus Procellarum. LRO orbit 15660, November 27, 2012; overall resolution above 3 meters per pixel, early morning angle of incidence 81.38° from 142.54 km over 32.1°N, 300.76°E [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
H. Meyer
LROC News System

Lichtenberg crater (19 kilometers in diameter) is located in western Oceanus Procellarum (31.85°N, 292.28°E). Originally thought to be Copernican in age due to its visible ray system,

Lichtenberg is now thought to be Eratosthenian in age. It turns out that Lichtenberg rays are highly reflective due to their composition and not their relative youth (compositional ray vs maturity ray). Today's Featured Image is an oblique view of Lichtenberg crater and the surrounding terrain. Oblique images are similar to what an astronaut in orbit around the Moon would see looking out a window towards the horizon, and these views are different than most of the LROC NAC images that are taken at nadir (looking straight down).

Lichtenberg crater, super-positioned on the vast basalt flooded nearside plains of Oceanus Procellarum that are, in turn, superimposed nearly over a more ancient, larger "ghost crater" to the northeast. Lichtenberg was originally selected as a Constellation Region of Interest (ROI) for, among other reasons, a distinct younger flow of melt superimposed on the crater's southeastern frontier, demonstrating this part of Procellarum was inundated both before and after Lichtenberg's formation. LROC Wide Angle Camera (WAC) monochrome (604 nm) mosaic from observations collected in sequential orbits July 27, 2011, from approximately 43 km overhead. View a wider field of view in the original mosaic HERE [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Because oblique images are taken by looking at an angle, these images can enhance or reveal features that may not be evident when looking straight down. For example, Lichtenberg's raised rim is prominent in this image, as is the topographic high within the ghost crater beside it. The diameter of the ghost crater (29 kilometers) suggests that it is a complex crater with a central peak that was subsequently buried by mare basalts. Perhaps a now deeply buried central peak is reflected in the surface as a distinct topographic high in the center of the ghost crater? It is the presence of this flooded crater that caused Lichtenberg to form in an asymmetrical fashion. This viewing geometry also enhances Lichtenberg's textured ejecta blanket, revealing a partial embayment of the ejecta on the eastern side. By applying our understanding of the principles of stratigraphy, the history of this area can be unraveled. A complex crater formed on the surface and was buried by mare basalt. Then, Lichtenberg formed on part of the partially buried rim of the ghost crater. Finally, a new flow of mare basalt partially flooded the ejecta of Lichtenberg.

Explore the full NAC mosaic HERE.

Related Posts:
Ghost Crater in Southern Mare Crisium (June 21, 2011)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

General Bolden on the Moon

EDITORIAL : The Space Community experienced a minor brush fire late last week, set accidentally perhaps, by NASA administrator Charles Bolden and his reaction to the National Research Council's congressional-commissioned review of NASA’s "strategic vision."

It’s a sad fact of American politics that the release of the NRC report might have passed largely unnoticed had Bolden been as cryptic about the Moon’s place in NASA’s future as the rest of the administration has been from is beginning.

Instead he confirmed for us one line of reasoning into the administration’s actual rationale for erasing the Moon from National Space Policy, three years ago.

“I don’t know how to say it any more plainly,” Bolden said. “NASA does not have a human lunar mission in its portfolio, and we are not planning for one.”

He warned the next administration not to change course “again” back to the Moon. That would mean, he said, the U.S. would “never again see Americans on the Moon, on Mars, near an asteroid, or anywhere. We cannot continue to change the course of human exploration.”

“NASA will not take the lead on a human lunar mission,” Bolden said. “NASA is not going to the Moon with a human as a primary project probably in my lifetime,” because “we can only do so many things, and NASA’s focus will remain on human missions to asteroids and Mars.”

“All that was 'a given,' three years ago,” Apollo 17 commander Gene Cernan said afterward on Tuesday, perhaps forgetting along with General Bolden, that "going to the Moon as a primary project" has not been a goal of the American government since 1969, and this was never "a primary project" of the Vision for Space Exploration in 2004 or of those who recognize the Moon's strategic and scientific value and who still support restoring the Moon back into scientific context today.

On the surface there did seem little that was new in Bolden’s protests. All the superficial reasons for dropping the Moon as an intermediate objective on the way to Mars spread abroad by the administration and its supporters still make little sense. No one who seriously supported a return to the Moon as an essential objective on the way to Mars ever hoped simply to recreate Apollo. 

And if it’s asteroids you want, the Moon has been an asteroid magnet for about 4.575 billion years.

Aside from the glaring hole left by having had the Moon erased from National Space Policy, three years after the cancellation of Constellation, America's deep space efforts are really little different from what they were at the end of the Bush administration, with little actual progress having been made not already set in motion before President Obama's Inauguration.. 

Aside from the missing Altair lander, and the R&D required to build it, together with a simple recognition of the Moon’s clear strategic value in overcoming tremendous technological challenges facing any manned mission to Mars, very little has actually changed.

The end goal of landing astronauts on Mars, someday, some way, in budgetary “out years,” is still the same, as was retiring the Space Shuttle and planned development and use of commercial transportation to ISS. These were integral to the Vision for Space Exploration introduced in 2004. Though some seem determined to credit the administration with having dreamed up subsidized commercial space, and certainly for popularizing the idea, that too was integral to the VSE and as far as presidents go the initiative dates back to Ronald Reagan.

From a political perspective, with unwitting help from General Bolden, we no longer have to simply make educated guessed as to why the Moon was edited out of NASA’s strategy. As it turns out, it was not the “been there, done that” argument offered by the President, after all..

Bolden has finally confirmed for us one line of investigation into the mysterious missing Moon by simply telling us that the Obama administration just does not want the American governmentto take the leadon any manned return to the Moon.

Thus, it was a political decision, dressed up and oversold with some of the tired arguments originally heard forty years ago.

