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December 3, 2011

~Bits and Iotas~: UAE turns 40 ...

~Bits and Iotas~: UAE turns 40 ...: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم أقسم بالله العظيم أن أكون مخلصاً للإمارات العربية المتحدة ورئيسها وأن أحافظ على أمنها وسلامتها ، وأن أكون مطي...

Khaleejia said: I had no time to make a post about the UAE National Day. I hope Faisal would not be mad on me that i republish his beautiful post over here))

November 29, 2011

"COLOR OF MY EMARAT" Photo Project by Slava


Khaleejia said:

Amazing news for those who are going to participate in celebrating the 40th National Day of the UAE.

The project “Color of My Emarat” launched by a photographer Slava based in UAE after her successful Ramadan Photo Project that showed high demand for an online platform that would unite artists and general audience.

The 40th National Day is an important day of the UAE history. And to mark this event she got the idea to unite everyone who love UAE in general and each Emarat particularly by taking a beautiful, reflecting the celebration images.

It is also a challenge to the photographers who are called to show their skills and talent to the world featuring their own Emarat. Where support of the residents will show who is going to be the best.

Everyone who has interesting and colorful images of the emarat they were born in, live in or simply love  can also take a part in the project  by showing off your most colorful photos of the emarat(s) you love!!!

Photos can show places, people and every little thing that shows the spirit of UAE! Show your old favorites and share the images of the celebration itself!!


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How to: Go to the page listed below created for a specific Emarat and upload up to 7 pictures directly to the wall. Be sure to include your full name, the name of the picture and the place it was taken otherwise images will be removed. You can support 1 or all 7 emarats just be sure to share the most unique shots!!!
So with Slava we are Looking forward to see you join this initiative,
Love and smiles,
By Khaleejia & Slava))

November 25, 2011

UAE got talents! Khaled al Jabri

Meet the next Emirati talent who turns to be more and more popular among those who can think and be critical at first to themselves and then to others!
I was amazed by his creations, works and the whole idea! I must say that such people brake the routine of reality and help us better see ourselves from a side.
خالد سالم الجابري / Khaled Salem al-Jabri Was born in Abu Dhabi 1978, graduated from the University of United Arab Emirates specialty mechanical engineering in 2004, A presenter of a new generation of educated and widely thinking youth of GCC.
This is his story..
“I worked for Al Khaleej Newspaper which was part of the youth program and worked at Istirahat Al Jumaa' as a comic artist for several years. I had also made many contributions with other Newspapers like Al Bayan, News of the World and some e-Magazines.
At the moment I write for my own site and share my work on my Facebook page because I feel that the internet and social media are better tools to spread news these days than traditional newspapers.
My talent for drawing emerged during childhood, but the interest for comical art emerged at a later stage. During my university years at Emirates University and through socializing with other students I leaned towards drawing comical art because it reflected my personality.
Expressing a subject through comical irony, whether it be direct or indirect, has a greater effect on people than any article would do.

