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Showing posts with label crochet projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crochet projects. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Sunflower Dress

Since Sarah's flowers for the wedding will be sunflowers

I had to have my little 5" doll wearing a sunflower dress. 

Isn't this just too cute?!
The next forms the sunflower, and the leaves are crocheted then
sewn down the dress front.  

Here is a side view. Her little hat also has a 

sunflower and little lady bug button on it.. 

Stamping trails

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sun Flower Dress

New dress for my 5" baby. 

Isn't she just sweet in this sunflower dress? 

I guess I should be making she some winter clothes, but I thought

the sunflower was cute with the little lady bug button. 

The hat also has a crocheted sunflower on it. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wedding Dress for 5" Doll and Weight Loss Update

Happy Birthday to my friend Lisa. 

Since her daughter Jessica is getting married in October I decided to make her a wedding dress for her 5" baby doll. How perfect is that?
Jessica is getting marred in a cream colored dress so I used ivory fingering yarn to make the baby dress. 

Side view

All the ruffles in this dress just about killed my shoulder, but I'm happy I was able to complete it for my friend in time for her birthday. 

Check out the panties and little booties. How cute! 

I also decorated this kraft box to put the wedding dress in. This was a box that Lisa gave me several years ago with a Christmas gift in it. Looks great decorated like the brides bouquet.

I have to tell you about the side of the box. So I get the box finished with just the top decorated. I show it to Skip and he goes you need something going along the sides of the box as you didn't "transform" it enough.
I had to laugh at that especially when he told me he got the word and idea from watching Chopped with me (foodnetwork show). They always say you didn't transform the basket ingredient enough. LOL
That's it he is banned from watching Chopped!

Hope you have a wonderful day Lisa!

Great news! I lost another 2 pounds. Which means I am only 18 pounds away from my goal weight! YAY!
I'm very happy about that! 

Stamping trails

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Happy Birthday to my Friend Connie

Happy birthday to my dear friend Connie! 
This is the crochet afghan that I made for her. 
I used scraps from other projects to make this for her. 
She wanted it set up in black. 

Here is another view. Its folded in half. Happy with how it turned out. My hubby and son John liked the orange and blue blocks the best. 

Hope you have a great birthday Connie!!!!

Stamping trails

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Crochet Kit

I found this cute little crochet kit at the Goodwill when I was out and about yesterday. 
Cost me 2.00, but it comes with a book, hook, and some yarn.

What I really thought was cool is the pattern for the cats on the trash cans. 
Too stinkin cute! 

I spent yesterday doing some light housework. I did work on some stamping projects for upcoming blog posts so I feel real good about that. Made my boys spaghetti for dinner. Pasta is off my menu right now, but I can still make it for them. 

Not sure what our plans are for this weekend. We have talked about going to the home and garden show in Medina. Suppose to be in the 50's over the weekend so that will be a tropical delight for us! 

Stamping trails

Monday, January 7, 2013

Scarf and Beanie Cap for American Girl Doll

My niece Lil was really happy to receive the rag scarf and crochet beanie cap I made for her American Girl doll. I really didn't plan for the colors in the scarf to match the skating outfit that the doll has on, but for some reason it did. I just picked colors that I liked, purple, pink, and just a bit of gray.

We are now having what the weathermen are calling "January" thaw. Remember that snow we got a few days before Christmas? Well the temps are going to be in the high 40's and one day this week will be in the 50's so all that snow will be melting away. I'm not sorry to see it go. I love snow, but really only want to see it at Christmas time. Happy that it will be warmer this week, but of course they are also calling for a cold front to come in next week. Joy!

Stamping trails

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pumpkin Outfit for American Girl

Well my niece Lilly couldn't have been more happy with her new outfit for her American Girl doll. I'm so happy that she loved it so much. She got her doll last year for Christmas but only has two outfits for the doll. Looks like I'll be making her more clothes soon.

Close up on the little Jack-o-lantern treat bag. The directions said to use yarn to make the face, but I didn't think it would look as good so I opted for black fabric paint. My friend Kat suggested I make button eyes from shrink plastic. Which was a great idea, but after a long weekend I was tired and decided to go for the quick and easy with paint.