That's not a crime, of course. Thankfully Bolden has also communicated that the administration is not opposed to "leading from behind" on a manned mission to the Moon, perhaps lead by a different nation, nor does he rule out robotic exploration, though the nation has so far committed only to finishing or fulfilling the precursor robotic lunar missions that were either already underway or already long in the pipeline.

We are genuinely grateful the administration appears unwilling to stand in the way of any commercial manned or unmanned landings in the Moon.

But why this passionate and now very specfic opposition to America leading while exploring and using the Moon as a stepping stone to Mars and as a Rosetta Stone for the rest of the Solar System?

In light of all the other alterations made to the President's 'asteroid initiative' over the past three years, was the administration's unyielding position the original and still primary reason the whole Constellation program was cancelled?

The Moon, and those of us still urging policy makers to take another look at its advantages over manned asteroids exploration, are apparently occasionally being heard in the White House. In the past three years the administration has occasionally floated tantalizing trial balloons, future efforts involving the Moon, but specifically without any  human landing.

One thing is different in the past three years. The small flotilla of remote sensing spacecraft, from Japan, China and India, as well as the U.S. sent to the Moon, and inspired by the lead America had taken with in 2004, after a long national drought five American spacecraft in lunar orbit simultaneously for most of this past year, and planetary scientists have learned more about the Moon since 2004 than in the two decades previous.

This new look at the Moon has by now strongly confirmed the Moon's strategic importance and its usefulness to science, and as a logical support for future manned missions to Mars.
"Just after it has been relegated to a “been there, done that” status, the Moon again shows us we have a lot to learn about its history, physical state and the potential value of its resources. We must take the initiative to learn more as the Moon is crucial in developing and advancing a sustainable space faring infrastructure." -   Paul D. Spudis

Why then, like Arthur C. Clarke’s Europa, are American astronauts to “attempt no landing there?” If we are taking the lead going to Mars, our role in a return to the Moon along that path would seem to be irrelevant.

This much is clear. Leaving the Moon out as an intermediate goal, as a place where America already has a momentary and essential lead, is a stubbornly held position dear to the administration.From Bolden’s statements late last week one might think someone had suggested NASA’s strategy for building a path to Mars should be renamed back to “Constellation.”

Though only occasionally experienced, if America’s history and the nation's storied history of manned space exploration has succeeded in teaching us anything it has taught history has a very tight turning radius.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Future Moon: 'Working the Crater"

Another excellent, very useful and imaginative virtual diorama by John Moore, created using the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter laser altimeter (LOLA) digital elevation model (DTM) and both LROC NAC and WAC photography.

Having impacted upon the eastern rim of lunar crater Virtanen (15.66°N, 176.72°E) - a Constellation program 'Region Of Interest' - a possible site for further exploration of the Moon), this small, unnamed 12-kilometre-sized crater holds some wonderful geological features for scientists and geologists to explore.

Some of these features are still not well understood, so setting up bases in and around such craters will lead to profound discoveries regarding how they formed and developed over time - from initial impact to final settlement.

Directly Related:
Lunar Landslides! (October 15, 2011)

John Moore: Exaggerating the elevation (October 17, 2012)
LROC: The Rays of Messier A (April 6, 2012) John Moore DTM-based survey included.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Amundsen crater and the CLSE Landing Site Study

Embracing the Void - A contributing team to A GLOBAL LUNAR LANDING SITE STUDY to PROVIDE the SCIENTIFIC CONTEXT for EXPLORATION of the MOON (CLSE/LPI/NLSI, 2012) suggests a landing site on the floor of Amundsen crater, in the Moon's far south, on a well-lit area nestled on the edge of a permanently shadowed region (PSR) - an "integrated site," carefully selected to efficiently address each of the priorities outlined by the National Research Council under "Science Concept 4" in 2007.   LROC Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) mosaic, LROC QuickMap, 16 meters resolution [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
First in a series of posts highlighting newly-suggested landing sites selected to address high-priority science goals - from a remarkable lunar landing site study published by the Center for Lunar Science and Exploration:
An area chosen to groundtruth, to baseline the life cycle and retention of volatiles on the Moon is also close to a prominent central peak which may present accessible samples of the Moon's megaregolith, crust or mantle. To the north, the north wall and floor of Amundsen remains in perpetual shadow. Maximum 80 meter resolution section from LROC Wide Angle Camera (WAC) monochrome (643nm) observation M139410549ME, LRO orbit 5678, September 18, 2010 [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Joel Raupe
Lunar Pioneer

In November the Center for Lunar Science and Exploration, a distinguished science team sponsored by the NASA Lunar Science Institute (NLSI), released a set of comprehensive lunar landing site studies fashioned carefully on the lunar Science Concepts and Goals outlined in the National Research Council's influential 2007 report The Scientific Context for the Exploration of the Moon.

The last section of the eight-part study addresses the possibility of exploration and sample return from South Pole-Aitken basin and how sites selected there might fulfill all Science Goals outlined in the 2007 NRC report. Meanwhile, within the CLSE Landing Site Study, the section addressing NRC Science Concept 4 is directed at the important goal of gaining ground truth regarding the life cycle of volatiles on the surface of the Moon, and especially their retention in permanently shadowed cold traps near the north and south poles. Though a study for a potential New Frontiers-class mission to study lunar volatiles was included in the 2013-2022 Decadal Survey, it was not specifically included in recommendations for a South Pole-Aitken basin sampling mission and a new lunar geophysical network during the decade ahead.

The CLSE Landing Site Study recommendations, however, were constrained by many of the limits placed on a manned mission, both within and beyond the Constellation program, cancelled as the studies developed.

To groundtruth, so to speak, the real-time transport, loss and retention of lunar volatiles (e.g., water and hydroxyl molecules, neutral hydrogen or the exotic species tossed up by the LCROSS impact) the team working on NRC Science Concept 4 carried out a careful study of the north and south polar regions and, as announced originally at the 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Amundsen crater emerged as one of the far south's most favorable locations. (The lunar north also had targets emerging from the data, more perhaps than in the south, we hope to also spotlight in near future.)