Talent for drawing was noticed  in childhood, but the real inclination towards drawing the caricatures was at the university when life was characterized by friction between the university and students. I felt a great inclination towards the cartoon because it reflects my personality and ironic that i was expressing via a complete idea   and indirectly influence that more powerful than any article.
Topic started explicitly in housing  students in the University of the UAE, where were the decisions taken by the administration of housing but we opposed it, so I draw comics that were expressing our opposition and sticked them  onto the board to display and  advertise in the housing, but the management of housing, remove the cartoons after several hours when discovered caricature, I was ready to it and printed advance copies of the same cartoons and  put them  in other places!
And then I started developing  the subject and draw for the rest of the negative aspects of housing that were prevalent at that time in the restaurant, the mosque and buses, etc., and then teamed up with Gulf News, and there was the real beginning.
For the comics, the most important elements that concentrate in any cartoon is the power of an idea and the strength of a question. I mean for example if we pick up an expensive oil price as a problem, the first thing I think about is how I bring this topic up? Is it street I shall walk the donkeys down? (Expression of the dispensing car ride!) Or I will make the oil treated with gold and silver (evidence of excessive high price) or I I’d search for  another? I think the idea is - finding innovative means completing 50% of the same cartoon as a whole.
The second thing satirical characters or features, which prefers to be very cynical, Caricature exaggeration intended to show what the aim of ridiculing him.
And a beautiful thing in the caricature is that it has a style of indirect discourse, for you can put a sensitive subject but in a manner most intelligent readers can perceive.
I have plans for future, but it is still in the process of study, including plans to develop the site to become more communicative with the public, including trying to enter the field of cartoon characters and the subject of  distinctive tradition and close to the heart of the UAE society.”
So, we wish you all the best! Keep your work up and bring more smiles to people faces while thinking about any problem)
P.s. Khaled is working on the English translation to his arabic language caricature. so be-up-dated))
Here are some of  Khaled’s cute caricatures. enjoy!
The first pic ,i guess ,represents Khaled himself who is sitting on the magic carpet that hovers over the hectic reality of where all the details of modern life are well visible to him.  الحل-الوحيد-للزحام  تطور-بوتفخة mini abaya))
16570_355151005246_773185246_10099834_7070398_n صياد-نمور  LOLمظاهر-ما-قبل-المغازلة
خالد سالم الجابري، مواليد ابوظبي 1978، تخرج من جامعة الامارات تخصص هندسة ميكانيكية عام 2004، عمل في جريدة الخليج في ملحق شباب الخليج واستراحة الجمعة كرسام كاريكاتير لعدد من السنوات وله مساهمات في جرائد ودوريات اخرى كجريدة البيان وجريدة العالم ومجلة حطة الالكترونية وغيرهم. حالياً اكتفي بنشر اعمالي في موقعي الالكتروني وكذلك على صفحتي في الفيسبوك، وذلك ايماناً مني بأن تأثير الانترنت في عصرنا الحالي صار يضاهي تأثير الصحف والدوريات الورقية.
موهبة الرسم ظهرت في مرحلة الطفولة، ولكن الميل الحقيقي نحو رسم الكاركاتير كان في المرحلة الجامعية التي كانت تتميز بحياتها الجامعية والاحتكاك بين الطلبة. فشعرت بميل كبير نحو الكاريكاتير لانه يعبر عن شخصيتي الساخرة ولانه يعبر عن الفكرة كاملة وبشكل غير مباشر وبتأثير اقوي من اي مقال.
بدأ الموضوع صراحة في سكن طلاب جامعة الامارات حيث صدرت قرارات اتخذتها ادارة السكن وكنا نعترض عليها، فكنت ارسم كاريكاتير يعبر عن اعتراضنا واعرضه على اللوحة الرئيسية لعرض الاعلانات في السكن، وكانت ادارة السكن تزيل الكاريكاتير بعد عدة ساعات عندما تكتشف الكاريكاتير، ولكني كنت اطبع نسخ مسبقة من نفس الكاريكاتير واضعها مكان الكاريكاتير المفقود!
ومن ثم تطور الموضوع وصرت ارسم عن بقية سلبيات السكن التي كانت سائدة في ذلك الوقت في المطعم والمسجد والباصات وغيرها، ومن ثم تعاونت مع جريدة الخليج ومن هنا كانت البداية الحقيقية.
بالنسبة للكاريكاتير، فأن اهم العناصر التي اركز عليها في اي رسم كاريكاتوري هو قوة الفكرة وقوة طرحها. يعني مثلاً لو كنت اتناول مشكلة كمشكلة غلاء البترول، فأن اول ما افكر فيه هو كيف سأطرح هذا الموضوع؟ هل سأعبر عنه بشارع تمشي فيه الحمير؟ (تعبيراً عن الاستغناء عن ركوب السيارات!) ام اني سأجعل البترول يعامل معاملة الذهب والفضة (دليل على ارتفاع سعره المبالغ فيه) ام اني سأتناول طرح اخر؟ اظن ان ايجاد الفكرة المبتكرة يعني انجاز 50% من الكاريكاتير نفسه ككل.
الشيء الثاني الشخصيات او الملامح الساخرة والتي يفضل ان تكون ساخرة جداً، فالكاريكاتير القصد منه المبالغة في اظهار الشيء بقصد السخرية منه.
والجميل في الكاريكاتير هو انه يملك اسلوب الطرح الغير مباشر، حيث ان بأمكانك طرح موضوع حساس ولكن بأسلوب ذكي بأمكان اغلب القراء ادراكه.
لدي مخططات مستقبلية، ولكنها مازالت في طور الدراسة، منها مخططات لتطوير الموقع ليصبح اكثر تواصلاً مع الجمهور، ومنها محاولة دخول مجال الكارتون بشخصيات مميزة وموضوع مميزبعيد عن التقليد وقريب من قلب المجتمع الاماراتي.