Love the little stem hat. Had to play with the last two rows of stitches as I was having a senior moment and couldn't figure out how to make the stitch. After putting it away and coming back to finally clicked.

I'm in a Fall/Halloween blog hop this weekend so today I'll be working on my projects for that. Suppose to be in the 70's today so I also plan to get outside and just enjoy the sun.

Stamping trails

Friday, August 24, 2012

Crocheted Heart Barbie Outfit

Well thank goodness my daughter Sarah kept all her Barbie dolls. I collect them but mine are all there original boxes, and I needed one to fit the outfit I made. This is a birthday gift for a friend who requested that I make it for her.
This is a closer look at the detail. I have to say it was not fun making the stitch on the skirt, but it does look like little hearts. I got the pattern at Amber's Crochet Cottage  
She has lots of great crochet projects on her blog.

Love the matching heart purse. Everyone knows that Barbie needs her accessories! 

I was really on fire yesterday as far as workouts goes. I did 45 minutes on the treadmill in the morning, then later in the day around 8 pm I did another 30. The knee is back to normal, and I'm so thankful that it is. I am doing a little bike riding but not as much as I was before.

Today I'll be doing some cleaning, and maybe do some weeding in the garden. The tomatoes are coming in. I've already frozen 4 large bags of them. Not to mention how many I've eaten! I'm also planning to make homemade tomato sauce with some today. I'll let you know how that turns out.

Stamping trails

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Crochet Wrist Pin Cushion

Well I went from sewing on Sunday to crocheting on Monday. Just call me the Krafty Lady! I have been on the hunt for a lid to a 2 liter bottle for about two weeks now. I finally just bought a 2 liter pop and told John to drink it but not to throw away the lid. So yesterday morning I found the lid on my desk.
I started by using pink thread and a number 2 steel crochet hook.


Chain 2 slip stitch to form ring. Chain 1, 4 single crochet in ring, join to 1st sc (single crochet)chain 1
Two sc in each stitch around join in 1st sc chain 1, repeat around, 32 sc on last round.
 Sc in back loop around, join in 1st sc, chain 1
Sc in both loops around, repeat for 5 rounds.
Fasten off weave in ends.


 Repeat base ending with 32 sc.
 Add one more round of 32 sc. Fasten off leaving a long end of thread for sewing.

 Matching stitches on base with top sew together about halfway around. Insert the bottle cap. continue to sew leaving about 9 stitches open. Fill the pin cushion with poly-fil. Pack it tightly. Finish sewing the top to the base.


 Join thread in any stitch chain 3, Two double crochet in same stitch. Three double crochet in each stitch around. Fasten off and weave in end.

Measure 1/8 inch elastic to fit your wrist. Thread one end of elastic through tapestry needle. Thread the elastic through the bottom of the base. Sew edges of elastic together then pull the elastic so the sewn edges of the elastic are on the inside of the cap. To use just slid the elastic around your wrist.
Here you can see how the completed pin cushion fits on the wrist.
Side view to see the ruffle. I'm pretty happy how it came out. Going to make several of these to add to Christmas gifts so who may just get one!

 Stamping trails

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Popcorn Stitch Baby Outfit

Isn't this just darling! Love the little hat with tassels! The popcorn stitch really made this pattern fun to make.
Little pouty baby sitting down. You can see the popcorn stitch being used on the white thread round. It was also used on the green thread round of the hat.
And OMG can you believe how cute these little booties are? So stinkin cute!!!Popcorn stitch used again on the white thread round on the top of the booties.
Big thanks to Kat for making my week by sending me some goodies in the mail. Love this cup with the spoon. She got it on her trip to Padre Island. Love the colors!

Stamping trails

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Barefoot Sandals

My sis-in-law's birthday was yesterday Friday the 13th. She hosted a party at her home. 
I crocheted her a pair of barefoot sandals. She liked them. So cute! I have an itch to make more of these. I've searched around the net and have found several different free patterns to download. They made up pretty quickly. These only took me 35 minutes to make. 