A refrain repeated often in the CLSE Landing Site Study was emergence of a many favorable targets, some familiar and some not. However, with budgetary stresses unlikely to disappear soon, identifying those areas presenting the greatest probability of addressing multiple science concepts, visiting as few landing sites as necessary, has become valued work. Beyond emerging as a bright target in remote sensing of volatiles, Amundsen presents the added virtue of being within South Pole-Aitken. Examples of targets addressing overlapping priority science goals also included Schrödinger basin and Antoniadi crater.

(The work continues. Just this past week the Center announced the availability of a web-based ArcGIS tool for evaluating SPA landing sites.)

Figure 4.25 from - "Science Concept 4: The Lunar Poles are Special Environments that may bare witness to the Volatile Flux over the latter part of Solar System history" (2012). The floor of Amundsen crater, Permanently Shadowed Regions (PSRs - dark blue) and sites where all five of "Science Concept 4" Science Goals, relating to lunar volatiles, might be met (light blue), together with proposed landing sites (stars) and science stations (circles). Radii of the 10 km "walk-back" distance, and 20 km, respectively, from each landing site are shown as solid and dashed lines. [LROC WAC/LOLA shaded relief - NASA/GSFC/ASU].
Students in the Lunar & Planetary Institute Summer Intern Program methodically attacked the puzzle of picking landing sites likely to provide important answers to the planetary science questions outlined in the NRC’s Space Studies Board 2007 report. Greatly simplified, locations satisfying NRC Science Concept 4 specifics were figuratively overlaid one upon another to further identify locations suited to multiple science goals.

Seeing in the Dark - (LROC QuickMap - South Pole orthographic projection) - the interior of Amundsen crater. LRO laser altimetry has now disclosed great detail within the Moon's Permanently Shadowed Regions (PSRs), and CLSE Science Concept 4 suggested landing sites concepts A and B straddle a boundary between well-lit zones of moderate temperatures and priority lunar volatile science stations in perpetual shadow, characterized by some of the Solar System's coldest temperatures. "Site A" is shown by the red cross, "B" by the yellow [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Located inside the 4.1 billion year old South Pole-Aitken impact basin, 105 km Amundsen is the youngest complex crater in the far lunar south, one of only three complex craters poleward of 80°S. Though formed in the late Nectarian its floor is consistant with the Imbrium peiord. LROC WAC monochrome (643nm) observation M139410549ME, LRO orbit 5678, September 18, 2010; resolution 80 meters per pixel from 57.37 km [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Straddling the 270th meridian east, at the boundary of the Moon's near and far sides, the area of interest at Amundsen is nominally within "line of sight" (under favorable libration) from Earth. Here the crater, its floor and eastern wall, are visible in reflected radar. From S-band (12.6 cm wavelength) radar view of the Moon's south pole obtained using Arecibo and Green Bank, available HERE. Yellow star marks "Site A." Data was acquired in 2005 and published in 2006, and "have a single-look spatial resolution of 20 meters per pixel" [NLSI/Cornell].
Over five summers successive groups of students worked on each of the 2007 Science Goals outlined by the NRC, as the economic, political and lunar science environment evolved around them.

The Constellation program was scrubbed, including the Altair lander, though the on-time and under-budget unmanned supporting missions already well-along in development survived. LCROSS and LRO, fortunately, thrived together, along with development of the ambitiously efficient precursors GRAIL and LADEE. As the momentum originally put into motion by Constellation and the aftermath of the Columbia accident finally experiences a kind of inevitable "heat death," however, the specifics of the future of U.S. unmanned exploration of the Moon is gravely in doubt. Notwithstanding a supposed plan to return astronauts to the lunar vicinity later in the decade, it's difficult to imagine how such a mission can improve upon the science returned by LRO.

That first summer the LPI interns began with data rooted still in the 20th century. Five summers later, fresh teams, focused on subsequent NRC Science Goals, were assisted with results from missions entirely rooted in the 21st century. They were fortunate enough to sample the first sips from a fire hose of data eventually returned from Japan’s Kaguya, India’s Chandrayaan-1, China’s Chang’E-1 and 2; along with results from LCROSS and, perhaps most important, the record-breaking data still coming down from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

Constraints on a the starting prospect of manned missions to the Moon, those "sorties" seen as originating from "an extended human presence" at a permanent station on the rim of Shackleton crater, were lifted before the CLSE Landing Site studies were published. By the time of the study's release pinning NASA or Congress down on the ways and means of accomplishing lunar science seemed similar to keeping spaghetti on a fork. Nevertheless, if the only permanent legacy of the defunct Constellation program turns out to be studies like the one produced by CLSE, assisted by a swarm of well-managed and efficient unmanned spacecraft like LRO, it may very well prove to be worth every penny "wasted" on the Ares boosters and the Altair lander. (There are, of course, other windfalls worth mentioning beyond the scope of this Introduction.)

Science Concept 4 from "SCIENTIFIC CONTEXT for the EXPLORATION of the MOON (2007)." The Center for Lunar Science and Exploration methodically took on the task of using the latest data to begin suggesting landing sites to fulfill the National Research Council lunar science priorities, resulting in a remarkable report released in November 2012.
Their finished product speaks well for itself, and the editing and teaching skills of the Student Intern Program coordinators and study co-editors David A. Kring and Daniel D. Durda of the Lunar and Planetary Institute. A host lunar targets, many still unnamed, have augmented the 50 Constellation Regions of Interest.

“As this study unfolded, it became clear the Apollo landing sites, while completely reshaping our understanding of the solar system 50 years ago, represent only a tiny fraction of the lunar surface," Kring wrote last November.

"Other sites can reveal completely new details of lunar history and are, arguably, better sites for addressing the fundamentally important issues identified in the NRC's 2007 report.  This study asked a simple question, where on the lunar surface could the objectives in the 2007 report be addressed?