UAE’ got talents! Khalid Al Ali

Meet Khalid Al Ali BuNahayan a 26 year old Emarati who turned his hobby to be a photographer  featuring all the most interesting events that  take place around the UAE with passion and great goals.
“Hello to all, I am Khalid Al Ali
In 2003 I started with HCT  as a student of the major electronic engineering technology program, and after I was graduated  I started with scholarship in the ADNOC company. Later, I came back to HCT again to study Mechanical engineering technology ...
Photography was my hobby from the very beginning and only since 2003 i started working as a photographer  covering  lots of different events and even became a volunteer with other people to organize these events and earn some leadership experience thorough these activity .
During this period I have attended more than 50 events till now... such as Dubai air show , UAE rally with UAE FJ Team.. Dubai festival for youth theater and also The National Day event with bicycles race and the walking people at Sharjah Men’s College and also lots of other college events.”
The next are some of  those events that were taken by Khalid: hope you will enjoy with me)
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: ( Khalid Al.A.:(left) with his friend-  Abdullah Ismail (Noor Dubai TV presenter):(right)).
Facebook to Khalid ‘quick-shot view’ link

By Khaleejia

November 23, 2011

Arabesque abaya fall-winter 2011-12

Arabesque Fall Winter 2011 Collection

The highly anticipated Fall/Winter 2011 Collection of Arabesque Sheilas and Abayas was finally launched this week.

Judith Duriez, Arabesque’s French designer, describes her collection as “modern, feminine and edgy, infused with Parisian elegance’.

The color palette is made of jewel colors; deep purple, cobalt blue, mixed with dusky pink, burnt orange, coal grey and teamed with neutral shades.

Metallic hues such as gold, bronze and silver lighten up the silhouettes.

This collection incorporates striking details such as layering of colored chiffon and black lace, juxtaposition, plisse fabric from Paris made exclusively for Arabesque, techno fabric.

The trend conscious ladies will be appealed by the new cuts, especially the very modern “diamond shape” embellished with luxe fabrics such as satin and lace.

May it be for everyday life or glamorous evening outings, every lady will find something to suit her!

Available at

Abu Dhabi Mall, Level 1, Abu Dhabi – 026444355

Palm Strip Mall, Level 1, Jumeirah Dubai – 043463050

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October 16, 2011

حبايبي الزوار!!!

Khaleejia said:
  حبايبي الزوار , السايت يهتم بالخليج , من خلاله نحاول نضع بين يدين الزاير سواء عربي او اجنبي نبذه عن الخليج وعاداته وثقافته وموضته.اتمنى منكم فعلا تساعدوني بتصحيح أي اخطاء بالموقع , او تقديم ما يسهم في اثراء الموقع .... واتمنى انكم 
ما  تهتمون بشخصيتي او بإنتمائي اكثر من اللي موجود بالموقع؟

credits to Khaled al-Jabri for his unique and cool caricatures!