We had fun visiting with the family. Played lots of cornhole. Top picture Corbet (in the forground), and Neil (nephews, Tony's sons)
Bottom pic Skip, and John.

Weigh in......I lost 5.7 pounds this week. GO ME!!!!!!

Stamping trails

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Uncle Sam

Isn't he just too adorable? Just love the little Uncle Sam suit. When I first saw this pattern I said no way, to many color changes, but I have to admit I kept looking at the was calling my name. LOL I found these cute little star buttons and attached those to the hat brim. I'm happy that Pat Catan's got some new babies in. I've been looking for this baby as I like its expression.

And OMG check out the "tails" on his jacket. You can see why I broke down and made this outfit. Fourth of July is around the corner. I know it still a bit away, but after Memorial Day the Summer flies by.

I went to MIL yesterday she had another doctor appointment and had some errands to run. Happy to do it for her. Since it was cooler I didn't get a bike ride in, but worked out on the treadmill instead. Today its suppose to be 88! WOW.

Congrats to Chris Occhipinti she won the Blog Candy that I posted on Friday. Thanks to everyone for posting! 

Stamping trails

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Crafty Things

When Sarah was over on Monday she brought the Halloween handbag she made. She used a pattern but altered it to fit her needs. The patchwork panel in the front is her own design, and the bag called for a snap closure but she used a zipper instead. I should have taken a pic of the inside bag also as she added two large pockets.

Close up of the detail. She used her sewing machine with silver thread for the embroidery stitches, and rhinestones for the spider web.

I finished another 5" doll outfit. This one uses fingering yarn instead of thread. I added a "knot" of DMC cotton thread to center of each button that is in the center of the crocheted flower.

I think she is too cute!

Stamping trails

Monday, February 13, 2012

G. I. Baby

I just love this camouflage outfit. Had to search several stores before finding the Aspen thread by Aunt Lidia. Well worth the hunt. I did have a stand by website to order the thread that Kat found for me. Thanks for hunting with me Kat.

The little black lace up boots are so adorable. Was a bit tricky getting the pant bottoms to fit into the high top boots, but I got them to work.

Back view

All he needs is a little American flag. Lisa I'm assigning you to find that.

Stamping trails

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sun Suit

I've been doing pretty good with keeping up with my New Years Resolution. I've been averaging 1 doll dress a week. I found a little doll stand for the 5" baby, but hubby had to alter it for me as it was a bit to tall for the doll. Her feet still don't touch the bottom of the stand, but its not to bad.

Back view shows the little ruffles going across her bottom.

I like how full the legs are. Really roomie just like a real crawler would be for a baby.

We will be going out to the Home and Garden show today so I should have pictures of that to share on tomorrows post.

Stamping trails

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dress for Easter

No post yesterday. Friday it was in the low 50's which is unheard of for us in January. I had to make the most of it and spent a good deal of the day outside. Felt great to be in the sun! It wasn't as warm yesterday, but still nice and sunny. Of course today we are back in the 30's. We have having yo-yo weather!

After going through my doll patterns I decided that this one will be for Easter. Just love the shell stitch on the dress, and the hat is just too darn cute!!! I had to drive out to Pat Catan's yesterday as I ran out of white thread to finish off the socks.

Here is a side view, you can see the little bloomers. The white bear I bought when I was out to get the thread. A baby can never have enough stuffed animals in her crib.

Stamping trails

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Little Snow Baby

My little 5" baby needed a new outfit for the holidays. I just love this snowman costume. How cute!!!! I almost think that the hat is a bit to big for the baby's head, but I then I think that it just adds to the charm.

This one didn't take me as long as some of the other outfits. The white is easier to work with, because its bright I can see the thread better. The black hat was another story. I dislike working with black thread the most.

I think I might make a batch of cookies today. Some of my friends are having a cookie exchange party today. Wish I could attend but its in TX. So I'll make a batch of cookies and dream I'm in Texas.

Stamping Trails