"Maps keyed to each of those objectives were created and, when those maps were stacked, several lunar surface locations popped out as the scientifically-richest landing sites."

Amundsen (r) in context with the far lunar south. LROC Quickmap, south pole orthographic projection at 500 meters per pixel resolution [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
"Volatiles at the Lunar South Pole: A Case Study for a Mission to Amundsen Crater" (LPSC 2012, #1619), acknowledged the yeoman labor on addressing "Science Goal 4," fleshed out in depth in the CLSE Landing Site Study:

From  "Science Concept 4: The Lunar Poles are Special Environments that may bare witness to the Volatile Flux over the latter part of Solar System history."
"Amundsen crater, centered at 84.6°S, 85.6°E, is a complex, central-peak crater approximately 100 kilometers in diameter...the youngest south polar complex crater. Amundsen formed in the late Nectarian, but its floor has a crater density consistent with an Imbrium age. The entire crater sits within the South Pole-Aitken (SPA) impact basin, the oldest and largest discernible lunar impact crater.

"Approximately 9 percent of the interior of Amundsen is in permanent shadow and  approximately 6 percent of the interior satisfies all five of the NRC (2007) Concept 4 Science Goals. A 43 square kilometer region directly north of our proposed landing site is one such region in which all five Science Goals could be addressed.

We chose Amundsen crater because it has many easily-accessible sites that address all or most Science Goals (IV).
Figure 4.8 from "Science Concept 4: The Lunar Poles are Special Environments that may bare witness to the Volatile Flux over the latter part of Solar System history." shows areas in the vicinity of the lunar South Pole where all the priority questions related to NRC 2007 Science Goal 4 might be fulfilled. Addressing all these priorities obviously narrows the selection of landing sites down rapidly and makes Amundsen crater stand out.
A broad range of geologic features is also present within Amundsen; these include crater floor materials, crater walls, wall slumps from higher on the crater wall or rim and central peak material. It also contains many smaller craters with varying degrees of degradation. Sampling these various morphologies may place constraints on distribution of volatiles, partially addressing Science Goal 4a.

We identified two landing sites (A and B) on the floor of Amundsen crater lit up to one quarter of a lunation (Zuber et al., 2011). 

Those sites provide access to stations within (Permanently Shadowed Regions) while providing a base of operations in an illuminated region. Stations outside of PSRs can serve as experimental controls for the processes that affect volatile distribution within PSRs. Contrasts between the two regions can also be used to evaluate transport mechanisms. Remotely observed circular polarization ratios (CPR) (Zhang and Paige, 2010) also vary around both landing sites, providing an opportunity to ground-truth the global data set and test the effects of ground ice and surface roughness on those CPR values. Temperatures derived from the Diviner radiometer (Paige et al., 2010) also helped define station locations.
Temperature extremes at the Moon's south pole as detected by the The DIVINER Lunar Radiometer Experiment on-board the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) shows the rapid temperature swing, within walk-back distance from a lunar lander, at the study's suggested landing sites at Amundsen (black arrow) [NASA/GSFC/UCLA].

Monday, January 7, 2013

NASA, ESA televised briefing on Orion-MPV Service Module, Wednesday, January 16

Following unmanned testing beginning in September 2014, the Orion-MPV stack may begin crewed flights two years later. The Service Module design above represents designs from 2006 [NASA].
NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) will hold a joint news conference Wednesday, January 16, at 1630 UT to discuss details of an agreement for ESA to provide the Service Module portion of the Orion-MPV manned vehicle, still scheduled to begin unmanned flight testing in September 2014.

NASA-TV will carry the briefing live from Johnson Space Center in Houston.

The agreement, according to NASA, "expands on the successful partnership between the agencies on the International Space Station and other activities," and "ensures continued international collaboration as humans explore new frontiers in the solar system."

The Orion Service Module (SM) is not presently a planned part of crew capsule tests, beginning in 2014. Exploration Test Mission-1 (EMT-1) will be lofted into high-Earth orbit on a Delta-IV heavy booster. NASA's next "man-rated" booster, the Space Launch System (SLS), may not be ready before 2017.

The news conference participants will include Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA associate administrator for Human Exploration and Operations; Thomas Reiter, ESA director of Human Spaceflight and Operations; Mark Geyer, Orion Program manager and Bernardo Patti, ESA manager of International Space Station operations.

Presently scratched into "out years" of NASA funding are proposed manned flights of the Orion-MPV system ferrying crews to the International Space Station as early as 2017, with a possible return to lunar orbit, a Hubble Space Telescope servicing mission and long duration flights in the decade following.

The Orion system is all that remains of the crewed segment of the cancelled Constellation program, whose trailing legacy includes the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), the now-completed GRAIL lunar gravity mapping mission and the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) scheduled for launch later this year.

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Tale of Falcon 1

Liftoff of Flight 4 of the Falcon 1 from Kwajalein, September 28, 2008. SpaceX achieved an elliptical orbit (621 x 643 km) at 9.3° inclination and carried into orbit a dummy payload at 165 kg designed and built for the mission [SpaceX].
Paul D. Spudis
The Once and Future Moon
Smithsonian Air & Space

Elon Musk founded Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX) in 2002.  Its stated business objective was the development of launch services for a fraction of the cost of the then-available commercial launch providers – to the greatest extent practicable, they would create reusable pieces of its launch system, thereby greatly lowering the cost of space access.  Toward that end, SpaceX sponsored the development of its own launch vehicle and engines, using a vertically integrated business model in which SpaceX would design, fabricate, prepare and operate a launch system.

Alan Boyle’s recent review of commercial efforts to supply the International Space Station naturally included coverage of the successful flight of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon’s delivery demonstration.  The article focused on the way commercial space is financed, specifically how NASA is sponsoring the development of some of these capabilities.  This financial arrangement is the basis for a point repeatedly voiced by critics of the heralded vision of “New Space” replacing “government” space – a company like SpaceX is not actually commercial in the traditional free market sense, but simply another government-funded contractor using a different procurement model.

Falcon 1 was the first rocket developed by SpaceX.  It is a two-stage launch vehicle capable of putting a metric ton (1000 kg.) into low Earth orbit.  Falcon 1 uses a single Merlin, a SpaceX-developed, LOX-kerosene rocket engine producing ~570,000 newtons of thrust (for comparison, a single Shuttle main engine burns LOX-hydrogen fuel and produces about 2,300,000 newtons of thrust).  The Falcon 1 was designed to put relatively small satellites into low earth orbit.  With such payload capacity, it is also capable of sending 100-200 kg microsats beyond LEO, into cislunar space.

Much of the private start-up capital for SpaceX was used to develop the Falcon 1.  They also received some government funding from other than NASA.  The Department of Defense (DOD) had need for reliable, quick, and cheap space access for small payloads.  To that end, SpaceX received funding from several DOD entities, including several million dollars from the U.S. Air Force under a program to develop launch capability for DARPA (a defense research agency).  Space X was given access to and the use of DOD launch facilities at the Reagan Test Site (formerly Kwajalein Missile Range) in the Marshall Islands.

The early days of Falcon 1 development were not pretty.  The first launch failed after 25 seconds of flight.  The second flight successfully launched and staged, but did not reach orbit.  After the third attempt at flight failed during staging, a review board looked in detail at SpaceX’s launch processing stream and made recommendations for some significant changes.  The next launch was successful in putting a dummy payload into orbit.  In July 2009, six years after Falcon 1 development had begun, SpaceX achieved its first (and so far, only) commercial space success with the launch and orbit of the Malaysian RazakSAT imaging satellite on a Falcon 1 launch.

Typically when a space company finally achieves a long-sought success, it moves rapidly to exploit the new vehicle’s operational status and begins to aggressively market and sell its new launch service.  However, no Falcon 1 launch has occurred since the success of RazakSAT.  A visit to the SpaceX web site describes the Falcon 1 vehicle, but at the bottom of the page it states that a Falcon 1 launch is no longer available for purchase.  Instead, small, one-ton class payloads will be accommodated in the future through “piggyback” rides on the new, Falcon 9 medium-class launch vehicle.

For a company to spend six years and start up money developing a needed launch system, only to abandon it just as success and profit is at hand, is difficult to sort through.  One could be forgiven for imagining that the development of the Falcon 1 as a commercial launch system was never intended but rather a pretext to flight qualify the pieces (specifically the Merlin 1 engine) used in the nine-engine cluster that powers the Falcon 9 launcher.  Interestingly, others have noted that the now-cancelled NASA Constellation Ares I launch vehicle (“The Stick”), purportedly designed to launch the new Orion spacecraft to LEO, likewise appeared to be more of a development effort than a flight project, in that its various pieces (e.g., cryogenic upper stage, five-segment SRB) were all needed to build the large Ares V heavy lift rocket.

Meanwhile, customers in need of low-cost options for launching small payloads are out of luck.  Falcon 9 has yet to launch an ounce of commercial payload and Falcon 1 is not for sale.  Of course, one can launch small satellites using Orbital’s Taurus launch vehicle, but its ~$50-70 M cost and recent record of unreliability (e.g., the Glory satellite launch failure) engender neither comfort nor confidence.  More significantly, after investing in the R&D effort of a new, unproven company that was offering a low cost, small launch vehicle, SpaceX’s original DoD customers, banking on the creation of a quick, inexpensive capability to launch small satellites, saw their support of Falcon 1 go by the board.  It appears that SpaceX dropped their initial operational vehicle for the promotion and promise of far more ambitious and distant goals.

Artist's rendering of the Falcon 9 heavy-lift launch
plans for which are expected in 2013
That template seems to work for them – NASA has “invested” more than $500 million in the Falcon 9 over the last five years.  Now, SpaceX holds court to advance their founder’s Mars fantasies and plans for a Falcon “heavy” launch vehicle – designed and marketed as sending very large payloads into space, at unbelievably low prices.  (As an aside, I thought that a New Space article of faith is that heavy lift is a boondoggle and that fuel depots are the way to go beyond LEO.)

When New Space advocates characterize old NASA contractors, legacy launch companies and politicians with NASA centers in their districts as “pigs at the trough of government funding,” they’d be wise to watch out for a “pig” donning falcon feathers.  Debate, like competition is good and helpful but only useful when advocates honestly pitch their abilities, services, products and intentions.   Money is an important consideration, however our nation’s ability to compete in the arena of space must be the overriding concern.  In light of the current situation, that ability is slipping further and further away.  We need to honestly assess what we’re buying before nothing remains of our decades long investment and leadership role in space.

Originally published at his Smithsonian Air & Space blog The Once and Future Moon, Dr. Spudis is a senior staff scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute. The opinions expressed are those of the author and are better informed than average

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Annus Horribilis: Space in 2011

Cue music, "Also Sprach Zarathustra".....
Paul D. Spudis
The Once and Future Moon
Smithsonian Air & Space

A long established year-end tradition – for good or ill – is a review and analysis of the preceding twelve months.  Who am I to fight this trend?  Being that I am a “the glass is not only half-empty, but chipped and cracked down the middle” space policy town crier, be fairly warned as I conclude this year’s blogging with a look back at 2011.

The retirement of the Space Shuttle this past year vindicated T.S. Elliot’s pronouncement about the nature of the end of the world.  The U.S. workhorses that ferried Station pieces and crew to low Earth orbit await their museum berths.  The most heated emotions and debate surrounding this event dealt with the agency’s selection of the final resting places for the working U.S. space access machines.  To the outrage of many, space-oriented places like Houston and Huntsville were cold-shouldered in favor of show business-oriented Los Angeles and New York City.  In the heat of this controversy (so dire that members of Congress from space-economy communities rose from their slumber to pen op-eds mirroring constituent alarm),  few noticed or understood that without a replacement, the country’s capability for humans to access space had been discarded.  As  2011 closes out, construction and assembly of the International Space Station is complete – it is a unique Earth-orbiting platform for ongoing scientific research, accessible for the price of a ride on a Russian Soyuz spacecraft.

This past year was heralded as the opening chapter for a new approach to human spaceflight – the American civil space program was to advance more economically through the use of commercial launch services to LEO.  We’re waiting and watching, with more than a little trepidation, as millions of taxpayer dollars are doled out to “New Space” companies branded “commercial.”  Recent history shows taxpayer-funded, new-technology enterprises have failed spectacularly.  It’s troubling that simultaneously, these space access ventures are making similar claims of soon-to-be superior, cheap alternatives toward solving a pressing national problem.

In other exciting developments, the agency announced their new “mission statement” –  “To reach for new heights and reveal the unknown so that what we do and learn will benefit all humankind.”  Some noted the new statement says nothing about conducting missions and doesn’t mention space.  But it is stirring – a mission statement for an agency without a mission.

After being kicked long and hard by the Congress, NASA finally decided that they should probably go ahead and build a new launch vehicle.  Despite some initial foot-dragging (and the conspicuously ignored presence of an obvious and inexpensive alternative), the agency buckled down and produced a design for a new heavy lift launch vehicle, one that looks remarkably similar to the now-discarded Ares system.  With continued work on the new Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, looking remarkably similar to the now-discarded Orion spacecraft, we soon will be ready for new and exciting missions to untrod landscapes in space – perhaps a large rock –in a decade.  Maybe.  Perhaps even for less than its estimated $100 billion cost.

Robotic science missions, the so-called “crown jewels” of the space program, had their own share of difficulties this year.  The Goddard-run James Webb Space Telescope, the second-generation successor to the highly successful Hubble Space Telescope, is coming in late with a price tag of more than $8.7 billion and counting.  Its continued cost growth threatens all NASA space science programs.  JPL’s own giga-project, the $2.5 billion Mars Science Laboratory, was successfully launched and will encounter the planet in about six months, hopefully at very low velocity.  Less costly robotic missions to a variety of destinations continue to return copious amounts of data; whether there will be money to reduce and analyze it all remains uncertain.

The past year was the 50th anniversary of both Yuri Gagarin’s first flight into space and John F. Kennedy’s announcement of the Moon landing goal – two events separated by type and location but connected in motivation.  It also was the centennial year of the race to, and attainment of, the South Pole – an event with reverberations throughout the ensuing years as a template for national efforts in exploration.  The space program, steeped in the history of global geopolitics and national competition, has sputtered slowly to a stop under that motivational and operational model.  A new paradigm for the space program is needed, one that ensures its long-term viability and stability.

To their own and the nation’s detriment, NASA is trapped by one model when thinking about space.  Missing is the notion of permanence and expansion into space.  A variety of “anyplace-but-the-Moon” destinations for human spaceflight have been mooted and studied in the past year, including near-Earth asteroids, L-points, the tiny, asteroid-like moons of Mars, lunar orbit, and even a human Venus flyby.  All of these imagined missions require knowledge, hardware and technologies that we do not now possess.  All expose human crews to substantial risk through long-term exposure to radiation and microgravity.  None create permanence of human presence or extension of capability in space.  And all travel to destinations offering little scientific and exploratory benefit or variety; their main attraction seems to be the yet-to-be-explained agency imperative to cross them off some “been there” check-list.

Several plans to develop cislunar space through an incremental, step-wise approach have been advanced.  The goal in each is not a flags-and-footprints type of space extravaganza, but the steady expansion of capabilities and reach beyond low Earth orbit.  Such a modus operandi is possible through the development and use of lunar resources —specifically the water ice found in quantity at both poles of the Moon.  In stark contrast to the Apollo template (and regardless of budgetary ups and downs), constant, steady and measurable progress can be realized through the creation of this “transcontinental railroad” in cislunar space.

I note with sadness, the passing of some great space visionaries this year.  John Marburger, former Presidential Science Advisor, was one of the few who truly understood the meaning and purpose of the Vision for Space Exploration.  Lunar and planetary scientists Baruch Blumberg, Bill Muehlberger, Mike Drake, Paul Lowman, Nick Short, Chuck Sonett, and my academic advisor and friend Ron Greeley passed away this year.  Theirs were voices of knowledge and experience and they will be missed.

The year 2011 was an annus horribilis for the national space program.  Here’s to the forthcoming year and hopes for a return of sanity to space policy.

Originally published December 27, 2011 at his Smithsonian Air & Space blog The Once and Future Moon, Dr. Spudis is a senior staff scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute. The opinions expressed are those of the author and are better informed than average.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Faded Flags on the Moon

Symbolic: The probable current state of the Apollo American flags on the Moon, at the very least, bleached of color and degraded into delicate tatters by intense UV radiation. (Scene is the Hadley Rille Valley, landing site of Apollo 15 in 1971 as it might appear 40 years later.)

Paul D. Spudis
The Once & Future Moon
Smithsonian Air & Space

Today is the 42nd anniversary of man’s landing on the Moon. The first step on the Moon – the step that “divided history” to use the words of the time – and the planting of the American flag there seems like a lifetime ago. As a matter of fact, it was.

Tomorrow, the Space Shuttle Atlantis will land back at its launch site, ending that program’s 30-year tenure as the centerpiece of America’s space program. That was not a lifetime ago, but a similar sense of loss is evident.

In both cases, the end of a mission series brought upheaval to the space program, as thousands of workers lost their jobs, sold their homes and moved on but not before helping to write an important chapter in America’s history. The end of the Shuttle program and the dismantling of Shuttle infrastructure at Florida’s Cape parallels the dismantling of our national space program.

Ending this major U.S. space program is not like finishing a highway construction project or a bridge, where skilled workers go on to other construction projects. The people that launched Saturn and Shuttle were highly trained – acquiring expert knowledge through years of experience. They cannot be found on the street, but must be carefully assembled and made into a team, trained in their specific specialties, and tested in actual flight experience.

Unlike the end of Apollo, the end of Shuttle finds uncertainty in our national direction in space. Despite the cawing of the flock of “new direction” supporters, a stunning realization is just now sinking in to a bewildered American public: we’re discarding a national capability with no successor – no strategic direction, no vehicle, no path forward. Not even a “flexible” one.

Seven years ago, a positive direction in space was articulated as the Vision for Space Exploration (VSE). In short, it called for the gradual extension of human reach beyond low Earth orbit, starting with a return to the Moon, followed by trips to destinations beyond, including Mars. Despite misinformation in the press, the Vision was not (and still is not) “unaffordable” – its affordability depends on its implementation.

The implementation of the VSE by NASA was predicated on the assumption that the Apollo approach was the best way to establish a new space faring capability. Although such an assumption could be argued, it had the virtue of having an existence proof in that we had done it that way before. A drawback to such an approach is that it opened the program to the criticism that lunar return under the VSE was merely a repeat of Apollo, a canard that wasn’t true then or now.

When Constellation ran into the developmental problems and extra costs that all new programs experience, national leaders became concerned. This concern emanated not from the money being spent (the federal government spends more in 8 hours than NASA spends in a year); the concern was that this new effort appeared to be in support of a “repeat” of Apollo. With few exceptions, most people had never heard the objective of using the Moon to create new space faring capability. Instead, the public repeatedly heard the trite and dismissive “been there, done that” mantra and “We already have six American flags on the Moon,” to quote one notable. And that mis-characterization of the Vision manifested our current direction, i.e., one of no direction.

We discarded both a working transportation system and a strategic path forward in space in exchange for promises of commercial space travel to LEO and dreams of human missions to an asteroid (with nebulous rationale and timetable). Wishing new capabilities into existence without a clear step-by-step path forward would be laughable if it wasn’t so tragic. The administration came to a fork in the road, pondered the direction our national space program could go, and chose a path with no objective or productive program architecture that America could embrace to stay on top of her game.

Over the course of the Apollo program, our astronauts deployed six American flags on the Moon. For forty-odd years, the flags have been exposed to the full fury of the Moon’s environment – alternating 14 days of searing sunlight and 100° C heat with 14 days of numbing-cold -150° C darkness. But even more damaging is the intense ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the pure unfiltered sunlight on the cloth (modal) from which the Apollo flags were made. Even on Earth, the colors of a cloth flag flown in bright sunlight for many years will eventually fade and need to be replaced. So it is likely that these symbols of American achievement have been rendered blank, bleached white by the UV radiation of unfiltered sunlight on the lunar surface. Some of them may even have begun to physically disintegrate under the intense flux.

America is left with no discernible space program while the Moon above us no longer flies a visible U.S. flag.

How ironic.

Originally published July 20, 2011 at The Once & Future Moon, (Smithsonian Air & Space). Dr. Spudis is a Senior Staff Scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston. The opinions expressed are better informed than average.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Another small volcano?

Along the embayed Eddington crater rim is an ~1.5 km dome that may be an ancient volcano with a summit pit crater. LROC Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) observation M148618400R, LROC orbit 7036, January 2, 2011; field of view 960 meters. View the full-sized LROC Featured Image HERE [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Lillian Ostrach
LROC News System

Volcanic features are observed all over the Moon, but sometimes it is difficult to tell whether an observed feature is of volcanic origin or the remnant of another geologic feature (e.g., basin ejecta or buried rim materials). Today's Featured Image is a prime example of a dome that may or may not be of volcanic origin. The dome is ~1.5 km wide and has a summit crater, but is the crater of impact or volcanic origin? The dome is geomorphologically similar to two volcanoes found in Lacus Mortis. These other domes are about the same size (~1.5 km wide) and have similar appearances, except that today's feature has many more small superposed impacts, suggesting that it is older than the Lacus Mortis volcanoes. Does it mean that this feature in western Oceanus Procellarum is a volcano just because it looks like one? The simple answer is no; but keep reading to find out why.

LROC Wide Angle Camera (WAC) monochrome mosaic featuring the rim of inundated Eddington crater, where the subject of the LROC Featured Image, released April 27, 2011, is located (arrow, 21.6°N, 290.5°E). Can you find any other similar-looking features along the Eddington crater rim? [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

On Earth, many techniques are used to interpret the geologic history and origin of features in a landscape. Usually, analysis of remotely sensed data and field work are two techniques that scientists use together to unravel the geology for a region. But on the Moon, we can't travel to our favorite geologic feature and commence field mapping and measurements - at least not yet anyway! Instead, scientists need to get creative with the remotely sensed data they have.

LROC NAC stereo images can be used to study the topography of geologic features. Scientists have characterized the topography of larger volcanoes and domes on the Moon, and these data can be used in conjunction with LROC NAC stereo images to measure the dimensions and slopes of the volcano-like feature in today's Featured Image. If the dimensions, slopes, and texture, for example, of a volcano-like feature are consistent with the characterized landforms interpreted to be volcanoes, then it is possible that the volcano-like feature is a volcano. But be careful: just because a volcano-like feature has similar topographic measurements and morphology to other volcanoes does not mean that it is definitely a volcano. Similar to terrestrial field work, scientists studying lunar geology must make sure to look at the "big picture", or the context and regional surroundings, when interpreting remotely sensed images.

The full-width WAC context image, viewed HERE. provides a look at the regional, larger context of the feature imaged (above). LROC WAC color data can be used to map the variations in color caused by compositional variations. If the color of the volcanic-like feature is the same as that of the Eddington crater rim material, then the feature could be Eddington crater rim material and not a volcano. However, if the colors are different, then there is a possibility that the feature is volcanic in origin - but again, this analysis is not definitive. To reach a more definitive conclusion, you would need to look at the WAC color data for other identified volcanoes or domes and make a comparison. But, of course, sampling the volcano-like feature, in addition to the Eddington rim material and surrounding mare material, would be best!

Take a look at the embayed rim of Eddington crater and this dome and decide for yourself if it formed as a volcano.

Related Posts:
Volcanoes in Lacus Mortis
Hortensius Domes Constellation ROI
Gruithuisen Domes Constellation ROI
Marius Hills Constellation ROI

Monday, October 11, 2010

Creature of Congress

Still from the suddenly-lonely, remotely-operated color television camera on Apollo 17's lunar rover, minutes after the launch and departure of Cernan & Schmitt, December 14, 1972. Recent Narrow-Angle Camera (LROC) images from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter demonstrate the Apollo-era artifacts on the Moon appear undisturbed [NASA/A17-ASJ].

The Authorized Version

Paul D. Spudis
The Once & Future Moon
Smithsonian Air & Space

NASA’s new authorization bill (S.3729) was passed by Congress before they cleared out of town and will soon be signed by the President, codifying into law the federal government’s formal abandonment of the Vision for Space Exploration. In its place is a mish-mosh of platitudes, entitlement programs, pontificating blither about “unique” missions, commercial aerospace welfare and most significantly, an utter lack of direction for our national space program.

I’ve already heard the reaction to the sentiments above, as the space blogosphere has hashed and rehashed space access, space direction and space pork and now is left with – what? Defensively, we’re told, “The new bill does too have direction!! We’re going to Mars! We’re going to a near-Earth asteroid!! We’ll develop new, “game-changing, leap-ahead” technologies to make spaceflight easier and cheaper – that will take us there sooner! The commercial sector will develop new, ultra-affordable launch vehicles to allow the movement of humanity into space!” They will just … “Make it so.”

A statement that “Mars is the ultimate destination” is not programmatic direction, but rather an exhausted platitude, unsupported by any facts in evidence. We do not now have the technology, the will or the national wealth to expend on a human Mars mission and will not for decades. The idea that some new “magic beans” technology will spontaneously arise to enable a human mission is technically illiterate. The quasi-religious belief by some in the efficacy of “New Space” efforts to provide routine and inexpensive access to LEO is touching, but unsupported by any evidence. It is certainly true that many NASA programs have cost more and taken longer then promised or planned, but that’s been the nature of the space business since its founding 50 years ago. At least NASA had a track record of building and flying spacecraft, under a variety of difficult technical and fiscal conditions. But for now, NASA’s manned space workforce has been told to make tracks for other employment.

The likely effect of the proposed new “direction” for NASA by this administration has been apparent to many of us for some time now – the end of human spaceflight by this nation. Although some of us suspect that this shattering of a national capability is all quite deliberate, motives do not matter at this stage. The new authorization bill makes some significant changes to the administration’s proposal. The only pertinent question is, can pieces of the space program be picked up and re-assembled again, sometime in the future after years of destructive non-activity? It is in this vein that I want to examine some of the language of the new authorization bill.

The most prescriptive part of the new authorization is its language dealing with a new NASA-developed heavy lift launch vehicle (HLV) and a Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV), replacements for the now-terminated Project Constellation. The launch vehicle description reads as though the authors of the bill had some solution (or range of solutions) in mind, a surmise supported by the requirement that the agency use “existing Shuttle parts and infrastructure to the maximum extent possible.” The specific requirement is for a vehicle with a payload capacity of 70 to 100 metric tonnes to LEO, capable of growth to 130 mT, including a possible “Earth departure stage.” It is further specified that this vehicle be capable of launching the MPCV into orbit and to supply cargo and crew to the ISS.

The crew vehicle description is a little more vague, as befits a spacecraft with no defined mission. Although it is specified that the MPCV shall be capable of conducting missions beyond LEO, its primary mission seems to be crew and cargo delivery to the ISS. In addition, it must be capable of supporting “rendezvous, docking, extra-vehicular activity” and “servicing of assets” in “cislunar space” (interesting wording that). The bill goes on to define the intent of this provision in another section (804) related to making space-based telescopes (like the James Webb telescope at Earth-Sun L-2) serviceable by humans. But by using the term “cislunar,” it may well be that something else might be lurking in the background.

The prefacing language in the bill (the seven “findings” of the Senate) is even more interesting (Section 301a). Cislunar space is mentioned in 4 of the 7 provisions of the prefacing section; human lunar surface presence is mentioned in 3 of those 7 sections. Strange language for an authorization bill that “abandons the Moon as a destination,” as claimed in many press reports. What should we make of this unusual language and phrasing?

I think that the bill’s provisions for a NASA-developed HLV and crew spacecraft reflect a fundamental ambivalence on the part of Congress for the “new direction” adumbrated by the administration last spring. It would seem some healthy skepticism exists as to whether a purely commercial solution to human LEO access is possible or even desirable. In addition, although the President is now famous for remarking that a return to the Moon is pointless because “we’ve been there,” someone on the Hill fortunately recognized the lack of understanding embodied in that statement.

The bill’s wording about human access to “cislunar space,” as well as the mention of “in situ resource utilization” indicates that some in Congress are not blind to the wealth of knowledge recently acquired showing that the poles of the Moon contain abundant water – material useful to those countries willing to go after it in order to achieve affordable space faring capability and routine access to cislunar space, where all advanced countries’ satellite assets reside.

In short, I detect in the new authorization bill the hand of someone in the bowels of the committees – a staffer perhaps – who has perceptively salvaged a slender thread of capability for the use of some future national leader, one that supports a robust American space program. I note that the authorization calls for a report in 90 days on how the agency proposes to implement the new plan. Somebody will be watching them.